/***************************************************************************** * gta5sync-spv Grand Theft Auto Snapmatic Picture Viewer * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Syping * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *****************************************************************************/ #include "SnapmaticPicture.h" #include "StringParser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 #include #else #include "StandardPaths.h" #endif // PARSER ALLOCATIONS #define snapmaticHeaderLength 278 #define snapmaticUsefulLength 260 #define snapmaticFileMaxSize 528192 #define jpegHeaderLineDifStr 2 #define jpegPreHeaderLength 14 #define jpegPicStreamLength 524288 #define jsonStreamLength 3076 #define tideStreamLength 260 // EDITOR ALLOCATIONS #define jpegStreamEditorBegin 292 #define jsonStreamEditorBegin 524588 #define jsonStreamEditorLength 3072 #define titlStreamEditorBegin 527668 #define titlStreamEditorLength 256 #define titlStreamCharacterMax 39 // IMAGES VALUES #define snapmaticResolutionW 960 #define snapmaticResolutionH 536 #define snapmaticResolution QSize(snapmaticResolutionW, snapmaticResolutionH) SnapmaticPicture::SnapmaticPicture(const QString &fileName, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), picFilePath(fileName) { reset(); } SnapmaticPicture::~SnapmaticPicture() { } void SnapmaticPicture::reset() { // INIT PIC rawPicContent.clear(); rawPicContent.squeeze(); cachePicture = QImage(); picExportFileName = QString(); pictureHead = QString(); pictureStr = QString(); lastStep = QString(); sortStr = QString(); titlStr = QString(); descStr = QString(); // INIT PIC INTS jpegRawContentSizeE = 0; jpegRawContentSize = 0; // INIT PIC BOOLS isCustomFormat = false; isFormatSwitch = false; isLoadedInRAM = false; lowRamMode = false; picOk = false; // INIT JSON jsonOk = false; jsonStr = QString(); // SNAPMATIC DEFAULTS #ifdef GTA5SYNC_CSDF careSnapDefault = false; #else careSnapDefault = true; #endif // SNAPMATIC PROPERTIES localSpJson = {}; } bool SnapmaticPicture::preloadFile() { QFile *picFile = new QFile(picFilePath); picFileName = QFileInfo(picFilePath).fileName(); bool g5eMode = false; isFormatSwitch = false; if (!picFile->open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { lastStep = "1;/1,OpenFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath); delete picFile; return false; } if (picFilePath.right(4) != QLatin1String(".g5e")) { rawPicContent = picFile->read(snapmaticFileMaxSize + 1024); picFile->close(); delete picFile; if (rawPicContent.mid(1, 3) == QByteArray("G5E")) { isFormatSwitch = true; } else { isCustomFormat = false; isLoadedInRAM = true; } } else { g5eMode = true; } if (g5eMode || isFormatSwitch) { QByteArray g5eContent; if (!isFormatSwitch) { g5eContent = picFile->read(snapmaticFileMaxSize + 1024); picFile->close(); delete picFile; } else { g5eContent = rawPicContent; rawPicContent.clear(); } // Set Custom Format isCustomFormat = true; // Reading g5e Content g5eContent.remove(0, 1); if (g5eContent.left(3) == QByteArray("G5E")) { g5eContent.remove(0, 3); if (g5eContent.left(2).toHex() == QByteArray("1000")) { g5eContent.remove(0, 2); if (g5eContent.left(3) == QByteArray("LEN")) { g5eContent.remove(0, 3); int fileNameLength = g5eContent.left(1).toHex().toInt(); g5eContent.remove(0, 1); if (g5eContent.left(3) == QByteArray("FIL")) { g5eContent.remove(0, 3); picFileName = g5eContent.left(fileNameLength); g5eContent.remove(0, fileNameLength); if (g5eContent.left(3) == QByteArray("COM")) { g5eContent.remove(0, 3); rawPicContent = qUncompress(g5eContent); // Setting is values isLoadedInRAM = true; } else { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",4,G5E_FORMATERROR"; return false; } } else { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",3,G5E_FORMATERROR"; return false; } } else { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",2,G5E_FORMATERROR"; return false; } } else { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",1,G5E_NOTCOMPATIBLE"; return false; } } else { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",1,G5E_FORMATERROR"; return false; } } emit preloaded(); return true; } bool SnapmaticPicture::readingPicture(bool writeEnabled_, bool cacheEnabled_, bool fastLoad, bool lowRamMode_) { // Start opening file // lastStep is like currentStep // Set boolean values writeEnabled = writeEnabled_; cacheEnabled = cacheEnabled_; lowRamMode = lowRamMode_; if (!writeEnabled) { lowRamMode = false; } // Low RAM Mode only works when writeEnabled is true QIODevice *picStream; if (!isLoadedInRAM) { preloadFile(); } picStream = new QBuffer(&rawPicContent); picStream->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); // Reading Snapmatic Header if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",1,NOHEADER"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } QByteArray snapmaticHeaderLine = picStream->read(snapmaticHeaderLength); pictureHead = getSnapmaticHeaderString(snapmaticHeaderLine); if (pictureHead == QLatin1String("MALFORMED")) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",1,MALFORMEDHEADER"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } // Reading JPEG Header Line if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",2,NOHEADER"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } QByteArray jpegHeaderLine = picStream->read(jpegPreHeaderLength); // Checking for JPEG jpegHeaderLine.remove(0, jpegHeaderLineDifStr); if (jpegHeaderLine.left(4) != QByteArray("JPEG")) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",2,NOJPEG"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } // Read JPEG Stream if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",2,NOPIC"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } QByteArray jpegRawContent = picStream->read(jpegPicStreamLength); if (jpegRawContent.contains("\xFF\xD9")) { int jpegRawContentSizeT = jpegRawContent.indexOf("\xFF\xD9") + 2; jpegRawContentSizeE = jpegRawContentSizeT; jpegRawContentSize = jpegRawContentSizeT; if (jpegRawContent.contains("\xFF\x45\x4F\x49")) { jpegRawContentSizeT = jpegRawContent.indexOf("\xFF\x45\x4F\x49"); } jpegRawContent = jpegRawContent.left(jpegRawContentSize); jpegRawContentSize = jpegRawContentSizeT; } if (cacheEnabled) picOk = cachePicture.loadFromData(jpegRawContent, "JPEG"); if (!cacheEnabled) { QImage tempPicture; picOk = tempPicture.loadFromData(jpegRawContent, "JPEG"); } else if (!fastLoad) { if (careSnapDefault) { QImage tempPicture = QImage(snapmaticResolution, QImage::Format_RGB888); QPainter tempPainter(&tempPicture); if (cachePicture.size() != snapmaticResolution) { tempPainter.drawImage(0, 0, cachePicture.scaled(snapmaticResolution, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } else { tempPainter.drawImage(0, 0, cachePicture); } tempPainter.end(); cachePicture = tempPicture; } else { QImage tempPicture = QImage(cachePicture.size(), QImage::Format_RGB888); QPainter tempPainter(&tempPicture); tempPainter.drawImage(0, 0, cachePicture); tempPainter.end(); cachePicture = tempPicture; } } // Read JSON Stream if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",3,NOJSON"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } else if (picStream->read(4) != QByteArray("JSON")) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",3,CTJSON"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } QByteArray jsonRawContent = picStream->read(jsonStreamLength); jsonStr = getSnapmaticJSONString(jsonRawContent); parseJsonContent(); // JSON parsing is own function if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",4,NOTITL"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } else if (picStream->read(4) != QByteArray("TITL")) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",4,CTTITL"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } QByteArray titlRawContent = picStream->read(tideStreamLength); titlStr = getSnapmaticTIDEString(titlRawContent); if (!picStream->isReadable()) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",5,NODESC"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return picOk; } else if (picStream->read(4) != QByteArray("DESC")) { lastStep = "2;/3,ReadingFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath) % ",5,CTDESC"; picStream->close(); delete picStream; return false; } QByteArray descRawContent = picStream->read(tideStreamLength); descStr = getSnapmaticTIDEString(descRawContent); updateStrings(); picStream->close(); delete picStream; if (!writeEnabled) { rawPicContent.clear(); } else if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qCompress(rawPicContent, 9); } emit loaded(); return picOk; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getSnapmaticHeaderString(const QByteArray &snapmaticHeader) { QList snapmaticBytesList = snapmaticHeader.left(snapmaticUsefulLength).split('\x01'); if (snapmaticBytesList.length() < 2) { return QLatin1String("MALFORMED"); } QByteArray snapmaticBytes = snapmaticBytesList.at(1); return StringParser::parseTitleString(snapmaticBytes, snapmaticBytes.length()); } QString SnapmaticPicture::getSnapmaticJSONString(const QByteArray &jsonBytes) { QByteArray jsonUsefulBytes = jsonBytes; jsonUsefulBytes.replace('\x00', QString()); jsonUsefulBytes.replace('\x0c', QString()); return QString::fromUtf8(jsonUsefulBytes.trimmed()); } QString SnapmaticPicture::getSnapmaticTIDEString(const QByteArray &tideBytes) { QByteArray tideUsefulBytes = tideBytes; tideUsefulBytes.remove(0,4); QList tideUsefulBytesList = tideUsefulBytes.split('\x00'); return QString::fromUtf8(tideUsefulBytesList.at(0).trimmed()); } void SnapmaticPicture::updateStrings() { QString cmpPicTitl = titlStr; cmpPicTitl.replace('\"', "''"); cmpPicTitl.replace(' ', '_'); cmpPicTitl.replace(':', '-'); cmpPicTitl.remove('\\'); cmpPicTitl.remove('{'); cmpPicTitl.remove('}'); cmpPicTitl.remove('/'); cmpPicTitl.remove('<'); cmpPicTitl.remove('>'); cmpPicTitl.remove('*'); cmpPicTitl.remove('?'); cmpPicTitl.remove('.'); pictureStr = tr("PHOTO - %1").arg(localSpJson.createdDateTime.toString("MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss")); sortStr = localSpJson.createdDateTime.toString("yyMMddHHmmss") % QString::number(localSpJson.uid); QString exportStr = localSpJson.createdDateTime.toString("yyyyMMdd") % "-" % QString::number(localSpJson.uid); picExportFileName = exportStr % "_" % cmpPicTitl; } bool SnapmaticPicture::readingPictureFromFile(const QString &fileName, bool writeEnabled_, bool cacheEnabled_, bool fastLoad, bool lowRamMode_) { if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { picFilePath = fileName; return readingPicture(writeEnabled_, cacheEnabled_, fastLoad, lowRamMode_); } else { return false; } } bool SnapmaticPicture::setImage(const QImage &picture) { if (writeEnabled) { QImage altPicture; bool useAltPicture = false; if (picture.size() != snapmaticResolution && careSnapDefault) { altPicture = picture.scaled(snapmaticResolution, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); useAltPicture = true; } QByteArray picByteArray; int comLvl = 100; bool saveSuccess = false; while (comLvl != 0 && !saveSuccess) { QByteArray picByteArrayT; QBuffer picStreamT(&picByteArrayT); picStreamT.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (useAltPicture) { saveSuccess = altPicture.save(&picStreamT, "JPEG", comLvl); } else { saveSuccess = picture.save(&picStreamT, "JPEG", comLvl); } picStreamT.close(); if (saveSuccess) { if (picByteArrayT.length() > jpegRawContentSize) { comLvl--; saveSuccess = false; } else { picByteArray = picByteArrayT; } } } if (saveSuccess) { return setPictureStream(picByteArray); } } return false; } bool SnapmaticPicture::setPictureStream(const QByteArray &picByteArray_) // clean method { if (writeEnabled) { bool customEOI = false; QByteArray picByteArray = picByteArray_; if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qUncompress(rawPicContent); } QBuffer snapmaticStream(&rawPicContent); snapmaticStream.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if (!snapmaticStream.seek(jpegStreamEditorBegin)) return false; if (picByteArray.length() > jpegPicStreamLength) return false; if (picByteArray.length() < jpegRawContentSize && jpegRawContentSize + 4 < jpegPicStreamLength) { customEOI = true; } while (picByteArray.length() != jpegPicStreamLength) { picByteArray += '\x00'; } if (customEOI) { picByteArray.replace(jpegRawContentSize, 4, "\xFF\x45\x4F\x49"); } int result = snapmaticStream.write(picByteArray); snapmaticStream.close(); if (result != 0) { if (cacheEnabled) { QImage replacedPicture; replacedPicture.loadFromData(picByteArray); cachePicture = replacedPicture; } if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qCompress(rawPicContent, 9); } return true; } if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qCompress(rawPicContent, 9); } return false; } return false; } bool SnapmaticPicture::setPictureTitl(const QString &newTitle_) { if (writeEnabled) { QString newTitle = newTitle_; if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qUncompress(rawPicContent); } QBuffer snapmaticStream(&rawPicContent); snapmaticStream.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if (!snapmaticStream.seek(titlStreamEditorBegin)) return false; if (newTitle.length() > titlStreamCharacterMax) { newTitle = newTitle.left(titlStreamCharacterMax); } QByteArray newTitleArray = newTitle.toUtf8(); while (newTitleArray.length() != titlStreamEditorLength) { newTitleArray += '\x00'; } int result = snapmaticStream.write(newTitleArray); snapmaticStream.close(); if (result != 0) { titlStr = newTitle; if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qCompress(rawPicContent, 9); } return true; } if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qCompress(rawPicContent, 9); } return false; } return false; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getExportPictureFileName() { return picExportFileName; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getOriginalPictureFileName() { QString newPicFileName = picFileName; if (picFileName.right(4) == ".bak") { newPicFileName = QString(picFileName).remove(picFileName.length() - 4, 4); } if (picFileName.right(7) == ".hidden") { newPicFileName = QString(picFileName).remove(picFileName.length() - 7, 7); } return newPicFileName; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getOriginalPictureFilePath() { QString newPicFilePath = picFilePath; if (picFilePath.right(4) == ".bak") { newPicFilePath = QString(picFilePath).remove(picFilePath.length() - 4, 4); } if (picFilePath.right(7) == ".hidden") { newPicFilePath = QString(picFilePath).remove(picFilePath.length() - 7, 7); } return newPicFilePath; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureFileName() { return picFileName; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureFilePath() { return picFilePath; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureSortStr() { return sortStr; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureDesc() { return descStr; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureTitl() { return titlStr; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureHead() { return pictureHead; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getPictureStr() { return pictureStr; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getLastStep() { return lastStep; } QImage SnapmaticPicture::getImage(bool fastLoad) { if (cacheEnabled) { return cachePicture; } else if (writeEnabled) { bool fastLoadU = fastLoad; if (!careSnapDefault) { fastLoadU = true; } bool returnOk = false; QImage tempPicture; QImage returnPicture; if (!fastLoadU) { returnPicture = QImage(snapmaticResolution, QImage::Format_RGB888); } if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qUncompress(rawPicContent); } QBuffer snapmaticStream(&rawPicContent); snapmaticStream.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (snapmaticStream.seek(jpegStreamEditorBegin)) { QByteArray jpegRawContent = snapmaticStream.read(jpegPicStreamLength); returnOk = tempPicture.loadFromData(jpegRawContent, "JPEG"); } snapmaticStream.close(); if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qCompress(rawPicContent, 9); } if (returnOk) { if (!fastLoadU) { QPainter returnPainter(&returnPicture); if (tempPicture.size() != snapmaticResolution) { returnPainter.drawImage(0, 0, tempPicture.scaled(snapmaticResolution, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } else { returnPainter.drawImage(0, 0, tempPicture); } returnPainter.end(); return returnPicture; } else { return tempPicture; } } } else { bool fastLoadU = fastLoad; if (!careSnapDefault) { fastLoadU = true; } bool returnOk = false; QImage tempPicture; QImage returnPicture; if (!fastLoadU) { returnPicture = QImage(snapmaticResolution, QImage::Format_RGB888); } QIODevice *picStream; QFile *picFile = new QFile(picFilePath); if (!picFile->open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { lastStep = "1;/1,OpenFile," % StringParser::convertDrawStringForLog(picFilePath); delete picFile; return QImage(); } rawPicContent = picFile->read(snapmaticFileMaxSize); picFile->close(); delete picFile; picStream = new QBuffer(&rawPicContent); picStream->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if (picStream->seek(jpegStreamEditorBegin)) { QByteArray jpegRawContent = picStream->read(jpegPicStreamLength); returnOk = tempPicture.loadFromData(jpegRawContent, "JPEG"); } picStream->close(); delete picStream; if (returnOk) { if (!fastLoadU) { QPainter returnPainter(&returnPicture); if (tempPicture.size() != snapmaticResolution) { returnPainter.drawImage(0, 0, tempPicture.scaled(snapmaticResolution, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } else { returnPainter.drawImage(0, 0, tempPicture); } returnPainter.end(); return returnPicture; } else { return tempPicture; } } } return QImage(); } int SnapmaticPicture::getContentMaxLength() { return jpegRawContentSize; } bool SnapmaticPicture::isPicOk() { return picOk; } void SnapmaticPicture::clearCache() { cacheEnabled = false; cachePicture = QImage(); } void SnapmaticPicture::emitUpdate() { emit updated(); } // JSON part bool SnapmaticPicture::isJsonOk() { return jsonOk; } QString SnapmaticPicture::getJsonStr() { return jsonStr; } SnapmaticProperties SnapmaticPicture::getSnapmaticProperties() { return localSpJson; } void SnapmaticPicture::parseJsonContent() { QJsonDocument jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonStr.toUtf8()); QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonDocument.object(); QVariantMap jsonMap = jsonObject.toVariantMap(); bool jsonIncomplete = false; bool jsonError = false; if (jsonObject.contains("loc")) { if (jsonObject["loc"].isObject()) { QJsonObject locObject = jsonObject["loc"].toObject(); if (locObject.contains("x")) { if (locObject["x"].isDouble()) { localSpJson.location.x = locObject["x"].toDouble(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (locObject.contains("y")) { if (locObject["y"].isDouble()) { localSpJson.location.y = locObject["y"].toDouble(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (locObject.contains("z")) { if (locObject["z"].isDouble()) { localSpJson.location.z = locObject["z"].toDouble(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("uid")) { bool uidOk; localSpJson.uid = jsonMap["uid"].toInt(&uidOk); if (!uidOk) { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("area")) { if (jsonObject["area"].isString()) { localSpJson.location.area = jsonObject["area"].toString(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("crewid")) { bool crewIDOk; localSpJson.crewID = jsonMap["crewid"].toInt(&crewIDOk); if (!crewIDOk) { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("street")) { bool streetIDOk; localSpJson.streetID = jsonMap["street"].toInt(&streetIDOk); if (!streetIDOk) { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("creat")) { bool timestampOk; QDateTime createdTimestamp; localSpJson.createdTimestamp = jsonMap["creat"].toUInt(×tampOk); createdTimestamp.setTime_t(localSpJson.createdTimestamp); localSpJson.createdDateTime = createdTimestamp; if (!timestampOk) { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("plyrs")) { if (jsonObject["plyrs"].isArray()) { localSpJson.playersList = jsonMap["plyrs"].toStringList(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("meme")) { if (jsonObject["meme"].isBool()) { localSpJson.isMeme = jsonObject["meme"].toBool(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("mug")) { if (jsonObject["mug"].isBool()) { localSpJson.isMug = jsonObject["mug"].toBool(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("slf")) { if (jsonObject["slf"].isBool()) { localSpJson.isSelfie = jsonObject["slf"].toBool(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("drctr")) { if (jsonObject["drctr"].isBool()) { localSpJson.isFromDirector = jsonObject["drctr"].toBool(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (jsonObject.contains("rsedtr")) { if (jsonObject["rsedtr"].isBool()) { localSpJson.isFromRSEditor = jsonObject["rsedtr"].toBool(); } else { jsonError = true; } } else { jsonIncomplete = true; } if (!jsonIncomplete && !jsonError) { jsonOk = true; } else { jsonOk = false; } } bool SnapmaticPicture::setSnapmaticProperties(SnapmaticProperties newSpJson) { QJsonDocument jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonStr.toUtf8()); QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonDocument.object(); QJsonObject locObject; locObject["x"] = newSpJson.location.x; locObject["y"] = newSpJson.location.y; locObject["z"] = newSpJson.location.z; jsonObject["loc"] = locObject; jsonObject["uid"] = newSpJson.uid; jsonObject["area"] = newSpJson.location.area; jsonObject["crewid"] = newSpJson.crewID; jsonObject["street"] = newSpJson.streetID; jsonObject["creat"] = QJsonValue::fromVariant(newSpJson.createdTimestamp); jsonObject["plyrs"] = QJsonValue::fromVariant(newSpJson.playersList); jsonObject["meme"] = newSpJson.isMeme; jsonObject["mug"] = newSpJson.isMug; jsonObject["slf"] = newSpJson.isSelfie; jsonObject["drctr"] = newSpJson.isFromDirector; jsonObject["rsedtr"] = newSpJson.isFromRSEditor; jsonDocument.setObject(jsonObject); if (setJsonStr(QString::fromUtf8(jsonDocument.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)))) { localSpJson = newSpJson; return true; } return false; } bool SnapmaticPicture::setJsonStr(const QString &newJsonStr, bool updateProperties) { if (newJsonStr.length() < jsonStreamEditorLength) { if (writeEnabled) { QByteArray jsonByteArray = newJsonStr.toUtf8(); while (jsonByteArray.length() != jsonStreamEditorLength) { jsonByteArray += '\x00'; } if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qUncompress(rawPicContent); } QBuffer snapmaticStream(&rawPicContent); snapmaticStream.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if (!snapmaticStream.seek(jsonStreamEditorBegin)) { snapmaticStream.close(); return false; } int result = snapmaticStream.write(jsonByteArray); snapmaticStream.close(); if (result != 0) { jsonStr = newJsonStr; if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qCompress(rawPicContent, 9); } if (updateProperties) { parseJsonContent(); } return true; } else { if (lowRamMode) { rawPicContent = qCompress(rawPicContent, 9); } return false; } } else { return false; } } return false; } // FILE MANAGEMENT bool SnapmaticPicture::exportPicture(const QString &fileName, SnapmaticFormat format_) { // Keep current format when Auto_Format is used SnapmaticFormat format = format_; if (format_ == SnapmaticFormat::Auto_Format) { if (isCustomFormat) { format = SnapmaticFormat::G5E_Format; } else { format = SnapmaticFormat::PGTA_Format; } } bool saveSuccess = false; bool writeFailure = false; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 QSaveFile *picFile = new QSaveFile(fileName); #else QFile *picFile = new QFile(StandardPaths::tempLocation() % "/" % QFileInfo(fileName).fileName() % ".tmp"); #endif if (picFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { if (format == SnapmaticFormat::G5E_Format) { // Modern compressed export QByteArray stockFileNameUTF8 = picFileName.toUtf8(); QByteArray numberLength = QByteArray::number(stockFileNameUTF8.length()); if (numberLength.length() == 1) { numberLength.insert(0, '0'); } else if (numberLength.length() != 2) { numberLength = "00"; } QByteArray g5eHeader; g5eHeader.reserve(stockFileNameUTF8.length() + 16); g5eHeader += '\x00'; // First Null Byte g5eHeader += QByteArray("G5E"); // GTA 5 Export g5eHeader += '\x10'; g5eHeader += '\x00'; // 2 byte GTA 5 Export Version g5eHeader += QByteArray("LEN"); // Before Length g5eHeader += QByteArray::fromHex(numberLength); // Length in HEX before Compressed g5eHeader += QByteArray("FIL"); // Before File Name g5eHeader += stockFileNameUTF8; // File Name g5eHeader += QByteArray("COM"); // Before Compressed if (picFile->write(g5eHeader) == -1) { writeFailure = true; } if (!lowRamMode) { if (picFile->write(qCompress(rawPicContent, 9)) == -1) { writeFailure = true; } // Compressed Snapmatic } else { if (picFile->write(rawPicContent) == -1) { writeFailure = true; } } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 if (writeFailure) { picFile->cancelWriting(); } else { saveSuccess = picFile->commit(); } #else if (!writeFailure) { saveSuccess = true; } picFile->close(); #endif delete picFile; } else if (format == SnapmaticFormat::JPEG_Format) { // JPEG export QBuffer snapmaticStream(&rawPicContent); snapmaticStream.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (snapmaticStream.seek(jpegStreamEditorBegin)) { QByteArray jpegRawContent = snapmaticStream.read(jpegPicStreamLength); if (jpegRawContentSizeE != 0) { jpegRawContent = jpegRawContent.left(jpegRawContentSizeE); } if (picFile->write(jpegRawContent) == -1) { writeFailure = true; } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 if (writeFailure) { picFile->cancelWriting(); } else { saveSuccess = picFile->commit(); } #else if (!writeFailure) { saveSuccess = true; } picFile->close(); #endif } delete picFile; } else { // Classic straight export if (!lowRamMode) { if (picFile->write(rawPicContent) == -1) { writeFailure = true; } } else { if (picFile->write(qUncompress(rawPicContent)) == -1) { writeFailure = true; } } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 if (writeFailure) { picFile->cancelWriting(); } else { saveSuccess = picFile->commit(); } #else if (!writeFailure) { saveSuccess = true; } picFile->close(); #endif delete picFile; } #if QT_VERSION <= 0x050000 if (saveSuccess) { bool tempBakCreated = false; if (QFile::exists(fileName)) { if (!QFile::rename(fileName, fileName % ".tmp")) { QFile::remove(StandardPaths::tempLocation() % "/" % QFileInfo(fileName).fileName() % ".tmp"); return false; } tempBakCreated = true; } if (!QFile::rename(StandardPaths::tempLocation() % "/" % QFileInfo(fileName).fileName() % ".tmp", fileName)) { QFile::remove(StandardPaths::tempLocation() % "/" % QFileInfo(fileName).fileName() % ".tmp"); if (tempBakCreated) { QFile::rename(fileName % ".tmp", fileName); } return false; } if (tempBakCreated) { QFile::remove(fileName % ".tmp"); } } #endif return saveSuccess; } else { delete picFile; return saveSuccess; } } void SnapmaticPicture::setPicFileName(const QString &picFileName_) { picFileName = picFileName_; } void SnapmaticPicture::setPicFilePath(const QString &picFilePath_) { picFilePath = picFilePath_; } bool SnapmaticPicture::deletePicFile() { if (!QFile::exists(picFilePath)) return true; if (QFile::remove(picFilePath)) return true; return false; } // VISIBILITY bool SnapmaticPicture::isHidden() { if (picFilePath.right(7) == QLatin1String(".hidden")) { return true; } return false; } bool SnapmaticPicture::setPictureHidden() { if (isCustomFormat) { return false; } if (!isHidden()) { QString newPicFilePath = QString(picFilePath % ".hidden"); if (QFile::rename(picFilePath, newPicFilePath)) { picFilePath = newPicFilePath; return true; } return false; } return true; } bool SnapmaticPicture::setPictureVisible() { if (isCustomFormat) { return false; } if (isHidden()) { QString newPicFilePath = QString(picFilePath).remove(picFilePath.length() - 7, 7); if (QFile::rename(picFilePath, newPicFilePath)) { picFilePath = newPicFilePath; return true; } return false; } return true; } // PREDEFINED PROPERTIES QSize SnapmaticPicture::getSnapmaticResolution() { return snapmaticResolution; } // SNAPMATIC DEFAULTS bool SnapmaticPicture::isSnapmaticDefaultsEnforced() { return careSnapDefault; } void SnapmaticPicture::setSnapmaticDefaultsEnforced(bool enforced) { careSnapDefault = enforced; } // SNAPMATIC FORMAT SnapmaticFormat SnapmaticPicture::getSnapmaticFormat() { if (isCustomFormat) { return SnapmaticFormat::G5E_Format; } return SnapmaticFormat::PGTA_Format; } void SnapmaticPicture::setSnapmaticFormat(SnapmaticFormat format) { if (format == SnapmaticFormat::G5E_Format) { isCustomFormat = true; return; } else if (format == SnapmaticFormat::PGTA_Format) { isCustomFormat = false; return; } qDebug() << "setSnapmaticFormat: Invalid SnapmaticFormat defined, valid SnapmaticFormats are G5E_Format and PGTA_Format"; } bool SnapmaticPicture::isFormatSwitched() { return isFormatSwitch; } // VERIFY CONTENT bool SnapmaticPicture::verifyTitle(const QString &title) { // VERIFY TITLE FOR BE A VALID SNAPMATIC TITLE if (title.length() <= titlStreamCharacterMax) { for (QChar titleChar : title) { if (!verifyTitleChar(titleChar)) return false; } return true; } return false; } bool SnapmaticPicture::verifyTitleChar(const QChar &titleChar) { // VERIFY CHAR FOR BE A VALID SNAPMATIC CHARACTER if (titleChar.isLetterOrNumber() || titleChar.isPrint()) { if (titleChar == '<' || titleChar == '>' || titleChar == '\\') return false; return true; } return false; }