#!/usr/bin/env luaengine --[[ ****************************************************************************** * luaenginec LuaEngine Compiler * Copyright (C) 2019 Syping * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ****************************************************************************** --]] local sstubDir local mainWindow local currentSstub local compilerPath local compileButton local currentFilter local scriptLineEdit local outputLineEdit local sstubsTable = {} local radioButtonFile = {} local radioButtonFilter = {} function main() local initOk = init() if (initOk == false) then return 1 end mainWindow = createMainWindow("LuaEngine Compiler") local mainLayout = createLayout(VerticalLayout, mainWindow) createLabel("LuaEngine Compiler", mainLayout) local scriptLayout = createLayout(HorizontalLayout, mainLayout) createLabel("Script:", scriptLayout) scriptLineEdit = createLineEdit("", scriptLayout) setWidgetReadOnly(scriptLineEdit) local scriptToolButton = createToolButton("...", scriptLayout) connect(scriptToolButton, "clicked()", "scriptButtonPressed") local radioButton = createRadioButton("LuaEngine Bytecode", mainLayout) currentFilter = "LuaEngine Bytecode (*.luac *.leac)" radioButtonFile[radioButton] = nil radioButtonFilter[radioButton] = currentFilter connect(radioButton, "clicked()", "radioButtonClicked") setWidgetChecked(radioButton, true) for index, subtable in ipairs(sstubsTable) do radioButton = createRadioButton(subtable["name"], mainLayout) radioButtonFile[radioButton] = subtable["file"] radioButtonFilter[radioButton] = subtable["filter"] connect(radioButton, "clicked()", "radioButtonClicked") end local buttonLayout = createLayout(HorizontalLayout, mainLayout) createSpacerItem(SizePolicyExpanding, SizePolicyMinimum, buttonLayout) compileButton = createPushButton("&Compile", buttonLayout) setWidgetEnabled(compileButton, false) connect(compileButton, "clicked()", "compileScript") setWidgetSize(mainWindow, 300, 0) setWidgetFixed(mainWindow, true) showWidget(mainWindow, ShowDefault) return GuiExecuted end function init() local binDir = getDirectoryPath(_LuaEngineRT) if (luaEnginePlatform() == "Windows") then compilerPath = binDir.."/luaenginec.exe" if (checkFileExists(compilerPath)) then sstubDir = binDir.."/sstubs" for index, file in ipairs(getDirectoryContent(sstubDir, "*.json", Files)) do local handle = io.open(file, "r") if (handle ~= nil) then local content = handle:read("*a") table.insert(sstubsTable, jsonToTable(content)) handle:close() end end else showMessageBox(WarningMessageBox, "LuaEngine Compiler not found!", "LuaEngine Compiler") return false end else showMessageBox(InfoMessageBox, "LuaEngine Compiler only supported on Windows now.", "LuaEngine Compiler") return false end return true end function scriptButtonPressed() local filePath = showFileDialog(OpenFileDialog, "Select LuaEngine script...", "LuaEngine scripts (*.lua *.lea)", mainWindow) if (filePath ~= nil) then setWidgetText(scriptLineEdit, filePath) setWidgetEnabled(compileButton, true) end end function radioButtonClicked(radioButton) currentSstub = radioButtonFile[radioButton] currentFilter = radioButtonFilter[radioButton] end function compileScript() local filePath = showFileDialog(SaveFileDialog, "Select output file...", currentFilter, mainWindow) if (filePath ~= nil) then local compileArgs = { getWidgetText(scriptLineEdit) } if (currentSstub ~= nil) then compileArgs[2] = "--luaengine" compileArgs[3] = sstubDir.."/"..currentSstub end if (executeProcess(compilerPath, compileArgs, false) == false) then showMessageBox(WarningMessageBox, "Error occurred while compile!", "LuaEngine Compiler") end end end