## libragephoto Open Source RAGE Photo Parser for GTA V and RDR 2 - Read/Write RAGE Photos error free and correct - Support for metadata stored in RAGE Photos - Export RAGE Photos to jpeg with ragephoto-extract - High Efficient and Simple C/C++ API #### Build libragephoto ```bash git clone https://github.com/Syping/libragephoto cmake -B libragephoto-build libragephoto cmake --build libragephoto-build sudo cmake --install libragephoto-build ``` ##### Optional CMake flags `-DRAGEPHOTO_C_API=OFF` `-DRAGEPHOTO_DOC=ON` `-DRAGEPHOTO_EXAMPLE_GTKVIEWER=ON` `-DRAGEPHOTO_EXAMPLE_QTVIEWER=ON` `-DRAGEPHOTO_EXTRACT=OFF` `-DRAGEPHOTO_STATIC=ON` #### RagePhoto API [RagePhoto C API](https://libragephoto.syping.de/doc/RagePhotoC_8h.html) [RagePhoto C++ API](https://libragephoto.syping.de/doc/classRagePhoto.html) #### How to Use ragephoto-extract ```bash ragephoto-extract PGTA5123456789 photo.jpg ragephoto-extract PRDR3123456789 photo.jpg ```