IntroIntroxAddDialogAdd a ContactAddTorrentDialogChoose a torrent fileTorrents (*.torrent);; All files (*.*)Choose a destination directoryAddTorrentFileAdd a torrentSelect a torrent sourceDestination:Tracker URL:BrowseFile(s):Size:Creator:<none>Torrent file:Comment:0&OK&CancelAddressBookName:Address:Simple Address Book&Add&Submit&CancelEmpty FieldPlease enter a name and address.Add Successful"%1" has been added to your address book.Add UnsuccessfulSorry, "%1" is already in your address book.&Next&Previous&Edit&RemoveEdit Successful"%1" has been edited in your address book.Edit UnsuccessfulConfirm RemoveAre you sure you want to remove "%1"?Remove Successful"%1" has been removed from your address book.&FindContact Not FoundSorry, "%1" is not in your address book.&Load...Load contacts from a file&Save...Save contacts to a fileSave Address BookAddress Book (*.abk);;All Files (*)Unable to open fileOpen Address BookNo contacts in fileThe file you are attempting to open contains no contacts.E&xportExport as vCardExport ContactvCard Files (*.vcf);;All Files (*)Export Successful"%1" has been exported as a vCard.AddressWidgetDuplicate NameThe name "%1" already exists.Edit a ContactUnable to open fileNo contacts in fileThe file you are attempting to open contains no contacts.AnalogClockAnalog ClockApplicationsTabOpen with:Application %1Always use this application to open this type of fileAlways use this application to open files with the extension '%1'BasicToolsPluginPencilAir BrushRandom LettersCircleStarText...Text ShapeEnter text:QtInvert PixelsSwap RGBGrayscaleBearerMonitorBearerMonitorSystem StateOnline State:ConfigurationsName:State:Type:InvalidPurpose:UnknownIdentifier:Roaming:Children:Network Location AwarenessRegisterUnregisterNew SessionDelete SessionScan%p%1SessionsSession 1OnlineOfflineActiveDiscoveredDefinedUndefinedInternet Access PointService NetworkUser ChoicePublicPrivateService SpecificAvailableNot availableBlockingClient&Server name:S&erver port:This examples requires that you run the Fortune Server example as well.Get FortuneQuitBlocking Fortune ClientThe host was not found. Please check the host and port settings.The connection was refused by the peer. Make sure the fortune server is running, and check that the host name and port settings are correct.The following error occurred: %1.BookWindowBooksDetails<b>Title:</b><b>Author: </b><b>Genre:</b><b>Year:</b><b>Rating:</b>Author NameGenreTitleYearRatingBrowserQt SQL BrowserSQL Query&Clear&Submit&Insert RowInserts a new Row&Delete RowDeletes the current RowSubmit on &Field ChangeCommit on Field ChangeSubmit on &Row ChangeCommit on Row ChangeSubmit &ManuallyCommit Manually&Submit AllSubmit Changes&Revert AllRevertS&electRefresh Data from DatabaseNo database drivers foundThis demo requires at least one Qt database driver. Please check the documentation how to build the Qt SQL plugins.Ready.Query OK.Query OK, number of affected rows: %1Unable to open databaseAn error occurred while opening the connection: AboutThe SQL Browser demonstration shows how a data browser can be used to visualize the results of SQLstatements on a live databaseCalculator.±BackspaceClearClear AllMCMRMSM+÷×-+Sqrtx²1/x=Calculator####CertificateInfoDisplay Certificate InformationCertification PathCertificate Information%1%2 (%3)Issued by: Organization: %1Subunit: %1Country: %1Locality: %1State/Province: %1Common Name: %1Issuer Organization: %1Issuer Unit Name: %1Issuer Country: %1Issuer Locality: %1Issuer State/Province: %1Issuer Common Name: %1ChatDialogChatMessage:! Unknown command: %1* %1 has joined* %1 has leftLaunch several instances of this program on your local network and start chatting!ChatMainWindowQt D-Bus ChatMessages sent and received from other usersMessage:Sends a message to other peopleSendHelpFileQuitCtrl+QAbout Qt...Change nickname...Ctrl+NChipTesterChip ExampleClassInfoPageClass InformationSpecify basic information about the class for which you want to generate skeleton source code files.&Class name:B&ase class:Generate Q_OBJECT ¯oC&onstructor&QObject-style constructorQ&Widget-style constructor&Default constructor&Generate copy constructor and operator=ClassWizardClass WizardClient&Server name:This examples requires that you run the Fortune Server example as well.Get FortuneQuitFortune ClientThe host was not found. Please check the host name and port settings.The connection was refused by the peer. Make sure the fortune server is running, and check that the host name and port settings are correct.The following error occurred: %1.S&erver port:Opening network session.CloseButtonClose TabCodeStylePageCode Style OptionsChoose the formatting of the generated code.&Start generated files with a comment&Protect header file against multiple inclusions&Macro name:&Include base class definitionBase class include:ColorDockSize Hint:Min Size Hint:Max Size:Dock Widget Max Size:ColorSwatchClosableMovableFloatableVertical title barFloatingAllow on LeftAllow on RightAllow on TopAllow on BottomPlace on LeftPlace on RightPlace on TopPlace on BottomTab intoSplit horizontally intoSplit vertically intoModifiedRaiseChange Size Hints...CompositionWidgetComposition ModesModeClearSourceDestinationSource OverDestination OverSource InDest InSource OutDest OutSource AtopDest AtopXorPlusMultiplyScreenOverlayDarkenLightenColor DodgeColor BurnHard LightSoft LightDifferenceExclusionCircle colorCircle alphaShow SourceUse OpenGLWhat's This?AnimatedConclusionPageConclusionClick %1 to generate the class skeleton.Complete Your RegistrationI agree to the terms of the license<u>Evaluation License Agreement:</u> You can use this software for 30 days and make one backup, but you are not allowed to distribute it.<u>First-Time License Agreement:</u> You can use this software subject to the license you will receive by email.<u>Upgrade License Agreement:</u> This software is licensed under the terms of your current license.&PrintPrint LicenseAs an environmentally friendly measure, the license text will not actually be printed.ConfigDialogCloseConfig DialogConfigurationUpdateQueryConfigurationPageServer configurationServer:Qt (Australia)Qt (Germany)Qt (Norway)Qt (People's Republic of China)Qt (USA)ConnectionundefinedunknownConnectionWidgetdatabaseRefreshShow SchemaControllerControllerDecelerateAccelerateRightLeftControllerWindow&QuitWindow FlagsTypeWindowDialogSheetDrawerPopupToolTooltipSplash screenHintsMS Windows fixed size dialogX11 bypass window managerFrameless windowNo drop shadowWindow titleWindow system menuWindow minimize buttonWindow maximize buttonWindow close buttonWindow context help buttonWindow shade buttonWindow stays on topWindow stays on bottomCustomize windowCreateDockWidgetDialogAdd Dock WidgetObject name:Location:TopLeftRightBottomRestoreDetailsDialogName:Address:Send information about products and special offersT-shirtBadgeReference bookCoffee cupIncomplete FormThe form does not contain all the necessary information.
Do you want to discard it?DetailsPageFill In Your DetailsPlease fill all three fields. Make sure to provide a valid email address (e.g., name:&Email address:&Postal address:DialogDialogLoad Image From File...Launch two of these dialogs. In the first, press the top button and load an image from a file. In the second, press the bottom button and display the loaded image from shared memory.Display Image From Shared MemorySharedMemory ExampleSelect an image fileImages (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)Selected file is not an image, please select another.Unable to create shared memory segment.Unable to attach to shared memory segment.
Load an image first.Unable to detach from shared memory.Http authentication requiredYou need to supply a Username and a Password to access this siteUsername:Password:Site:%1 at %2Client readyServer ready&Start&QuitLoopbackUnable to start the test: %1.ListeningConnectingAccepted connectionConnectedReceived %1MBSent %1MBNetwork errorThe following error occurred: %1.QuitThreaded Fortune ServerUnable to start the server: %1.The server is running on
IP: %1
port: %2
Run the Fortune Client example now.Add AlbumPlease provide both the name of the artist and the title of the album.Artist:Title:Year:Tracks (separated by comma):&Close&Revert&Submit<p>Message boxes have a caption, a text, and any number of buttons, each with standard or custom texts.<p>Click a button to close the message box. Pressing the Esc button will activate the detected escape button (if any).If a message box has detailed text, the user can reveal it by pressing the Show Details... button.OptionsQInputDialog::get&Int()QInputDialog::get&Double()QInputDialog::getIte&m()QInputDialog::get&Text()QInputDialog::get&MultiLineText()QColorDialog::get&Color()QFontDialog::get&Font()QFileDialog::getE&xistingDirectory()QFileDialog::get&OpenFileName()QFileDialog::&getOpenFileNames()QFileDialog::get&SaveFileName()QMessageBox::critica&l()QMessageBox::i&nformation()QMessageBox::&question()QMessageBox::&warning()QErrorMessage::showM&essage()Input DialogsDo not use native dialogShow alpha channelNo buttonsColor DialogShow scalable fontsShow non scalable fontsShow monospaced fontsShow proportional fontsFont DialogShow directories onlyDo not resolve symlinksDo not confirm overwriteDo not use sheetReadonlyHide name filter detailsDo not use custom directory icons (Windows)File DialogsMessage BoxesQInputDialog::getInteger()Percentage:%1%QInputDialog::getDouble()Amount:SpringSummerFallWinterQInputDialog::getItem()Season:QInputDialog::getText()User name:QInputDialog::getMultiLineText()Address:QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory()QFileDialog::getOpenFileName()All Files (*);;Text Files (*.txt)QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames()QFileDialog::getSaveFileName()QMessageBox::critical()AbortRetryIgnoreQMessageBox::information()OKEscapeQMessageBox::question()YesNoCancelQMessageBox::warning()Save &Again&ContinueSave AgainContinueThis dialog shows and remembers error messages. If the checkbox is checked (as it is by default), the shown message will be shown again, but if the user unchecks the box the message will not appear again if QErrorMessage::showMessage() is called with the same message.If the box is unchecked, the message won't appear again.Standard DialogsSIP Dialog ExampleOpen and close the SIPThis dialog resizes if the SIP is openedClose DialogThis widget takes up all the remaining space in the top-level layout.Basic Layouts&FileE&xitHorizontal layoutButton %1Grid layoutLine %1:This widget takes up about two thirds of the grid layout.Form layoutLine 1:Line 2, long text:Line 3:Dynamic LayoutsDynamic Layouts HelpThis example shows how to change layouts dynamically.Rotable WidgetsOrientation of buttons:HorizontalVerticalRotate &WidgetsHello world!WigglyDialsFormDigitalClockDigital ClockDomModelNameAttributesValueDragWidgetDraggable TextFridge MagnetsDropArea<drop content>Cannot display dataDropSiteWindowThis example accepts drags from other applications and displays the MIME types provided by the drag object.FormatContentClearQuitDrop SiteEchoWindowSend MessageMessage:Answer:EmbeddedDialogEmbedded DialogLayout Direction:Left to RightRight to LeftSelect Font:Style:Layout spacing:EvaluatePageEvaluate <i>Super Product One</i>™Please fill both fields. Make sure to provide a valid email address (e.g., address:ExtraFiltersPluginFlip HorizontallyFlip VerticallySmudge...Threshold...Smudge FilterEnter number of iterations:Threshold FilterEnter threshold:FadeMessagePress meFileManagerFailed to create directory %1Failed to open/create file %1: %2Failed to resize file %1: %2Failed to read from file %1: %2Failed to read from file %1 (read %3 bytes): %2Failed to write to file %1: %2FilterWidgetCase SensitiveFindDialogFind &what:Match &caseSearch from &start&Find&More&Whole wordsSearch &backwardSearch se&lectionExtensionEnter the name of a contact:Find a ContactEmpty FieldPlease enter a name.FormFormQFrame {
background-color: #45629a;
QLabel {
color: white;
}Powered by FlightViewbackground-color: white;
color: #45629a;Readycolor: black;
border: 1px solid black;
background: white;
selection-background-color: lightgray;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
background-color: rgb(85, 85, 255);
padding: 2px;
border: 2px solid rgb(0, 0, 127);SearchQFrame { border: 2px solid white;
border-radius: 10px;
margin: 5px;
background-color: rgba(69, 98, 154, 192); }color: white;
border: none;
background-color: none;Secure Socket ClientHost name:www.qt.ioPort:Active sessionConnect to hostCryptographic Cipher:<none><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"></p></body></html>Input:&SendEasing curvesPath typeLinebuttonGroupCirclePropertiesPeriodOvershootAmplitudeBackSideSettingsTitle:Pad Navigator ExampleModified:ExtentOther inputWidgets On Graphics ViewQGraphicsProxyWidgetQGraphicsWidgetQObjectQGraphicsItemQGraphicsLayoutItemQGraphicsGridLayoutQGraphicsLayoutQGraphicsLinearLayoutFortuneServerYou've been leading a dog's life. Stay off the furniture.You've got to think about tomorrow.You will be surprised by a loud noise.You will feel hungry again in another hour.You might have mail.You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.GeneralTabFile Name:Path:Size:%1 KLast Read:Last Modified:GradientWidgetGradientsColor EditorGradient TypeLinear GradientRadial GradientConical GradientSpread MethodPad SpreadReflect SpreadRepeat SpreadDefaults123ResetShow SourceUse OpenGLWhat's This?GraphWidgetElastic NodesClick and drag the nodes around, and zoom with the mouse wheel or the '+' and '-' keysGraphicsViewBoxesHttpWindowPlease enter the URL of a file you want to download.
DownloadHTTP&URL:&Download directory:Default &file:QuitDownloading %1...ErrorInvalid URL: %1: %2Overwrite Existing FileThere already exists a file called %1 in the current directory. Overwrite?Unable to save the file %1: %2.Download canceled.Download failed:
%1.RedirectRedirect to %1 ?Downloaded %1 bytes to %2
%3%1 at %2SSL ErrorsOne or more SSL errors has occurred:
%1IconPreviewAreaNormalActiveDisabledSelectedOffOn<b>%1</b>Size: %1x%2
Actual size: %3x%4
Device pixel ratio: %5IconSizeSpinBox(\d+)(\s*[xx]\s*\d+)?%1 x %1ImageComposerSourceOverDestinationOverClearSourceDestinationSourceInDestinationInSourceOutDestinationOutSourceAtopDestinationAtopXorPlusMultiplyScreenOverlayDarkenLightenColorDodgeColorBurnHardLightSoftLightDifferenceExclusion=Image CompositionChoose Source ImageChoose Destination ImageImageViewerCannot load %1: %2Opened "%1", %2x%3, Depth: %4Cannot write %1: %2Wrote "%1"Open FileSave File AsNo image in clipboardObtained image from clipboard, %1x%2, Depth: %3About Image Viewer<p>The <b>Image Viewer</b> example shows how to combine QLabel and QScrollArea to display an image. QLabel is typically used for displaying a text, but it can also display an image. QScrollArea provides a scrolling view around another widget. If the child widget exceeds the size of the frame, QScrollArea automatically provides scroll bars. </p><p>The example demonstrates how QLabel's ability to scale its contents (QLabel::scaledContents), and QScrollArea's ability to automatically resize its contents (QScrollArea::widgetResizable), can be used to implement zooming and scaling features. </p><p>In addition the example shows how to use QPainter to print an image.</p>&File&Open...&Save As...&Print...E&xitCtrl+Q&Edit&Copy&Paste&ViewZoom &In (25%)Zoom &Out (25%)&Normal SizeCtrl+S&Fit to WindowCtrl+F&Help&AboutAbout &QtImage Viewer[file]Image file to open.ImagesImage loading and scaling exampleOpen ImagesCancelPause/ResumeSelect ImagesInformationWindowItem: Description: Image file: &Close&Revert&SubmitIntroPageIntroductionThis wizard will generate a skeleton C++ class definition, including a few functions. You simply need to specify the class name and set a few options to produce a header file and an implementation file for your new C++ class.This wizard will help you register your copy of <i>Super Product One</i>™ or start evaluating the product.&Register your copy&Evaluate the product for 30 daysItemDialogItems (double click to flip)Add Qt boxAdd circleAdd squareLicenseWizardLicense WizardThe decision you make here will affect which page you get to see next.Make sure to provide a valid email address, such as you don't provide an upgrade key, you will be asked to fill in your details.Make sure to provide a valid email address, such as must accept the terms and conditions of the license to proceed.This help is likely not to be of any help.Sorry, I already gave what help I could. Maybe you should try asking a human?License Wizard HelpLocationDialogNativeINIUserSystemQtProjectAnyQt CreatorApplication ExampleAssistantDesignerLinguist&Format:&Scope:&Organization:&Application:Setting LocationsLocationAccessOpen Application SettingsRead-writeRead-onlyRead-only fallbackMAC_APPLICATION_MENUServicesHide %1Hide OthersShow AllPreferences...Quit %1About %1MainWindowTorrentPeers/SeedsProgressDown rateUp rateStatusDownloadingAdd &new torrent&Pause torrent&Remove torrent&FileE&xit&Help&AboutAbout &QtTools:/icons/1downarrow.pngMove down:/icons/1uparrow.pngMove upRate controlMax download:0 KB/s99999 KB/sMax upload:Torrent ClientChoose a torrent fileTorrents (*.torrent);; All files (*.*)ErrorAn error occurred while downloading %0: %1Already downloadingThe torrent file %1 is already being downloaded.The torrent file %1 cannot not be opened/resumed.Torrent: %1<br>Destination: %20/0IdleTorrent: %1<br>Destination: %2<br>State: %3%1/%2Resume torrentPause torrent%1 KB/sAbout Torrent ClientDisconnecting from trackersAbortMusic ArchiveArtist : %1
Number of Albums: %2Title: %1 (%2)Delete AlbumAre you sure you want to delete '%1' by '%2'?Select the album you want to delete.ArtistAlbumDetails&Add album...&Delete album...&QuitCtrl+ACtrl+DAbout Music Archive<p>The <b>Music Archive</b> example shows how to present data from different data sources in the same application. The album titles, and the corresponding artists and release dates, are kept in a database, while each album's tracks are stored in an XML file. </p><p>The example also shows how to add as well as remove data from both the database and the associated XML file using the API provided by the Qt SQL and Qt XML modules, respectively.</p>Finger PaintOpen FileAbout Scribble<p>The <b>Scribble</b> example shows how to use QMainWindow as the base widget for an application, and how to reimplement some of QWidget's event handlers to receive the events generated for the application's widgets:</p><p> We reimplement the mouse event handlers to facilitate drawing, the paint event handler to update the application and the resize event handler to optimize the application's appearance. In addition we reimplement the close event handler to intercept the close events before terminating the application.</p><p> The example also demonstrates how to use QPainter to draw an image in real time, as well as to repaint widgets.</p>&Open...Ctrl+O%1...&Print...Ctrl+Q&Clear ScreenCtrl+L&Save As&OptionsScribbleThe image has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Save As%1 Files (*.%2);;All Files (*)New GameQuitPuzzleOpen ImageImage Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)The image file could not be loaded.Puzzle CompletedCongratulations! You have completed the puzzle!
Click OK to start again.&Game&RestartChip ExampleDiagramsceneBlue GridWhite GridGray Grid%About Diagram SceneThe <b>Diagram Scene</b> example shows use of the graphics framework.ConditionalProcessInput/OutputTextNo GridBasic Flowchart ShapesBackgroundsBring to &FrontCtrl+FBring item to frontSend to &BackCtrl+TSend item to back&DeleteDeleteDelete item from diagramQuit Scenediagram exampleBoldCtrl+BItalicCtrl+IUnderlineCtrl+UA&boutF1&ItemEditFontColor50%75%100%125%150%Pointer typeblackwhiteredblueyellowAddress Book&Save As...&Tools&Add Entry...&Edit Entry...&Remove EntryChartLabelQuantityChoose a data fileLoaded %1Save file asSaved %1Editable Tree Model&ActionsInsert RowCtrl+I, RRemove RowCtrl+R, RInsert ColumnCtrl+I, CRemove ColumnCtrl+R, CInsert ChildCtrl+NTitleDescriptionPosition: (%1,%2)Position: (%1,%2) in top levelPixel size:PixelatorChoose an image%1 - PixelatorLarge Image SizeThe printed image may be very large. Are you sure that you want to print it?Print ImagePrinting...CancelPrinting canceledThe printing process was canceled.Printing is not supported on this Qt buildAbout the Pixelator exampleThis example demonstrates how a standard view and a custom
delegate can be used to produce a specialized representation
of data in a simple custom model.Simple DOM ModelXML files (*.xml);;HTML files (*.html);;SVG files (*.svg);;User Interface files (*.ui)About ApplicationThe <b>Application</b> example demonstrates how to write modern GUI applications using Qt, with a menu bar, toolbars, and a status bar.File&NewCreate a new fileOpen an existing file&SaveSave the document to diskSave &As...Save the document under a new nameExit the application&EditCu&tCut the current selection's contents to the clipboard&CopyCopy the current selection's contents to the clipboard&PastePaste the clipboard's contents into the current selectionShow the application's About boxShow the Qt library's About boxReadyApplicationThe document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Cannot read file %1:
%2.File loadedCannot write file %1:
%2.File savedDock WidgetsYours sincerely,Choose a file nameSaved '%1'About Dock WidgetsThe <b>Dock Widgets</b> example demonstrates how to use Qt's dock widgets. You can enter your own text, click a customer to add a customer name and address, and click standard paragraphs to add them.&New LetterCreate a new form letter&Save...Save the current form letterPrint the current form letterQuit the application&UndoUndo the last editing action&ViewCustomersParagraphsStatus BarSave layout...Load layout...Switch layout directionMain windowAnimated docksAllow nested docksAllow tabbed docksForce tabbed docksVertical tabsGrouped draggingTool barsUnified&Dock WidgetsSave layoutFailed to open %1
%2Error writing to %1
%2Load layoutError reading %1Top left cornerTop dock areaLeft dock areaTop right cornerRight dock areaBottom left cornerBottom dock areaBottom right cornerDestroy dock widgetAdd dock widget...Failed to restore dock widgetMDI&%1 %2About MDIThe <b>MDI</b> example demonstrates how to write multiple document interface applications using Qt.%1 %2Recent...&WindowCl&oseClose the active windowClose &AllClose all the windows&TileTile the windows&CascadeCascade the windowsNe&xtMove the focus to the next windowPre&viousMove the focus to the previous window<i>Choose a menu option, or right-click to invoke a context menu</i>A context menu is available by right-clickingMenusInvoked <b>File|New</b>Invoked <b>File|Open</b>Invoked <b>File|Save</b>Invoked <b>File|Print</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Undo</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Redo</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Cut</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Copy</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Paste</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Bold</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Italic</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Left Align</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Right Align</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Justify</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Center</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Set Line Spacing</b>Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Set Paragraph Spacing</b>Invoked <b>Help|About</b>About MenuThe <b>Menu</b> example shows how to create menu-bar menus and context menus.Invoked <b>Help|About Qt</b>Print the documentUndo the last operation&RedoRedo the last operation&BoldMake the text bold&ItalicMake the text italicSet &Line Spacing...Change the gap between the lines of a paragraphSet &Paragraph Spacing...Change the gap between paragraphs&Left AlignLeft align the selected text&Right AlignCtrl+RRight align the selected text&JustifyCtrl+JJustify the selected text&CenterCtrl+ECenter the selected text&FormatAlignmentAbout SDIThe <b>SDI</b> example demonstrates how to write single document interface applications using Qt.&CloseCtrl+WClose this windowSDIdocument%1.txtPreparing font samples...&CancelFont SamplerDate:Font size:Calendar for %1 %2&New...Order FormDate: %1I would like to place an order for the following items:ProductPlease update my records to take account of the following privacy information:I want to receive more information about your company's products and special offers.I do not want to receive any promotional information from your company.Sincerely,Enter Customer DetailsPrint DocumentSyntax HighlighterAbout Syntax Highlighter<p>The <b>Syntax Highlighter</b> example shows how to perform simple syntax highlighting by subclassing the QSyntaxHighlighter class and describing highlighting rules using regular expressions.</p>Gesture exampleCodecsCannot read file %1:
%2Choose Encoding for %1Save As (%1)Cannot write file %1:
%2About CodecsThe <b>Codecs</b> example demonstrates how to read and write files using various encodings.ModelQFileSytemModelQFileSytemModel that shows full pathCountry listWord listCompletion ModeInlineFiltered PopupUnfiltered PopupCase SensitivityCase InsensitiveCase SensitiveMax Visible ItemsWrap around completionsCompleterExitAboutAbout QtEnter file pathEnter name of your countryEnter a wordThis example demonstrates the different features of the QCompleter class.Plug & PaintCannot load %1.Select brush width:About Plug & PaintThe <b>Plug & Paint</b> example demonstrates how to write Qt applications that can be extended through plugins.&Brush Color...&Brush Width...About &Plugins&Brush&Shapes&FilterOpen INI FileINI Files (*.ini *.conf)Open Property ListProperty List Files (*.plist)Open Registry PathEnter the path in the Windows registry:About Settings EditorThe <b>Settings Editor</b> example shows how to access application settings using Qt.&Open Application Settings...Open I&NI File...Open Apple &Property List...Ctrl+POpen Windows &Registry Path...Ctrl+G&Refresh&Auto-Refresh&Fallbacks%1 (read only)%1 - %2Opened "%1"Tree Model<br>(Double click items to edit)Tree SeparatorTree Model CompleterThis example demonstrates how to use a QCompleter with a custom tree model.Type path from model above with items at each level separated by a '%1'Tab 1MacrosHelpFile actionsShape actionsUndo StackUndo limit&OpenRedGreenBlueAdd RectangleAdd CircleRemove ShapeAdd robotAdd snowanaddTriangleFile errorFailed to open
%1Parse errorFailed to parse
%1UnnamedUnsaved changesWould you like to save this document?Add snowmanAbout UndoThe Undo demonstration shows how to use the Qt Undo framework.Command List&Delete ItemDelAdd &BoxAdd &TriangleThe <b>Undo</b> example demonstrates how to use Qt's undo framework.Show Font InfoFilter:AllScalableMonospacedProportionalFont:Size:Style:Automatic Font Merging:&To clipboardCharacter Map%n font(s) foundFontsIcons[file]Icon file(s) to open.PreviewAbout IconsThe <b>Icons</b> example illustrates how Qt renders an icon in different modes (active, normal, disabled, and selected) and states (on and off) based on a set of images.Small (%1 x %1)Large (%1 x %1)Toolbars (%1 x %1)List views (%1 x %1)Icon views (%1 x %1)Tab bars (%1 x %1)Open ImagesDirectory: %1
File: %2
File@2x: %3
Size: %4x%5<None>ImagesImageModeStateIcon SizeOther:Enter a custom size within %1..%2"%1" (%2x%3)High DPI ScalingScreen:Device pixel ratio:Add &Sample Images...&Add Images...&Remove All Images%1 Style&Settings&Guess Image Mode/State&Use Native File DialogSelect pen width:&Pen Color...Pen &Width...Style SheetPlease read the LICENSE file before checkingI accept the terms and &conditionsProfession:&Name:Check this if you are male&Male&Password:Specify country of originEgyptFranceGermanyIndiaItalyNorwayPakistan&Age:Country:Gender:Specify your passwordPasswordCheck this if you are female&FemaleSpecify your ageSpecify your nameSelect your professionSpecify your name hereDeveloperStudentFisherman&ExitEdit &Style...About Style sheetThe <b>Style Sheet</b> example shows how widgets can be styled using <a href="">Qt Style Sheets</a>. Click <b>File|Edit Style Sheet</b> to pop up the style editor, and either choose an existing style sheet or design your own.Tablet ExampleSave PictureOpen PictureAbout Tablet ExampleThis example shows how to use a graphics drawing tablet in Qt.&Tablet&Line Width&Pressure&Tilt&Fixed&Alpha ChannelT&angential PressureNo Alpha Channel&Color Saturation&Vertical Tilt&Horizontal Tilt&No Color SaturationDOM BookmarksOpen Bookmark FileXBEL Files (*.xbel *.xml)SAX BookmarksSave Bookmark FileAbout DOM BookmarksThe <b>DOM Bookmarks</b> example demonstrates how to use Qt's DOM classes to read and write XML documents.LocationAbout SAX BookmarksThe <b>SAX Bookmarks</b> example demonstrates how to use Qt's SAX classes to read XML documents and how to generate XML by hand.QXmlStream BookmarksParse error in file %1:
%2About QXmlStream BookmarksThe <b>QXmlStream Bookmarks</b> example demonstrates how to use Qt's QXmlStream classes to read and write XML documents.Add newCannot add new windowAlready occupied. Undock first.MainWindowBaseFont Sampler&Selection&FileAvailable Fonts&Print...Ctrl+PE&xitCtrl+Q&MarkCtrl+M&UnmarkCtrl+U&ClearPrint Preview...MandelbrotWidgetMandelbrotRendering initial image, please wait...Use mouse wheel or the '+' and '-' keys to zoom. Press and hold left mouse button to scroll.MapZoom&Oslo&Berlin&JakartaNight ModeAbout OpenStreetMap&OptionsLight MapsMdiChilddocument%1.txtMDICannot read file %1:
%2.Save AsCannot write file %1:
%2.'%1' has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?MoviePlayerNo movie loadedMovie PlayerOpen a MovieFit to WindowCurrent frame:Speed:%Open FilePlayPauseStopQuitNewAddressTabThere are currently no contacts in your address book.
Click Add to add new contacts.AddNicknameDialogSet nicknameNew nickname:OKCancelNotepadQuitNotepadDo you really want to quit?&Load&SaveE&xit&FileOpen FileText Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)ErrorCould not open fileSave FileOutputFilesPageOutput FilesSpecify where you want the wizard to put the generated skeleton code.&Output directory:&Header file name:&Implementation file name:PathDeformControlsControlsLens RadiusDeformationFont SizeTextAnimatedShow SourceUse OpenGLWhat's This?QtLens Radius:Deformation:Font Size:QuitOKPathDeformWidgetVector DeformationPathStrokeControlsCap StyleFlatSquareRoundJoin StyleBevelMiterPen StyleCustomLine StyleCurvesLinesPath StrokingPen WidthAnimateShow SourceUse OpenGLWhat's This?OKQuit Width:PathStrokeWidgetPath StrokingPermissionsTabPermissionsReadableWritableExecutableOwnershipOwnerGroupPluginDialogOKPlugin InformationPlug & Paint found the following plugins
(looked in %1):%1 (Static Plugin)PreviewForm&Encoding:PreviewHex Dump%1: conversion error at character %2%1: %n invalid characters%1: %n bytes convertedPreviewWindow&ClosePreviewProgressDialogDownload ProgressDownloading %1.QAbstractSocketSocket operation timed outOperation on socket is not supportedHost not foundConnection refusedConnection timed outTrying to connect while connection is in progressSocket is not connectedNetwork unreachableQAbstractSpinBox&Select All&Step upStep &downQAccessibleActionInterfacePressIncreaseDecreaseShowMenuSetFocusToggleScroll LeftScroll RightScroll UpScroll DownPrevious PageNext PageTriggers the actionIncrease the valueDecrease the valueShows the menuSets the focusToggles the stateScrolls to the leftScrolls to the rightScrolls upScrolls downGoes back a pageGoes to the next pageQAndroidPlatformThemeYesYes to AllNoNo to AllQApplicationExecutable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.Incompatible Qt Library ErrorQCocoaMenuItemAbout QtAboutConfigPreferenceOptionsSettingSetupQuitExitCutCopyPasteSelect AllQCocoaThemeDon't SaveQColorDialogHu&e:&Sat:&Val:&Red:&Green:Bl&ue:A&lpha channel:&HTML:Cursor at %1, %2
Press ESC to cancelSelect ColorSelect Colour&Basic colors&Basic colours&Custom colors&Custom colours&Add to Custom Colors&Add to Custom Colours&Pick Screen Color&Pick Screen ColourQComboBoxOpen the combo box selection popupFalseTrueQCommandLineParserDisplays version information.Displays this help.Unknown option '%1'.Unknown options: %1.Missing value after '%1'.Unexpected value after '%1'.[options]Usage: %1Options:Arguments:QCoreApplication%1: key is emptyQSystemSemaphore%1: unable to make keyQSystemSemaphore%1: ftok failedQSystemSemaphoreQCupsJobWidgetJobJob ControlScheduled printing:Billing information:Job priority:Banner PagesEnd:Banner page at endStart:Banner page at startPrint ImmediatelyHold IndefinitelyDay (06:00 to 17:59)Night (18:00 to 05:59)Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)Specific TimeNoneCUPS Banner pageStandardCUPS Banner pageUnclassifiedCUPS Banner pageConfidentialCUPS Banner pageClassifiedCUPS Banner pageSecretCUPS Banner pageTop SecretCUPS Banner pageQDB2DriverUnable to connectUnable to commit transactionUnable to rollback transactionUnable to set autocommitQDB2ResultUnable to execute statementUnable to prepare statementUnable to bind variableUnable to fetch record %1Unable to fetch nextUnable to fetch firstQDBusTrayIconOKQDateTimeParserAMamPMpmQDialogWhat's This?QDialogButtonBoxOKQDirModelNameSizeKindMatch OS X FinderTypeAll other platformsDate ModifiedQDnsLookupOperation cancelledQDnsLookupExampleDNS Lookup ExampleAn example demonstrating the class QDnsLookup.QDnsLookupRunnableIPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supportedInvalid domain nameNot yet supported on AndroidResolver functions not foundResolver initialization failedServer could not process queryServer failureNon existent domainServer refused to answerInvalid reply receivedCould not expand domain nameInvalid IPv4 address recordInvalid IPv6 address recordInvalid canonical name recordInvalid name server recordInvalid pointer recordInvalid mail exchange recordInvalid service recordInvalid text recordResolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading supportNo hostname givenInvalid hostnameHost %1 could not be found.Unknown errorQDockWidgetFloatAccessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)Undocks and re-attaches the dock widgetCloseAccessible name for button closing a dock widgetCloses the dock widgetQErrorMessageDebug Message:Warning:Fatal Error:&Show this message again&OKQFileDestination file is the same file.Source file does not exist.Destination file existsError while renaming.Unable to restore from %1: %2Will not rename sequential file using block copyCannot remove source fileCannot open %1 for inputCannot open for outputFailure to write blockCannot create %1 for outputQFileDeviceNo file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtensionQFileDialogLook in:BackGo backAlt+LeftForwardGo forwardAlt+RightParent DirectoryGo to the parent directoryAlt+UpCreate New FolderCreate a New FolderList ViewChange to list view modeDetail ViewChange to detail view modeSidebarList of places and bookmarksFilesFiles of type:Find DirectoryOpenSave AsDirectory:File &name:&Open&Choose&SaveAll Files (*)Show &Rename&DeleteShow &hidden files&New FolderAll files (*)Directories%1
Directory not found.
Please verify the correct directory name was given.%1 already exists.
Do you want to replace it?%1
File not found.
Please verify the correct file name was given.New FolderDelete'%1' is write protected.
Do you want to delete it anyway?Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?Could not delete directory.Recent PlacesRemoveMy ComputerDrive%1 File%1 is a file name suffix, for example txtFileFile FolderMatch Windows ExplorerFolderAll other platformsAliasOS X FinderShortcutAll other platformsUnknownQFileSystemModel%1 TB%1 GB%1 MB%1 KB%1 bytesInvalid filename<b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.NameSizeKindMatch OS X FinderTypeAll other platformsDate ModifiedMy ComputerComputer%1 byte(s)QFontDatabaseNormalThe Normal or Regular font weightBoldDemi BoldMediumThe Medium font weightBlackLightThinExtra LightExtra BoldExtraThe word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searchesDemiThe word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searchesItalicObliqueAnyLatinGreekCyrillicArmenianHebrewArabicSyriacThaanaDevanagariBengaliGurmukhiGujaratiOriyaTamilTeluguKannadaMalayalamSinhalaThaiLaoTibetanMyanmarGeorgianKhmerSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseJapaneseKoreanVietnameseSymbolOghamRunicN'KoQFontDialogSelect Font&FontFont st&yle&SizeEffectsStri&keout&UnderlineSampleWr&iting SystemQFtpNot connectedHost %1 not foundConnection refused to host %1Connection timed out to host %1Connected to host %1Data Connection refusedUnknown errorConnecting to host failed:
%1Login failed:
%1Listing directory failed:
%1Changing directory failed:
%1Downloading file failed:
%1Uploading file failed:
%1Removing file failed:
%1Creating directory failed:
%1Removing directory failed:
%1Connection closedQGnomeTheme&OK&Save&Cancel&CloseClose without SavingQGuiApplicationQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONTranslate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.QHostInfoNo host name givenUnknown errorQHostInfoAgentNo host name givenInvalid hostnameUnknown address typeHost not foundUnknown errorUnknown error (%1)QHttpHost %1 not foundConnection refusedConnection closedProxy requires authenticationHost requires authenticationData corruptedUnknown protocol specifiedSSL handshake failedToo many redirectsInsecure redirectQHttpSocketEngineDid not receive HTTP response from proxyError parsing authentication request from proxyAuthentication requiredProxy denied connectionError communicating with HTTP proxyProxy server not foundProxy connection refusedProxy server connection timed outProxy connection closed prematurelyQIBaseDriverError opening databaseCould not start transactionUnable to commit transactionUnable to rollback transactionQIBaseResultUnable to create BLOBUnable to write BLOBUnable to open BLOBUnable to read BLOBCould not find arrayCould not get array dataCould not get query infoCould not start transactionUnable to commit transactionCould not allocate statementCould not prepare statementCould not describe input statementCould not describe statementUnable to close statementUnable to execute queryCould not fetch next itemCould not get statement infoQIODevicePermission deniedToo many open filesNo such file or directoryNo space left on devicefile to open is a directoryUnknown errorQImageReaderInvalid deviceFile not foundUnsupported image formatUnable to read image dataUnknown errorQImageWriterUnknown errorDevice is not setDevice not writableUnsupported image formatQInputDialogEnter a value:QJsonParseErrorno error occurredunterminated objectmissing name separatorunterminated arraymissing value separatorillegal valueinvalid termination by numberillegal numberinvalid escape sequenceinvalid UTF8 stringunterminated stringobject is missing after a commatoo deeply nested documenttoo large documentgarbage at the end of the documentQKeySequenceEditPress shortcut%1, ...This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."QLibrary'%1' is not an ELF object (%2)'%1' is not an ELF object'%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'The shared library was not found.The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)Unknown errorCannot load library %1: %2Cannot unload library %1: %2Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3'%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)file is corruptfile too smallno suitable architecture in fat binaryinvalid magic %1wrong architecturenot a dynamic library'%1' is not a Qt pluginQLineEdit&Undo&RedoCu&t&Copy&PasteDeleteSelect AllQLocalServer%1: Name error%1: Permission denied%1: Address in use%1: Unknown error %2QLocalSocket%1: Connection refused%1: Remote closed%1: Invalid name%1: Socket access error%1: Socket resource error%1: Socket operation timed out%1: Datagram too large%1: Connection error%1: The socket operation is not supported%1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state%1: Unknown errorTrying to connect while connection is in progress%1: Unknown error %2%1: Access deniedQMYSQLDriverUnable to allocate a MYSQL objectUnable to open database '%1'Unable to connectUnable to begin transactionUnable to commit transactionUnable to rollback transactionQMYSQLResultUnable to fetch dataUnable to execute queryUnable to store resultUnable to execute next queryUnable to store next resultUnable to prepare statementUnable to reset statementUnable to bind valueUnable to execute statementUnable to bind outvaluesUnable to store statement resultsQMdiArea(Untitled)QMdiSubWindow- [%1]%1 - [%2]MinimizeMaximizeUnshadeShadeRestore DownRestoreCloseHelpMenu&Restore&Move&SizeMi&nimizeMa&ximizeStay on &Top&CloseQMessageBoxShow Details...Hide Details...OKHelp<h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>About QtQNativeSocketEngineUnable to initialize non-blocking socketUnable to initialize broadcast socketAttempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportThe remote host closed the connectionNetwork operation timed outOut of resourcesUnsupported socket operationProtocol type not supportedInvalid socket descriptorHost unreachableNetwork unreachablePermission deniedConnection timed outConnection refusedThe bound address is already in useThe address is not availableThe address is protectedDatagram was too large to sendUnable to send a messageUnable to receive a messageUnable to writeNetwork errorAnother socket is already listening on the same portOperation on non-socketThe proxy type is invalid for this operationTemporary errorNetwork dropped connection on resetConnection reset by peerUnknown errorQNetworkAccessCacheBackendError opening %1QNetworkAccessDataBackendInvalid URI: %1QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackendWrite error writing to %1: %2Socket error on %1: %2Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1QNetworkAccessFileBackendRequest for opening non-local file %1Error opening %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryRead error reading from %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendNo suitable proxy foundCannot open %1: is a directoryLogging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredError while downloading %1: %2Error while uploading %1: %2QNetworkAccessManagerNetwork access is disabled.QNetworkReplyError transferring %1 - server replied: %2Background request not allowed.Network session error.backend start error.Temporary network failure.Protocol "%1" is unknownQNetworkReplyHttpImplOperation canceledNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkReplyImplOperation canceledQNetworkSessionInvalid configuration.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplUnknown session error.The session was aborted by the user or system.The requested operation is not supported by the system.The specified configuration cannot be used.Roaming was aborted or is not possible.QOCIDriverUnable to initializeQOCIDriverUnable to logonUnable to begin transactionUnable to commit transactionUnable to rollback transactionQOCIResultUnable to bind column for batch executeUnable to execute batch statementUnable to goto nextUnable to alloc statementUnable to prepare statementUnable to get statement typeUnable to bind valueUnable to execute statementQODBCDriverUnable to connectUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality requiredUnable to disable autocommitUnable to commit transactionUnable to rollback transactionUnable to enable autocommitQODBCResultUnable to fetch lastQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configurationUnable to execute statementUnable to fetchUnable to fetch nextUnable to fetch firstUnable to fetch previousUnable to prepare statementUnable to bind variableQObjectIDNameCityCountryRelational Table ModelFirst nameLast namePlain Query ModelEditable Query ModelCustom Query ModelTable Model (View 1)Table Model (View 2)Qt SQL Browser&FileAdd &Connection...&Quit&HelpAboutAbout QtSystrayI couldn't detect any system tray on this system.Simple WizardCannot write file %1:
%2Draggable IconsInvalid enum.Invalid value.Invalid operation.Stack overflow.Stack underflow.Out of memory.Unknown error.SubjectSenderDateDir ViewFrozen Column ExampleSimple Tree ModelSpin Box DelegateAdd %1Remove %1Set %1's colorChange %1's geometryMove %1Delete %1%1 at (%2, %3)Code Editor ExampleFolderThe file is not an XBEL file.The file is not an XBEL version 1.0 file.Unknown titleSAX BookmarksParse error at line %1, column %2:
Line %2, column %3QPSQLDriverUnable to connectCould not begin transactionCould not commit transactionCould not rollback transactionUnable to subscribeUnable to unsubscribeQPSQLResultUnable to create queryUnable to prepare statementQPageSetupWidgetFormPaperPage size:Width:Height:Paper source:OrientationPortraitLandscapeReverse landscapeReverse portraitMarginstop marginleft marginright marginbottom marginPage LayoutPage order:Pages per sheet:Millimeters (mm)Inches (in)Points (pt)Pica (P̸)Didot (DD)Cicero (CC)CustommmUnit 'Millimeter'ptUnit 'Points'inUnit 'Inch'P̸Unit 'Pica'DDUnit 'Didot'CCUnit 'Cicero'QPageSizeCustom (%1mm x %2mm)Custom size name in millimetersCustom (%1pt x %2pt)Custom size name in pointsCustom (%1in x %2in)Custom size name in inchesCustom (%1pc x %2pc)Custom size name in picasCustom (%1DD x %2DD)Custom size name in didotsCustom (%1CC x %2CC)Custom size name in ciceros%1 x %2 inPage size in 'Inch'.A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9A10B0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9B10Executive (7.5 x 10 in)Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)Folio (8.27 x 13 in)LegalLetter / ANSI ATabloid / ANSI BLedger / ANSI BCustomA3 ExtraA4 ExtraA4 PlusA4 SmallA5 ExtraB5 ExtraJIS B0JIS B1JIS B2JIS B3JIS B4JIS B5JIS B6JIS B7JIS B8JIS B9JIS B10ANSI CANSI DANSI ELegal ExtraLetter ExtraLetter PlusLetter SmallTabloid ExtraArchitect AArchitect BArchitect CArchitect DArchitect ENoteQuartoStatementSuper ASuper BPostcardDouble PostcardPRC 16KPRC 32KPRC 32K BigFan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)Envelope B4Envelope B5Envelope B6Envelope C0Envelope C1Envelope C2Envelope C3Envelope C4Envelope C5Envelope C6Envelope C65Envelope C7Envelope DLEnvelope US 9Envelope US 10Envelope US 11Envelope US 12Envelope US 14Envelope MonarchEnvelope PersonalEnvelope Chou 3Envelope Chou 4Envelope InviteEnvelope ItalianEnvelope Kaku 2Envelope Kaku 3Envelope PRC 1Envelope PRC 2Envelope PRC 3Envelope PRC 4Envelope PRC 5Envelope PRC 6Envelope PRC 7Envelope PRC 8Envelope PRC 9Envelope PRC 10Envelope You 4QPlatformThemeOKSaveSave AllOpen&YesYes to &All&NoN&o to AllAbortRetryIgnoreCloseCancelDiscardHelpApplyResetRestore DefaultsQPluginLoaderThe plugin was not loaded.Unknown errorQPrintDialogPrintLeft to Right, Top to BottomLeft to Right, Bottom to TopRight to Left, Bottom to TopRight to Left, Top to BottomBottom to Top, Left to RightBottom to Top, Right to LeftTop to Bottom, Left to RightTop to Bottom, Right to Left1 (1x1)2 (2x1)4 (2x2)6 (2x3)9 (3x3)16 (4x4)All PagesOdd PagesEven Pages&Options >>&Print&Options <<Print to File (PDF)Local fileWrite PDF filePrint To File ...%1 is a directory.
Please choose a different file name.File %1 is not writable.
Please choose a different file name.%1 already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
Please turn one of those options off.The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.OKAutomaticQPrintPreviewDialogPage Setup%1%Print PreviewNext pagePrevious pageFirst pageLast pageFit widthFit pageZoom inZoom outPortraitLandscapeShow single pageShow facing pagesShow overview of all pagesPrintPage setupExport to PDFQPrintPropertiesDialogPrinter PropertiesJob OptionsQPrintPropertiesWidgetFormPageQPrintSettingsOutputFormCopiesPrint rangePrint allPages fromtoCurrent PageSelectionPage Set:Output SettingsCopies:CollateReverseOptionsColor ModeColorGrayscaleDuplex PrintingNoneLong sideShort sideQPrintWidgetFormPrinter&Name:P&ropertiesLocation:PreviewType:Output &file:...QProcessProcess failed to startProcess crashedProcess operation timed outError reading from processError writing to processNo program definedCould not open input redirection for readingResource error (fork failure): %1Could not open output redirection for writingProcess failed to start: %1QProgressDialogCancelQPushButtonHello world!Hello %n world(s)!It's a small worldQQnxFileDialogHelperAll files (*.*)QQnxFilePickerPick a fileQRegExpno error occurreddisabled feature usedbad char class syntaxbad lookahead syntaxlookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371bad repetition syntaxinvalid octal valuemissing left delimunexpected endmet internal limitinvalid intervalinvalid categoryQRegularExpressionno error\ at end of pattern\c at end of patternunrecognized character follows \numbers out of order in {} quantifiernumber too big in {} quantifiermissing terminating ] for character classinvalid escape sequence in character classrange out of order in character classnothing to repeatinternal error: unexpected repeatunrecognized character after (? or (?-POSIX named classes are supported only within a classmissing )reference to non-existent subpatternerroffset passed as NULLunknown option bit(s) setmissing ) after commentregular expression is too largefailed to get memoryunmatched parenthesesinternal error: code overflowunrecognized character after (?<lookbehind assertion is not fixed lengthmalformed number or name after (?(conditional group contains more than two branchesassertion expected after (?((?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )unknown POSIX class namePOSIX collating elements are not supportedthis version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 supportcharacter value in \x{...} sequence is too largeinvalid condition (?(0)\C not allowed in lookbehind assertionPCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \unumber after (?C is > 255closing ) for (?C expectedrecursive call could loop indefinitelyunrecognized character after (?Psyntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)two named subpatterns have the same nameinvalid UTF-8 stringsupport for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiledmalformed \P or \p sequenceunknown property name after \P or \psubpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)internal error: overran compiling workspaceinternal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not foundDEFINE group contains more than one branchrepeating a DEFINE group is not allowedinconsistent NEWLINE options\g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain numbera numbered reference must not be zeroan argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)(*VERB) not recognizednumber is too bigsubpattern name expecteddigit expected after (?+] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility modedifferent names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed(*MARK) must have an argumentthis version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support\c must be followed by an ASCII character\k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted nameinternal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()\N is not supported in a classtoo many forward referencesdisallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)invalid UTF-16 stringname is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)character value in \u.... sequence is too largeinvalid UTF-32 stringsetting UTF is disabled by the applicationnon-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)missing opening brace after \oparentheses are too deeply nestedinvalid range in character classgroup name must start with a non-digitparentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)digits missing in \x{} or \o{}QSQLite2DriverError opening databaseUnable to begin transactionUnable to commit transactionUnable to rollback transactionQSQLite2ResultUnable to fetch resultsUnable to execute statementQSQLiteDriverError opening databaseError closing databaseUnable to begin transactionUnable to commit transactionUnable to rollback transactionQSQLiteResultUnable to fetch rowNo queryUnable to execute statementUnable to execute multiple statements at a timeUnable to reset statementUnable to bind parametersParameter count mismatchQSaveFileExisting file %1 is not writableFilename refers to a directoryWriting canceled by applicationQScrollBarScroll hereLeft edgeTopRight edgeBottomPage leftPage upPage rightPage downScroll leftScroll upScroll rightScroll downQSharedMemory%1: unable to set key on lock%1: create size is less then 0%1: unable to lock%1: unable to unlock%1: key is empty%1: bad name%1: UNIX key file doesn't exist%1: ftok failed%1: unable to make key%1: system-imposed size restrictions%1: not attached%1: permission denied%1: already exists%1: doesn't exist%1: out of resources%1: unknown error %2%1: invalid size%1: key error%1: size query failedQShortcutSpaceThis and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.EscTabBacktabBackspaceReturnEnterInsDelPausePrintSysReqHomeEndLeftUpRightDownPgUpPgDownCapsLockNumLockScrollLockMenuHelpBackForwardStopRefreshVolume DownVolume MuteVolume UpBass BoostBass UpBass DownTreble UpTreble DownMedia PlayMedia StopMedia PreviousMedia NextMedia RecordMedia PauseMedia player pause buttonToggle Media Play/PauseMedia player button to toggle between playing and pausedHome PageFavoritesSearchStandbyOpen URLLaunch MailLaunch MediaLaunch (0)Launch (1)Launch (2)Launch (3)Launch (4)Launch (5)Launch (6)Launch (7)Launch (8)Launch (9)Launch (A)Launch (B)Launch (C)Launch (D)Launch (E)Launch (F)Monitor Brightness UpMonitor Brightness DownKeyboard Light On/OffKeyboard Brightness UpKeyboard Brightness DownPower OffWake UpEjectScreensaverWWWSleepLightBulbShopHistoryAdd FavoriteHot LinksAdjust BrightnessFinanceCommunityMedia RewindBack ForwardApplication LeftApplication RightBookCDCalculatorClearClear GrabCloseCopyCutDisplayDOSDocumentsSpreadsheetBrowserGameGoiTouchLogoffMarketMeetingKeyboard MenuMenu PBMy SitesNewsHome OfficeOptionPastePhoneReplyReloadRotate WindowsRotation PBRotation KBSaveSendSpellcheckerSplit ScreenSupportTask PanelTerminalToolsTravelVideoWord ProcessorXFerZoom InZoom OutAwayMessengerWebCamMail ForwardPicturesMusicBatteryBluetoothWirelessUltra Wide BandMedia Fast ForwardAudio RepeatAudio Random PlaySubtitleAudio Cycle TrackTimeHibernateViewTop MenuPower DownSuspendMicrophone MuteRedGreenYellowBlueChannel UpChannel DownGuideInfoSettingsMicrophone Volume UpMicrophone Volume DownNewOpenFindUndoRedoPrint ScreenPage UpPage DownCaps LockNum LockNumber LockScroll LockInsertDeleteEscapeSystem RequestSelectYesNoContext1Context2Context3Context4CallButton to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)HangupButton to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)Toggle Call/HangupButton that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.FlipVoice DialButton to trigger voice dialingLast Number RedialButton to redial the last number calledCamera ShutterButton to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)Camera FocusButton to focus the cameraKanjiMuhenkanHenkanRomajiHiraganaKatakanaHiragana KatakanaZenkakuHankakuZenkaku HankakuTourokuMassyoKana LockKana ShiftEisu ShiftEisu toggleCode inputMultiple CandidatePrevious CandidateHangulHangul StartHangul EndHangul HanjaHangul JamoHangul RomajaHangul JeonjaHangul BanjaHangul PreHanjaHangul PostHanjaHangul SpecialCancelPrinterExecutePlayZoomExitTouchpad ToggleTouchpad OnTouchpad OffCtrlShiftAltMetaNum+F%1QSocks5SocketEngineConnection to proxy refusedConnection to proxy closed prematurelyProxy host not foundConnection to proxy timed outProxy authentication failedProxy authentication failed: %1SOCKS version 5 protocol errorGeneral SOCKSv5 server failureConnection not allowed by SOCKSv5 serverTTL expiredSOCKSv5 command not supportedAddress type not supportedUnknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1Network operation timed outQSpiAccessibleBridgeinvalid roleRole of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructedtitle barRole of an accessible objectmenu barRole of an accessible objectscroll barRole of an accessible objectgripRole of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another objectsoundRole of an accessible objectcursorRole of an accessible objecttext caretRole of an accessible objectalert messageRole of an accessible objectframeRole of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
Role of an accessible objectfillerRole of an accessible objectpopup menuRole of an accessible objectmenu itemRole of an accessible objecttool tipRole of an accessible objectapplicationRole of an accessible objectdocumentRole of an accessible objectpanelRole of an accessible objectchartRole of an accessible objectdialogRole of an accessible objectseparatorRole of an accessible objecttool barRole of an accessible objectstatus barRole of an accessible objecttableRole of an accessible objectcolumn headerRole of an accessible object - part of a tablerow headerRole of an accessible object - part of a tablecolumnRole of an accessible object - part of a tablerowRole of an accessible object - part of a tablecellRole of an accessible object - part of a tablelinkRole of an accessible objecthelp balloonRole of an accessible objectassistantRole of an accessible object - a helper dialoglistRole of an accessible objectlist itemRole of an accessible objecttreeRole of an accessible objecttree itemRole of an accessible objectpage tabRole of an accessible objectproperty pageRole of an accessible objectindicatorRole of an accessible objectgraphicRole of an accessible objectlabelRole of an accessible objecttextRole of an accessible objectpush buttonRole of an accessible objectcheck boxRole of an accessible objectradio buttonRole of an accessible objectcombo boxRole of an accessible objectprogress barRole of an accessible objectdialRole of an accessible objecthotkey fieldRole of an accessible objectsliderRole of an accessible objectspin boxRole of an accessible objectcanvasRole of an accessible objectanimationRole of an accessible objectequationRole of an accessible objectbutton with drop downRole of an accessible objectbutton menuRole of an accessible objectbutton with drop down gridRole of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.spaceRole of an accessible object - blank space between other tab listRole of an accessible objectclockRole of an accessible objectsplitterRole of an accessible objectlayered paneRole of an accessible objectweb documentRole of an accessible objectparagraphRole of an accessible objectsectionRole of an accessible objectcolor chooserRole of an accessible objectfooterRole of an accessible objectformRole of an accessible objectheadingRole of an accessible objectnoteRole of an accessible objectcomplementary contentRole of an accessible objectunknownRole of an accessible objectQSqlConnectionDialogNo database driver selectedPlease select a database driverQSqlConnectionDialogUiConnect...Connection settings&Username:D&riverDefaultDatabase Name:&Hostname:P&ort:&Password:Us&e predefined in-memory database&OK&CancelQSslSocketError when setting the elliptic curves (%1)Error creating SSL context (%1)unsupported protocolInvalid or empty cipher list (%1)Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1Error loading local certificate, %1Error loading private key, %1Private key does not certify public key, %1OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2No errorThe issuer certificate could not be foundThe certificate signature could not be decryptedThe public key in the certificate could not be readThe signature of the certificate is invalidThe certificate is not yet validThe certificate has expiredThe certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid timeThe certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid timeThe certificate is self-signed, and untrustedThe root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrustedThe issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be foundNo certificates could be verifiedOne of the CA certificates is invalidThe basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceededThe supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purposeThe root CA certificate is not trusted for this purposeThe root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purposeThe current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificateThe current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificateThe peer did not present any certificateThe host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificateThe peer certificate is blacklistedUnknown errorThe TLS/SSL connection has been closedError creating SSL session, %1Error creating SSL session: %1Unable to init SSL Context: %1Unable to write data: %1Unable to decrypt data: %1Error while reading: %1Error during SSL handshake: %1QStandardPathsDesktopDocumentsFontsApplicationsMusicMoviesPicturesTemporary DirectoryHomeCacheShared DataRuntimeConfigurationShared ConfigurationShared CacheDownloadApplication DataApplication ConfigurationQStateMachineMissing initial state in compound state '%1'Missing default state in history state '%1'No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'Unknown errorQSystemSemaphore%1: permission denied%1: already exists%1: does not exist%1: out of resources%1: unknown error %2QTDSDriverUnable to open connectionUnable to use databaseQTabBarScroll LeftScroll RightQTcpServerOperation on socket is not supportedQUndoGroupUndo %1UndoDefault text for undo actionRedo %1RedoDefault text for redo actionQUndoModel<empty>QUndoStackUndo %1UndoDefault text for undo actionRedo %1RedoDefault text for redo actionQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRM Left-to-right markRLM Right-to-left markZWJ Zero width joinerZWNJ Zero width non-joinerZWSP Zero width spaceLRE Start of left-to-right embeddingRLE Start of right-to-left embeddingLRO Start of left-to-right overrideRLO Start of right-to-left overridePDF Pop directional formattingLRI Left-to-right isolateRLI Right-to-left isolateFSI First strong isolatePDI Pop directional isolateInsert Unicode control characterQWhatsThisActionWhat's This?QWidget*QWidgetTextControl&Undo&RedoCu&t&CopyCopy &Link Location&PasteDeleteSelect AllQWindowsDirect2DIntegrationQt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.Cannot load direct2d platform pluginQWizardGo Back< &BackContinue&Next&Next >CommitDone&FinishCancelHelp&HelpQXmlno error occurrederror triggered by consumerunexpected end of filemore than one document type definitionerror occurred while parsing elementtag mismatcherror occurred while parsing contentunexpected characterinvalid name for processing instructionversion expected while reading the XML declarationwrong value for standalone declarationencoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationstandalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationerror occurred while parsing document type definitionletter is expectederror occurred while parsing commenterror occurred while parsing referenceinternal general entity reference not allowed in DTDexternal parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute valueexternal parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTDunparsed entity reference in wrong contextrecursive entitieserror in the text declaration of an external entityQXmlStreamExtra content at end of document.Invalid entity value.Invalid XML character.Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.Encountered incorrectly encoded content.Namespace prefix '%1' not declaredIllegal namespace declaration.Attribute '%1' redefined.Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.Invalid XML version string.Unsupported XML version.The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.%1 is an invalid encoding name.Encoding %1 is unsupportedStandalone accepts only yes or no.Invalid attribute in XML declaration.Premature end of document.Invalid document.Expected , but got 'Unexpected 'Expected character data.Recursive entity detected.Start tag expected.NDATA in parameter entity declaration.XML declaration not at start of document.%1 is an invalid processing instruction name.Invalid processing instruction name.%1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.Invalid XML name.Opening and ending tag mismatch.Entity '%1' not declared.Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.Invalid character reference.QueryPageLook for packagesName:Released after:ReleasesUpgradesReturn up to resultsReturn only the first resultStart queryRSSListingFetchTitleLinkRSS listing exampleReceiverListening for broadcasted messages&QuitBroadcast ReceiverReceived datagram: "%1"Listening for multicasted messagesMulticast ReceiverRegExpDialog&Pattern:&Escaped Pattern:Regular expression v1Regular expression v2WildcardFixed stringW3C Xml Schema 1.1&Pattern Syntax:&Text:Case &Sensitive&MinimalIndex of Match:Matched Length:Capture %1:Match:[A-Za-z_]+([A-Za-z_0-9]*)(10 + delta4) * 32RegExpRegisterPageRegister Your Copy of <i>Super Product One</i>™If you have an upgrade key, please fill in the appropriate field.N&ame:&Upgrade key:RegularExpressionDialogQRegularExpression Example(\+?\d+)-(?<prefix>\d+)-(?<number>\w+)My office number is +43-152-0123456, my mobile is 001-41-255512 instead.Valid<no name>Invalid: syntax error at position %1 (%2)<h3>Regular expression and text input</h3>&Pattern:Copy to clipboard&Escaped pattern:&Subject text:Case insensitive (/i)Dot matches everything (/s)Multiline (/m)Extended pattern (/x)Inverted greedinessDon't captureUse unicode properties (/u)Optimize on first usageDon't automatically optimizePattern options:Match &offset:NormalPartial prefer completePartial prefer firstNo matchMatch &type:Don't check subject stringAnchored matchMatch options:<h3>Match information</h3>Match indexGroup indexCaptured stringMatch details:<h3>Regular expression information</h3>Pattern status:IndexNamed groupNamed groups:RenderAreaQt by
The Qt CompanyxyRenderOptionsDialogOptions (double click to flip)Dynamic cube mapTexture:Shader:RenderWindowmakeCurrent() failedScreenshotOptions sHide This WindowScreenshot Delay:New ScreenshotSave ScreenshotQuitScreenshot/untitled.Save AsSave ErrorThe image could not be saved to "%1".SenderReady to broadcast datagrams on port 45454&Start&QuitBroadcast SenderNow broadcasting datagram %1Ready to multicast datagrams to group %1 on port 45454TTL for multicast datagrams:Multicast SenderNow sending datagram %1ServerQuitFortune ServerUnable to start the server: %1.The server is running.
Run the Fortune Client example now.You've been leading a dog's life. Stay off the furniture.You've got to think about tomorrow.You will be surprised by a loud noise.You will feel hungry again in another hour.You might have mail.You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.Opening network session.The server is running on
IP: %1
port: %2
Run the Fortune Client example now.SessionWidgetSession DetailsSession ID:Session State:InvalidConfiguration:Bearer:Interface Name:Interface GUID:Last Error:Error String:0Active Time:0 secondsOpenBlocking OpenCloseStop%1 (%2)Not AvailableConnectingConnectedClosingDisconnectedRoamingUnknownClosedSettingsTreeSettingTypeValueShapedClockE&xitCtrl+QDrag the clock with the left mouse button.
Use the right mouse button to open a context menu.Shaped Analog ClockSortingBoxNew CircleNew SquareNew TriangleTool TipsCircleSquareTriangleCircle <%1>Square <%1>Triangle <%1>SplashItemWelcome to the Pad Navigator Example. You can use the keyboard arrows to navigate the icons, and press enter to activate an item. Press any key to begin.SpreadSheetSpreadsheetSum&Add&Subtract&Multiply&DivideFont...Background &Color...ClearAbout SpreadsheetE&xit&Print&File&Cell&HelpCell: (%1)CancelOKSum cellsFirst cell:Last cell:Output to:sum %1 %2Cell 1Cell 2%1 %2 %3AdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivisionSslClient<not connected><none>Display encryption details.Connection errorSslErrorsUnable To Validate The Connection<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#ff0000;">Warning</span><span style=" color:#ff0000;">:</span><span style=" color:#000000;"> One or more errors with this connection prevent validating the authenticity of the host you are connecting to. Please review the following list of errors, and click </span><span style=" color:#000000;">Ignore</span><span style=" color:#000000;"> to continue, or </span><span style=" color:#000000;">Cancel</span><span style=" color:#000000;"> to abort the connection.</span></p></body></html>View Certificate ChainIgnoreCancelStorageModel0 b%1 %2this should expand to "1.23 GB"Root path : %1
Name: %2
Display Name: %3
Device: %4
FileSystem: %5
Total size: %6
Free size: %7
Available size: %8
Is Ready: %9
Is Read-only: %10
Is Valid: %11
Is Root: %12truefalseRoot pathVolume NameDeviceFile systemTotalFreeAvailableReadyRead-onlyValidStyleSheetEditorStyle EditorDefaultCoffeePagefoldStyle:&ApplyStyle Sheet:StyleWidgetFormStylesTransp.BlueKhakiNoneValue:ShowEnableCloseStyleWindowBig Red ButtonA simple style buttonStyle Plugin ExampleTabDialogGeneralPermissionsApplicationsTab DialogTableEditorIDFirst nameLast nameSubmit&RevertQuitCached TableThe database reported an error: %1TableModelNameAddressTabletCanvasThis input device is not supported by the example.Unknown tablet device - treating as stylusTestWidgetBut soft, what light through yonder window breaks? / It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. / Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, / Who is already sick and pale with grief / That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, / Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, / To the last syllable of recorded time; / And all our yesterdays have lighted fools / The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! / Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, / That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, / And then is heard no more. It is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.Feeling lucky, punk?Switch textExitElidedTetrixBoardPauseTetrixWindow&Start&Quit&PauseNEXTLEVELSCORELINES REMOVEDTetrixTextEditHelpAboutAbout &QtFile Actions&File&New&Open...&SaveSave &As...&Print...Print Preview...&Export PDF...&QuitEdit Actions&Edit&Undo&RedoCu&t&Copy&PasteFormat ActionsF&ormat&Bold&Italic&Underline&LeftC&enter&Right&Justify&Color...The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?%1[*] - %2Open File...Opened "%1"Could not open "%1"Wrote "%1"Could not write to file "%1"Save as...Print DocumentExport PDFExported "%1"This example demonstrates Qt's rich text editing facilities in action, providing an example document for you to experiment with.This TextEdit provides autocompletions for words that have more than 3 characters. You can trigger autocompletion using ToolBarOrder Items in Tool BarRandomize Items in Tool BarAdd Spin BoxRemove Spin BoxMovableAllow on LeftAllow on RightAllow on TopAllow on BottomPlace on LeftPlace on RightPlace on TopPlace on BottomInsert breakUpdatePagePackage selectionUpdate systemUpdate applicationsUpdate documentationExisting packagesQtQSATeambuilderStart updateValidatorsFormValidatorsQIntValidatorMin:Max:editingFinished()QDoubleValidatorFormat:StandardScientificDecimals:QuitView0Pointer ModeSelectDragAntialiasingOpenGLWidgetContext &version: Create contextProfileOptionsRenderable typeFailed to create contextOpenGL version: %1.%2Profile: %1Options: %1Renderable type: %1Depth buffer size: %1Stencil buffer size: %1Samples: %1Red buffer size: %1Green buffer size: %1Blue buffer size: %1Alpha buffer size: %1Swap interval: %1*** Context information ***Vendor: %1Renderer: %1OpenGL version: %1GLSL version: %1
*** QSurfaceFormat from context ***
*** QSurfaceFormat from window surface ***
*** Qt build information ***Qt OpenGL configuration: %1Qt OpenGL library handle: %1Found %1 extensions:An error has occurred:
%1WidgetGallery&Style:&Use style's standard palette&Disable widgetsStylesGroup 1Radio button 1Radio button 2Radio button 3Tri-state check boxGroup 2Default Push ButtonToggle Push ButtonFlat Push ButtonTwinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
&TableText &EditGroup 3Window&Load image...&StopQueued Custom TypeOpen ImageImage files (%1)&Send messageCustom Type SendingNa&me:&Address:&Type:&Next&PreviousSQL Widget MapperCannot open databaseUnable to establish a database connection.
This example needs SQLite support. Please read the Qt SQL driver documentation for information how to build it.SystrayThe program will keep running in the system tray. To terminate the program, choose <b>Quit</b> in the context menu of the system tray entry.Sorry, I already gave what help I could.
Maybe you should try asking a human?Tray IconBadHeartTrashShow iconBalloon MessageType:NoneInformationWarningCriticalDuration:(some systems might ignore this hint)Title:Cannot connect to networkBody:Don't believe me. Honestly, I don't have a clue.
Click this balloon for details.Show MessageMi&nimizeMa&ximize&Restore&Quit&Browse...&Find*Named:Containing text:In directory:Find Files&CancelSearching file number %1 of %n...%1 KB%n file(s) found (Double click on a file to open it)FilenameSizeBasic Graphics Layouts ExampleCase sensitive sortingCase sensitive filter&Filter pattern:Regular expressionWildcardFixed stringFilter &syntax:SubjectSenderDateFilter &column:Original ModelSorted/Filtered ModelBasic Sort/Filter ModelAliceNeptunFerdinandNameHair ColorColor Editor FactoryDelegate Widget MapperHomeWorkOtherF&rom:&To:Custom Sort/Filter Model&Directory:Fetch More Example%1 items added.A&ge (in years):Simple Widget MapperCentral widgetBorder LayoutShortLongerDifferent textMore textEven longer button textFlow LayoutPolygonRectangleRounded RectangleEllipsePieChordPathLinePolylineArcPointsTextPixmap&Shape:0 (cosmetic pen)Pen &Width:SolidDashDotDash DotDash Dot Dot&Pen Style:FlatSquareRoundPen &Cap:MiterBevelPen &Join:Linear GradientRadial GradientConical GradientTextureHorizontalVerticalCrossBackward DiagonalForward DiagonalDiagonal CrossDense 1Dense 2Dense 3Dense 4Dense 5Dense 6Dense 7&Brush:Options:&Antialiasing&TransformationsBasic DrawingAliasedAntialiasedIntFloatConcentric CirclesQtOdd EvenWindingFill &Rule:&Fill Gradient:to&Pen Width:Pen &Color:&Rotation Angle:Painter PathsClockHouseTruckNo transformationRotate by 60°Scale to 75%Translate by (50, 50)TransformationsCalendar WidgetBoldItalicGreenPreviewGeneral Options&LocaleSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayWee&k starts on:Single selection&Selection mode:&Grid&Navigation barSingle letter day namesShort day names&Horizontal header:ISO week numbers&Vertical header:Dates&Minimum Date:&Current Date:Ma&ximum Date:Text FormatsBlack&Weekday color:RedWeek&end color:Plain&Header text:&First Friday in blueMay &1 in redBlueMagentaGroup BoxesExclusive Radio Buttons&Radio button 1R&adio button 2Ra&dio button 3E&xclusive Radio ButtonsRad&io button 1Radi&o button 2Radio &button 3Ind&ependent checkboxNon-Exclusive Checkboxes&Checkbox 1C&heckbox 2Tri-&state button&Push Buttons&Normal Button&Toggle Button&Flat ButtonPop&up Button&First Item&Second Item&Third ItemF&ourth ItemSubmenuPopup SubmenuItem 1Item 2Item 3EchoMode:NormalPasswordPasswordEchoOnEditNo EchoValidatorNo validatorInteger validatorDouble validatorAlignmentLeftCenteredRightInput maskNo maskPhone numberISO dateLicense keyAccessRead-only:FalseTrueLine EditsControlsSlidersMinimum value:Maximum value:Current value:Inverted appearanceInverted key bindingsHorizontal slider-like widgetsVertical slider-like widgetsSpin BoxesSpinboxesEnter a value between %1 and %2:Enter a zoom value between %1 and %2:AutomaticEnter a price between %1 and %2:Show group separatorDate and time spin boxesAppointment date (between %0 and %1):Appointment time (between %0 and %1):Format string for the meeting date and time:Meeting date (between %0 and %1):Meeting time (between %0 and %1):Double precision spinboxesNumber of decimal places to show:Enter a scale factor between %1 and %2:No scaling2D Painting on Native and OpenGL WidgetsNativeOpenGLUndockHello GLDockCannot dockMain window already closedMain window already occupiedTexturesXFormWidgetAffine TransformationsRotateScaleShearTypeVector ImagePixmapTextReset TransformAnimateShow SourceUse OpenGLWhat's This?XbelTreeTitleLocationDOM BookmarksParse error at line %1, column %2:
%3The file is not an XBEL file.The file is not an XBEL version 1.0 file.XmlStreamLintUsage: xmlstreamlint <path to XML file>
File %1 does not exist.
Failed to open file %1.
Failed to open stdout.Error: %1 in file %2 at line %3, column %4.
childwidgetChild widgetPress mecontekstIntroIntroxnestedlayoutsQuery:NameOfficeNested layoutssimpleanchorlayoutQGraphicsAnchorLayout in useSimple Anchor LayouttoplevelTop-level widgettst_QKeySequenceShift++Ctrl++Alt++Meta++Shift+,, Shift++Shift+,, Ctrl++Shift+,, Alt++Shift+,, Meta++Ctrl+,, Shift++Ctrl+,, Ctrl++Ctrl+,, Alt++Ctrl+,, Meta++tst_QLocaletr_TRwindowlayoutName:Window layout