/***************************************************************************** * checkbrute Checksum Bruteforcing Tool * Copyright (C) 2020 Syping * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * This software is provided as-is, no warranties are given to you, we are not * responsible for anything with use of the software, you are self responsible. *****************************************************************************/ // Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include // checkbrute includes #include "mainthread.h" #include "checksum_qt.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); a.setApplicationName("checkbrute"); a.setApplicationVersion("0.1"); QCommandLineParser commandLineParser; commandLineParser.addHelpOption(); commandLineParser.addVersionOption(); commandLineParser.addPositionalArgument("source", "Source file to bruteforce."); commandLineParser.addPositionalArgument("checksums", "File containing checksums."); QCommandLineOption algorithmsOption = QCommandLineOption("algorithms", "Algorithms to use for bruteforcing.", "algorithms"); QCommandLineOption startOption = QCommandLineOption("start", "Byte to start bruteforcing from.", "start"); QCommandLineOption stopOption = QCommandLineOption("stop", "Byte when to stop bruteforcing.", "stop"); QCommandLineOption lengthsOption = QCommandLineOption("lengths", "Lengths to use for bruteforcing.", "lengths"); QCommandLineOption threadsOption = QCommandLineOption("threads", "Threads to use for bruteforcing.", "threads"); QCommandLineOption strictOption = QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << "s" << "strict", "Match checksums strict."); commandLineParser.addOptions(QList() << algorithmsOption << startOption << stopOption << lengthsOption << threadsOption << strictOption); commandLineParser.process(a); QTextStream(stderr) << "INFO: Launch " << a.applicationName() << " " << a.applicationVersion() << "..." << Qt::endl; const QStringList args = commandLineParser.positionalArguments(); if (args.count() != 2) { QTextStream(stderr) << "ERROR: Missing required arguments!" << Qt::endl; return 1; } const QString bruteforceFile = args.at(0); const QString checksumsFile = args.at(1); const bool strictHash = commandLineParser.isSet(strictOption); if (strictHash) { QTextStream(stderr) << "INFO: Strict matching enabled" << Qt::endl; } else { QTextStream(stderr) << "INFO: Strict matching disabled" << Qt::endl; } if (!QFileInfo(bruteforceFile).isFile()) { QTextStream(stderr) << "ERROR: Source file " << bruteforceFile << " doesn't exists!" << Qt::endl; return 1; } if (!QFileInfo(checksumsFile).isFile()) { QTextStream(stderr) << "ERROR: Checksums file " << checksumsFile << " doesn't exists!" << Qt::endl; return 1; } const QString start = commandLineParser.value(startOption); const QString stop = commandLineParser.value(stopOption); const QString algorithms = commandLineParser.value(algorithmsOption); const QString lengths = commandLineParser.value(lengthsOption); const QString threads = commandLineParser.value(threadsOption); std::map checksum_map; checksum_map["MD4"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Md4, "MD4"); checksum_map["MD5"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Md5, "MD5"); checksum_map["SHA1"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Sha1, "SHA1"); checksum_map["SHA2-256"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Sha256, "SHA2-256"); checksum_map["SHA2-512"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Sha512, "SHA2-512"); checksum_map["SHA3-256"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Sha3_256, "SHA3-256"); checksum_map["SHA3-512"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Sha3_512, "SHA3-512"); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050902 checksum_map["Keccak-256"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Keccak_256, "Keccak-256"); checksum_map["Keccak-512"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Keccak_512, "Keccak-512"); #endif // 224 and 384 bit hashes are partial if (strictHash) { checksum_map["SHA2-224"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Sha224, "SHA2-224"); checksum_map["SHA2-384"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Sha384, "SHA2-384"); checksum_map["SHA3-224"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Sha3_224, "SHA3-224"); checksum_map["SHA3-384"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Sha3_384, "SHA3-384"); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050902 checksum_map["Keccak-224"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Keccak_224, "Keccak-224"); checksum_map["Keccak-384"] = new checksum_qt(QCryptographicHash::Keccak_384, "Keccak-384"); #endif } mainthread instance(bruteforceFile, checksumsFile, algorithms, start, stop, lengths, threads, strictHash, checksum_map); QObject::connect(&instance, &mainthread::finished, &a, &QCoreApplication::quit); if (!instance.isInitialised()) return 1; instance.run(); return a.exec(); }