diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp index b8180d1..350d430 100644 --- a/main.cpp +++ b/main.cpp @@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) #if QT_VERSION >= 0x060000 a.setFont(QApplication::font("QMenu")); #elif QT_VERSION >= 0x050400 -#else if (QSysInfo::windowsVersion() >= 0x0080) { a.setFont(QApplication::font("QMenu")); } diff --git a/res/gta5sync.ts b/res/gta5sync.ts index 02eb2d8..0c146f5 100644 --- a/res/gta5sync.ts +++ b/res/gta5sync.ts @@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ When you want to use it as Avatar the image will be detached! - + X: %1 Y: %2 X and Y position @@ -2235,22 +2235,22 @@ Press 1 for Default View TelemetryDialog - + You want help %1 to improve in the future by including personal usage data in your submission? - + %1 User Statistics - + Yes, I want include personal usage data. - + &OK diff --git a/res/gta5sync_de.ts b/res/gta5sync_de.ts index ffc3a1a..37cd720 100644 --- a/res/gta5sync_de.ts +++ b/res/gta5sync_de.ts @@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ Wenn du es als Avatar verwenden möchtest wird es abgetrennt! &Fertig - + X: %1 Y: %2 X and Y position @@ -2287,22 +2287,22 @@ Drücke 1 für Standardmodus TelemetryDialog - + %1 User Statistics %1 Benutzerstatistik - + You want help %1 to improve in the future by including personal usage data in your submission? Sollen bei Einreichungen Persönliche Nutzungsdaten einbezogen werden um %1 in der Zukunft zu unterstützen? - + Yes, I want include personal usage data. Ja, ich möchte Persönliche Nutzungsdaten einbeziehen. - + &OK &OK diff --git a/res/gta5sync_en_US.ts b/res/gta5sync_en_US.ts index 5870936..4889090 100644 --- a/res/gta5sync_en_US.ts +++ b/res/gta5sync_en_US.ts @@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ When you want to use it as Avatar the image will be detached! - + X: %1 Y: %2 X and Y position @@ -2235,22 +2235,22 @@ Press 1 for Default View TelemetryDialog - + You want help %1 to improve in the future by including personal usage data in your submission? - + %1 User Statistics - + Yes, I want include personal usage data. - + &OK diff --git a/res/gta5sync_fr.ts b/res/gta5sync_fr.ts index e0b4ae6..9aaf33e 100644 --- a/res/gta5sync_fr.ts +++ b/res/gta5sync_fr.ts @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ Si vous l'utilisez comme Avatar, l'image sera détachée !&Terminer - + X: %1 Y: %2 X and Y position @@ -2299,22 +2299,22 @@ Appuyer sur 1 pour le mode par défaut TelemetryDialog - + You want help %1 to improve in the future by including personal usage data in your submission? Voulez-vous aider au développement de %1 en transmettant vos données d'utilisation ? - + %1 User Statistics Statistiques utilisateurs %1 - + Yes, I want include personal usage data. Oui, je veux partager mes données d'utilisation. - + &OK &OK diff --git a/res/gta5sync_ko.ts b/res/gta5sync_ko.ts index 2c58356..97be712 100644 --- a/res/gta5sync_ko.ts +++ b/res/gta5sync_ko.ts @@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ When you want to use it as Avatar the image will be detached! 완료(&D) - + X: %1 Y: %2 X and Y position @@ -2320,22 +2320,22 @@ Press 1 for Default View TelemetryDialog - + You want help %1 to improve in the future by including personal usage data in your submission? 개인 사용 데이터를 제출에 포함시켜 %1이(가) 개선되기를 원합니까? - + %1 User Statistics %1 사용자 통계 - + Yes, I want include personal usage data. 예, 개인 사용 데이터를 포함시키고 싶습니다. - + &OK 확인(&O) diff --git a/res/gta5sync_ru.ts b/res/gta5sync_ru.ts index 9145f42..d4457fe 100644 --- a/res/gta5sync_ru.ts +++ b/res/gta5sync_ru.ts @@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ When you want to use it as Avatar the image will be detached! &Готово - + X: %1 Y: %2 X and Y position @@ -2302,22 +2302,22 @@ Press 1 for Default View TelemetryDialog - + You want help %1 to improve in the future by including personal usage data in your submission? Разрешишь нам собирать статистику о пользовании тобой %1? Это поможет нам в разработке. - + %1 User Statistics %1 Пользовательская статистика - + Yes, I want include personal usage data. Да, передавать данные о пользовании программой. - + &OK &ОК diff --git a/res/gta5sync_uk.ts b/res/gta5sync_uk.ts index 9cfbca6..749178c 100644 --- a/res/gta5sync_uk.ts +++ b/res/gta5sync_uk.ts @@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ When you want to use it as Avatar the image will be detached! &Готово - + X: %1 Y: %2 X and Y position @@ -2300,22 +2300,22 @@ Press 1 for Default View TelemetryDialog - + You want help %1 to improve in the future by including personal usage data in your submission? Ви хочете допомогти %1 покращитись у майбутньому, включивши дані особистого користування? - + %1 User Statistics %1 Статистика користувачів - + Yes, I want include personal usage data. Так, я хочу включити дані особистого користування. - + &OK &OK &OK diff --git a/res/gta5sync_zh_TW.ts b/res/gta5sync_zh_TW.ts index ad65545..ac51ab1 100644 --- a/res/gta5sync_zh_TW.ts +++ b/res/gta5sync_zh_TW.ts @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ When you want to use it as Avatar the image will be detached! 完成(&D) - + X: %1 Y: %2 X and Y position @@ -2282,22 +2282,22 @@ Press 1 for Default View TelemetryDialog - + You want help %1 to improve in the future by including personal usage data in your submission? 你希望通過收集資料來幫助改善 %1 嗎? - + %1 User Statistics %1 使用者統計 - + Yes, I want include personal usage data. 是的,我想幫忙. - + &OK 確定(&O)