/***************************************************************************** * gta5sync GRAND THEFT AUTO V SYNC * Copyright (C) 2016 Syping * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *****************************************************************************/ #include "SnapmaticPicture.h" #include "StringParser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include SnapmaticPicture::SnapmaticPicture(const QString &fileName, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), picFileName(fileName) { // PARSE INT INIT - DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUES snapmaticHeaderLength = 278; snapmaticUsefulLength = 260; snapmaticFileMaxSize = 528192; jpegHeaderLineDifStr = 2; jpegPreHeaderLength = 14; jpegPicStreamLength = 524288; jsonStreamLength = 3076; tideStreamLength = 260; // PARSE EDITOR INIT jpegStreamEditorBegin = 292; jsonStreamEditorBegin = 524588; jsonStreamEditorLength = 3072; rawPicContent = ""; // INIT PIC cachePicture = QImage(0, 0, QImage::Format_RGB32); picExportFileName = ""; pictureStr = ""; lastStep = ""; sortStr = ""; titlStr = ""; descStr = ""; picOk = 0; // INIT JSON jsonOk = 0; jsonStr = ""; jsonLocX = 0; jsonLocY = 0; jsonLocZ = 0; jsonCrewID = 0; jsonArea = ""; jsonCreatedTimestamp = 0; jsonPlyrsList = QStringList(); } bool SnapmaticPicture::readingPicture(bool writeEnabled_) { // Start opening file // lastStep is like currentStep // Set boolean values writeEnabled = writeEnabled_; QFile *picFile = new QFile(picFileName); QIODevice *picStream; if (!picFile->open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { lastStep = "1;/1,OpenFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName); picFile->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return false; } rawPicContent = picFile->read(snapmaticFileMaxSize); picStream = new QBuffer(&rawPicContent); picStream->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); // Reading Snapmatic Header if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",1,NOHEADER"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return false; } QByteArray snapmaticHeaderLine = picStream->read(snapmaticHeaderLength); pictureStr = getSnapmaticPictureString(snapmaticHeaderLine); // Reading JPEG Header Line if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",2,NOHEADER"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return false; } QByteArray jpegHeaderLine = picStream->read(jpegPreHeaderLength); // Checking for JPEG jpegHeaderLine.remove(0, jpegHeaderLineDifStr); if (jpegHeaderLine.left(4) != "JPEG") { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",2,NOJPEG"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return false; } // Read JPEG Stream if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",2,NOPIC"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return false; } QByteArray jpegRawContent = picStream->read(jpegPicStreamLength); picOk = cachePicture.loadFromData(jpegRawContent, "JPEG"); // Read JSON Stream if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",3,NOJSON"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return picOk; } else if (picStream->read(4) != "JSON") { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",3,CTJSON"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return picOk; } QByteArray jsonRawContent = picStream->read(jsonStreamLength); jsonStr = getSnapmaticJSONString(jsonRawContent); parseJsonContent(); // JSON parsing is own function if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",4,NOTITL"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return picOk; } else if (picStream->read(4) != "TITL") { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",4,CTTITL"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return picOk; } QByteArray titlRawContent = picStream->read(tideStreamLength); titlStr = getSnapmaticTIDEString(titlRawContent); if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",5,NODESC"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return picOk; } else if (picStream->read(4) != "DESC") { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," + StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFileName) + ",5,CTDESC"; picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); delete picFile; return picOk; } QByteArray descRawContent = picStream->read(tideStreamLength); descStr = getSnapmaticTIDEString(descRawContent); parseSnapmaticExportAndSortString(); picStream->close(); picStream->deleteLater(); picFile->deleteLater(); delete picStream; delete picFile; if (!writeEnabled) { rawPicContent.clear(); } return picOk; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getSnapmaticPictureString(const QByteArray &snapmaticHeader) { QByteArray snapmaticBytes = snapmaticHeader.left(snapmaticUsefulLength); QList snapmaticBytesList = snapmaticBytes.split(char(0x01)); snapmaticBytes = snapmaticBytesList.at(1); snapmaticBytesList.clear(); return StringParser::parseTitleString(snapmaticBytes, snapmaticBytes.length()); } QString SnapmaticPicture::getSnapmaticJSONString(const QByteArray &jsonBytes) { QByteArray jsonUsefulBytes = jsonBytes; jsonUsefulBytes.replace((char)0x00, ""); jsonUsefulBytes.replace((char)0x0c, ""); return QString::fromUtf8(jsonUsefulBytes).trimmed(); } QString SnapmaticPicture::getSnapmaticTIDEString(const QByteArray &tideBytes) { QByteArray tideUsefulBytes = tideBytes; tideUsefulBytes.remove(0,4); QList tideUsefulBytesList = tideUsefulBytes.split(char(0x00)); return QString::fromUtf8(tideUsefulBytesList.at(0)).trimmed(); } void SnapmaticPicture::parseSnapmaticExportAndSortString() { QStringList pictureStrList = pictureStr.split(" - "); if (pictureStrList.length() <= 2) { QString dtStr = pictureStrList.at(1); QStringList dtStrList = dtStr.split(" "); if (dtStrList.length() <= 2) { QString dayStr; QString yearStr; QString monthStr; QString dateStr = dtStrList.at(0); QString timeStr = dtStrList.at(1); timeStr.replace(":",""); QStringList dateStrList = dateStr.split("/"); if (dateStrList.length() <= 3) { dayStr = dateStrList.at(1); yearStr = dateStrList.at(2); monthStr = dateStrList.at(0); } QString cmpPicTitl = titlStr; cmpPicTitl.replace("\"", "''"); cmpPicTitl.replace(" ", "_"); cmpPicTitl.replace(":", "-"); cmpPicTitl.replace("\\", ""); cmpPicTitl.replace("/", ""); cmpPicTitl.replace("<", ""); cmpPicTitl.replace(">", ""); cmpPicTitl.replace("*", ""); cmpPicTitl.replace("?", ""); cmpPicTitl.replace(".", ""); sortStr = yearStr + monthStr + dayStr + timeStr; picExportFileName = sortStr + "_" + cmpPicTitl + ".jpg"; } } } bool SnapmaticPicture::readingPictureFromFile(const QString &fileName, bool writeEnabled_) { if (fileName != "") { picFileName = fileName; return readingPicture(writeEnabled_); } else { return false; } } bool SnapmaticPicture::setPicture(const QImage &picture) { if (writeEnabled) { QByteArray picByteArray; QBuffer snapmaticStream(&rawPicContent); snapmaticStream.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if (snapmaticStream.seek(jpegStreamEditorBegin)) { bool saveSuccess; QByteArray picByteArray1; QBuffer picStream1(&picByteArray1); picStream1.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); saveSuccess = picture.save(&picStream1, "JPEG", 100); picStream1.close(); if (picByteArray1.length() > jpegPicStreamLength) { QByteArray picByteArray2; QBuffer picStream2(&picByteArray2); picStream2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); saveSuccess = picture.save(&picStream2, "JPEG", 90); picStream2.close(); if (picByteArray2.length() > jpegPicStreamLength) { snapmaticStream.close(); return false; } picByteArray = picByteArray2; } else { picByteArray = picByteArray1; } Q_UNUSED(saveSuccess) } int result = snapmaticStream.write(picByteArray); if (result != 0) { cachePicture = picture; return true; } return false; } return false; } bool SnapmaticPicture::exportPicture(const QString &fileName) { QFile *picFile = new QFile(fileName); if (picFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { picFile->write(rawPicContent); picFile->close(); picFile->deleteLater(); return true; } else { return false; } } QString SnapmaticPicture::getExportPictureFileName() { return picExportFileName; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureFileName() { return picFileName; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureSortStr() { return sortStr; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureDesc() { return descStr; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureTitl() { return titlStr; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureStr() { return pictureStr; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getLastStep() { return lastStep; } QImage SnapmaticPicture::getPicture() { return cachePicture; } bool SnapmaticPicture::isPicOk() { return picOk; } void SnapmaticPicture::setPicFileName(QString picFileName_) { picFileName = picFileName_; } // JSON part void SnapmaticPicture::parseJsonContent() { QJsonDocument jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonStr.toLatin1()); QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonDocument.object(); QVariantMap jsonMap = jsonObject.toVariantMap(); if (jsonMap.contains("loc")) { QJsonObject locObject = jsonObject["loc"].toObject(); QVariantMap locMap = locObject.toVariantMap(); if (locMap.contains("x")) { jsonLocX = locMap["x"].toDouble(); } if (locMap.contains("y")) { jsonLocY = locMap["y"].toDouble(); } if (locMap.contains("z")) { jsonLocZ = locMap["z"].toDouble(); } } if (jsonMap.contains("area")) { jsonArea = jsonMap["area"].toString(); } if (jsonMap.contains("crewid")) { jsonCrewID = jsonMap["crewid"].toInt(); } if (jsonMap.contains("creat")) { QDateTime createdTimestamp; jsonCreatedTimestamp = jsonMap["creat"].toUInt(); createdTimestamp.setTime_t(jsonCreatedTimestamp); jsonCreatedDateTime = createdTimestamp; } if (jsonMap.contains("plyrs")) { jsonPlyrsList = jsonMap["plyrs"].toStringList(); } jsonOk = true; } bool SnapmaticPicture::isJsonOk() { return jsonOk; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getArea() { return jsonArea; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getJsonStr() { return jsonStr; } int SnapmaticPicture::getCrewNumber() { return jsonCrewID; } double SnapmaticPicture::getLocationX() { return jsonLocX; } double SnapmaticPicture::getLocationY() { return jsonLocY; } double SnapmaticPicture::getLocationZ() { return jsonLocZ; } QStringList SnapmaticPicture::getPlayers() { return jsonPlyrsList; } QDateTime SnapmaticPicture::getCreatedDateTime() { return jsonCreatedDateTime; }