#/***************************************************************************** #* gta5view Grand Theft Auto V Profile Viewer #* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Syping #* #* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #* (at your option) any later version. #* #* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #* GNU General Public License for more details. #* #* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #* along with this program. If not, see . #*****************************************************************************/ QT += core gui network greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): greaterThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 1): win32: QT += winextras DEPLOYMENT.display_name = gta5view TARGET = gta5view TEMPLATE = app HEADERS += config.h PRECOMPILED_HEADER += config.h SOURCES += main.cpp \ AboutDialog.cpp \ AppEnv.cpp \ CrewDatabase.cpp \ DatabaseThread.cpp \ ExportDialog.cpp \ ExportThread.cpp \ GlobalString.cpp \ IconLoader.cpp \ ImportDialog.cpp \ MapPreviewDialog.cpp \ OptionsDialog.cpp \ PictureDialog.cpp \ PictureExport.cpp \ PictureWidget.cpp \ ProfileDatabase.cpp \ ProfileInterface.cpp \ ProfileLoader.cpp \ ProfileWidget.cpp \ SavegameCopy.cpp \ SavegameData.cpp \ SavegameDialog.cpp \ SavegameWidget.cpp \ SidebarGenerator.cpp \ SnapmaticEditor.cpp \ SnapmaticPicture.cpp \ SnapmaticWidget.cpp \ StandardPaths.cpp \ StringParser.cpp \ TranslationClass.cpp \ UserInterface.cpp \ uimod/UiModLabel.cpp \ uimod/UiModWidget.cpp HEADERS += \ AboutDialog.h \ AppEnv.h \ CrewDatabase.h \ DatabaseThread.h \ ExportDialog.h \ ExportThread.h \ GlobalString.h \ IconLoader.h \ ImportDialog.h \ MapPreviewDialog.h \ OptionsDialog.h \ PictureDialog.h \ PictureExport.h \ PictureWidget.h \ ProfileDatabase.h \ ProfileInterface.h \ ProfileLoader.h \ ProfileWidget.h \ SavegameCopy.h \ SavegameData.h \ SavegameDialog.h \ SavegameWidget.h \ SidebarGenerator.h \ SnapmaticEditor.h \ SnapmaticPicture.h \ SnapmaticWidget.h \ StandardPaths.h \ StringParser.h \ TranslationClass.h \ UserInterface.h \ uimod/UiModLabel.h \ uimod/UiModWidget.h FORMS += \ AboutDialog.ui \ ExportDialog.ui \ ImportDialog.ui \ MapPreviewDialog.ui \ OptionsDialog.ui \ PictureDialog.ui \ ProfileInterface.ui \ SavegameDialog.ui \ SavegameWidget.ui \ SnapmaticEditor.ui \ SnapmaticWidget.ui \ UserInterface.ui TRANSLATIONS += \ res/gta5sync_en_US.ts \ res/gta5sync_de.ts \ res/gta5sync_fr.ts \ res/gta5sync_ru.ts \ lang/gta5sync_no.ts RESOURCES += \ res/tr_g5p.qrc \ res/app.qrc DISTFILES += res/app.rc \ res/gta5view.desktop \ res/gta5sync_de.ts \ res/gta5sync_fr.ts \ res/gta5sync_ru.ts \ res/gta5view.exe.manifest \ res/gta5view.png \ lang/gta5sync_no.ts \ lang/README.txt INCLUDEPATH += ./uimod # GTA5SYNC/GTA5VIEW ONLY DEFINES += GTA5SYNC_DISABLED DEFINES += GTA5SYNC_PROJECT # Enable exclusive gta5sync/gta5view functions DEFINES += GTA5SYNC_CSDF # Not assisting at proper usage of SnapmaticPicture class # WINDOWS ONLY win32: DEFINES += GTA5SYNC_WIN win32: RC_FILE += res/app.rc win32: LIBS += -luser32 win32: CONFIG -= embed_manifest_exe # MAC OS X ONLY macx: ICON = res/5sync.icns # QT4 ONLY STUFF isEqual(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): INCLUDEPATH += ./qjson4 isEqual(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): HEADERS += qjson4/QJsonArray.h \ qjson4/QJsonDocument.h \ qjson4/QJsonObject.h \ qjson4/QJsonParseError.h \ qjson4/QJsonValue.h \ qjson4/QJsonValueRef.h \ qjson4/QJsonParser.h \ qjson4/QJsonRoot.h isEqual(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): SOURCES += qjson4/QJsonArray.cpp \ qjson4/QJsonDocument.cpp \ qjson4/QJsonObject.cpp \ qjson4/QJsonParseError.cpp \ qjson4/QJsonValue.cpp \ qjson4/QJsonValueRef.cpp \ qjson4/QJsonParser.cpp isEqual(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): RESOURCES += res/tr_qt4.qrc # QT5 ONLY STUFF isEqual(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5): RESOURCES += res/tr_qt5.qrc # PROJECT INSTALLATION isEmpty(GTA5SYNC_PREFIX): GTA5SYNC_PREFIX = /usr/local appfiles.path = $$GTA5SYNC_PREFIX/share/applications appfiles.files = $$PWD/res/gta5view.desktop pixmaps.path = $$GTA5SYNC_PREFIX/share/pixmaps pixmaps.files = $$PWD/res/gta5view.png target.path = $$GTA5SYNC_PREFIX/bin INSTALLS += target pixmaps appfiles # QCONF BASED BUILD STUFF contains(DEFINES, GTA5SYNC_QCONF){ isEqual(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): RESOURCES -= res/tr_qt4.qrc isEqual(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5): RESOURCES -= res/tr_qt5.qrc !contains(DEFINES, GTA5SYNC_QCONF_IN){ RESOURCES -= res/tr_g5p.qrc langfiles.path = $$GTA5SYNC_PREFIX/share/gta5view/translations langfiles.files = $$PWD/res/gta5sync_en_US.qm $$PWD/res/gta5sync_de.qm $$PWD/res/gta5sync_fr.qm $$PWD/res/gta5sync_ru.qm $$PWD/res/qtbase_en_GB.qm INSTALLS += langfiles } }