#/***************************************************************************** #* luaEngine Lua Engine for Qt #* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Syping #* #* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); #* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #* You may obtain a copy of the License at #* #* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #* #* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #* limitations under the License. #*****************************************************************************/ QT -= gui TARGET = LuaEngine TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += c++11 \ skip_target_version_ext VERSION = 0.1 DEFINES += LUAENGINE_LIBRARY DEFINES += LUA_COMPAT_5_2 shared: win32: DEFINES += LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL static: DEFINES += LUAENGINE_STATIC linux: DEFINES += LUA_USE_LINUX gcc: QMAKE_CFLAGS += -Wno-cast-function-type # PROJECT PREFIX unix { isEmpty(LUAENGINE_PREFIX): LUAENGINE_PREFIX = /usr/local isEmpty(LUAENGINE_LIBDIR): LUAENGINE_LIBDIR = $$LUAENGINE_PREFIX/lib } SOURCES += \ luaengine/LuaEngine.cpp \ luaengine/LuaEngineRegistry.cpp HEADERS += \ luaengine/LuaEngine.h \ luaengine/LuaEngine_global.h \ luaengine/LuaEngine_macro.h \ luaengine/LuaEngineAddon.h \ luaengine/LuaEngineRegistry.h SOURCES += \ lua/lapi.c \ lua/lauxlib.c \ lua/lbaselib.c \ lua/lbitlib.c \ lua/lcode.c \ lua/lcorolib.c \ lua/lctype.c \ lua/ldblib.c \ lua/ldebug.c \ lua/ldo.c \ lua/ldump.c \ lua/lfunc.c \ lua/lgc.c \ lua/linit.c \ lua/liolib.c \ lua/llex.c \ lua/lmathlib.c \ lua/lmem.c \ lua/loadlib.c \ lua/lobject.c \ lua/lopcodes.c \ lua/loslib.c \ lua/lparser.c \ lua/lstate.c \ lua/lstring.c \ lua/lstrlib.c \ lua/ltable.c \ lua/ltablib.c \ lua/ltm.c \ lua/lundump.c \ lua/lutf8lib.c \ lua/lvm.c \ lua/lzio.c HEADERS += \ lua/lapi.h \ lua/lauxlib.h \ lua/lcode.h \ lua/lctype.h \ lua/ldebug.h \ lua/ldo.h \ lua/lfunc.h \ lua/lgc.h \ lua/llex.h \ lua/llimits.h \ lua/lmem.h \ lua/lobject.h \ lua/lopcodes.h \ lua/lparser.h \ lua/lprefix.h \ lua/lstate.h \ lua/lstring.h \ lua/ltable.h \ lua/ltm.h \ lua/lua.h \ lua/luaconf.h \ lua/lualib.h \ lua/lundump.h \ lua/lvm.h \ lua/lzio.h unix { target.path = $$LUAENGINE_LIBDIR INSTALLS += target } win32 { RC_LANG = 0x0 QMAKE_TARGET_COMPANY = "Syping" QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = "LuaEngine Library" QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Syping" QMAKE_TARGET_PRODUCT = "LuaEngine" }