/*! \page Usage Using libragephoto


Including and using RagePhoto

Include RagePhoto \code{.cpp} #include \endcode Create a RagePhoto object \code{.cpp} RagePhoto ragePhoto; \endcode

Loading a Photo

From a file using RagePhoto::loadFile \code{.cpp} const char* filename = "PGTA5123456789"; const bool loaded = ragePhoto.loadFile(filename); \endcode From a file using RagePhoto::load(const std::string&) \code{.cpp} // Reading file const char* filename = "PGTA5123456789"; std::ifstream ifs(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (!ifs.is_open()) return; std::string sdata(std::istreambuf_iterator{ifs}, {}); ifs.close(); // Loading file const bool loaded = ragePhoto.load(sdata); \endcode From a char* using RagePhoto::load(const char*, size_t) \code{.cpp} const bool loaded = ragePhoto.load(data, size); \endcode

Using a Photo

\code{.cpp} // Returns the Photo Format const uint32_t format = ragePhoto.format(); // Returns the JPEG as std::string const std::string jpeg = ragePhoto.jpeg(); // Returns the JPEG as const char* const char* jpeg = ragePhoto.jpegData(); const uint32_t size = ragePhoto.jpegSize(); // Returns the JSON const char* json = ragePhoto.json(); // Returns the Title const char* title = ragePhoto.title(); \endcode Detecting if Photo is from GTA V or RDR 2 \code{.cpp} switch (ragePhoto.format()) { case RagePhoto::PhotoFormat::GTA5: std::cout << "GTA V format detected" << std::endl; break; case RagePhoto::PhotoFormat::RDR2: std::cout << "RDR 2 format detected" << std::endl; break; default: std::cout << "Unknown format detected" << std::endl; } \endcode Saving the JPEG from a Photo \code{.cpp} // Example saveJpeg function bool saveJpeg(RagePhoto* ragePhoto, const std::string& filename) { std::ofstream ofs(filename, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc); if (!ofs.is_open()) return false; ofs << ragePhoto->jpeg(); const bool saved = ofs.good(); ofs.close(); return saved; } // Using the saveJpeg function const char* filename = "PGTA5123456789.jpg"; const bool saved = saveJpeg(&ragePhoto, filename); \endcode Using the JPEG in GTK+ (gtkmm) \code{.cpp} // Writing pixbuf loader GdkPixbufLoader* pixbuf_loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new(); gdk_pixbuf_loader_write(pixbuf_loader, reinterpret_cast(ragePhoto.jpegData()), ragePhoto.jpegSize(), nullptr); GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf(pixbuf_loader); gdk_pixbuf_loader_close(pixbuf_loader, nullptr); // Set image Gtk::Image image; image.set(Glib::wrap(pixbuf)); \endcode Using the JPEG in Qt \code{.cpp} // Returns the JPEG as QImage const QImage image = QImage::fromData(QByteArray::fromRawData(ragePhoto.jpegData(), ragePhoto.jpegSize()), "JPEG"); // Loading the JPEG in QImage QImage image; const bool loaded = image.loadFromData(QByteArray::fromRawData(ragePhoto.jpegData(), ragePhoto.jpegSize()), "JPEG"); \endcode Using the JSON in Boost.JSON \code{.cpp} boost::json::error_code ec; const boost::json::value jv = boost::json::parse(ragePhoto.json(), ec); if (ec) return; \endcode Using the JSON in Qt \code{.cpp} const QJsonDocument jd = QJsonDocument::fromJson(ragePhoto.json()); if (jd.isNull()) return; \endcode

Detect Photo errors

\code{.cpp} const int32_t error = ragePhoto.error(); switch (error) { case RagePhoto::Error::NoFormatIdentifier: std::cout << "No format identifier" << std::endl; break; case RagePhoto::Error::IncompatibleFormat: std::cout << "Incompatible format" << std::endl; break; // Detect for more errors here... case RagePhoto::Error::NoError: std::cout << "No error detected" << std::endl; break; default: std::cout << "Unknown error detected" << std::endl; } \endcode Available error codes: RagePhoto::Error

Including libragephoto in a CMake project

Using PkgConfig

\code{.cmake} find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules(RAGEPHOTO REQUIRED ragephoto) target_compile_options(your_project PRIVATE ${RAGEPHOTO_CFLAGS}) target_link_libraries(your_project PRIVATE ${RAGEPHOTO_LIBRARIES}) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.13.0") target_link_directories(your_project PRIVATE ${RAGEPHOTO_LIBRARY_DIRS}) endif() target_include_directories(your_project PRIVATE ${RAGEPHOTO_INCLUDE_DIRS}) \endcode

Using add_subdirectory

\code{.cmake} add_subdirectory(src/libragephoto) target_link_libraries(your_project PRIVATE ragephoto) \endcode */