## gta5view Grand Theft Auto V Savegame and Snapmatic viewer/editor - View Snapmatics with the ability to disable them in-game - Edit Snapmatic pictures and properties in multiple ways - Import/Export Snapmatics, Savegames and pictures - Let choose between multiple Social Club accounts as GTA V profiles IDs #### Screenshots ![Snapmatic Picture Viewer](https://i.imgur.com/dQdW3hx.png) ![User Interface](https://i.imgur.com/SRNQdq6.png) ![Snapmatic Properties](https://i.imgur.com/j1Lodiu.png) #### Build gta5view for Debian/Ubuntu # Note: You can use 'sudo make install' instead of 'sudo checkinstall' sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ qtbase5-dev qttranslations5-l10n qt5-qmake make checkinstall git clone https://github.com/SyDevTeam/gta5view && cd gta5view mkdir -p build && cd build qmake -qt=5 GTA5SYNC_PREFIX=/usr ../gta5view.pro # or just qmake GTA5SYNC_PREFIX=/usr ../gta5view.pro make -j $(nproc --all) sudo checkinstall --pkgname=gta5view --pkggroup=utility --requires=libqt5core5a,libqt5gui5,libqt5network5,libqt5widgets5,qttranslations5-l10n #### Build gta5view for Windows # Note: Install Docker Community Edition and Git before continuing git clone https://github.com/SyDevTeam/gta5view && cd gta5view docker pull syping/qt5-static-mingw docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/gta5view -it syping/qt5-static-mingw cd /gta5view && mkdir -p build && cd build qmake-static ../gta5view.pro make -j $(nproc --all) #### Build gta5view for Windows (Beginner) Download the [Qt Framework](https://www.qt.io/) and install the MinGW version. Download the Source Code over [GitHub](https://github.com/SyDevTeam/gta5view/archive/1.5.x.zip) or with your Git client. Open the gta5view.pro Project file with Qt Creator and build it over Qt Creator. #### Download Binary Releases Go to [gta5view release](https://github.com/SyDevTeam/gta5view/releases) and download the .exe file for Windows, .deb file for Debian/Ubuntu and .dmg file for OS X.