/***************************************************************************** * mayu Mate Are You Up * Copyright (C) 2018 Syping * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mayu.h" #include using namespace std; #ifdef MAYU_UNIX extern "C" { #include "oping.h" } #endif mayu::mayu(const QString &hostsFile, const QString &jsonFile, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { p_return = -1; p_timeout = 2.5; p_tries = 4; p_clean = false; p_mayuMode = mayuMode::Ping; if (!hostsFile.isEmpty()) setHostsFile(hostsFile); if (!jsonFile.isEmpty()) setJsonFile(jsonFile); } void mayu::setMayuMode(mayuMode mode) { p_mayuMode = mode; } void mayu::setHostsFile(const QString &fileName) { p_hostsFile = fileName; p_hostsParsed = false; } void mayu::setHosts(const QStringList &hostsList) { p_hostsList = hostsList; p_hostsParsed = true; } void mayu::setJsonFile(const QString &fileName) { p_jsonFile = fileName; } void mayu::setPingTimeout(double timeout) { p_timeout = timeout; } void mayu::setPingTries(int tries) { p_tries = tries; } void mayu::setCleanUp(bool clean) { p_clean = clean; } mayuMode mayu::getMayuMode() { return p_mayuMode; } const QString mayu::getHostsFile() { return p_hostsFile; } const QStringList mayu::getHosts() { return p_hostsList; } const QString mayu::getJsonFile() { return p_jsonFile; } double mayu::getPingTimeout() { return p_timeout; } int mayu::getPingTries() { return p_tries; } bool mayu::getCleanUp() { return p_clean; } int mayu::getResult() { return p_return; } #ifdef MAYU_UNIX double mayu::ping(const QString &host, int tries, double timeout) { double latency; pingobj_t *pingObj; pingobj_iter_t *pingIter; if ((pingObj = ping_construct()) == NULL) { QTextStream(stderr) << "Ping construction failed " << endl; return -1; } if (ping_setopt(pingObj, PING_OPT_TIMEOUT, (void*)(&timeout)) < 0) { QTextStream(stderr) << "Setting timeout to" << timeout << " have failed" << endl; ping_destroy(pingObj); return -1; } QHostAddress hostAddress(host); if (QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol == hostAddress.protocol()) { if (ping_host_add(pingObj, hostAddress.toString().toStdString().c_str()) < 0) { ping_destroy(pingObj); return -1; } #ifdef E_DEBUG QTextStream(stderr) << "IPv4 Address " << hostAddress.toString() << " found" << endl; #endif } else if (QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol == hostAddress.protocol()) { if (ping_host_add(pingObj, hostAddress.toString().toStdString().c_str()) < 0) { ping_destroy(pingObj); return -1; } #ifdef E_DEBUG QTextStream(stderr) << "IPv6 Address " << hostAddress.toString() << " found" << endl; #endif } else { QList hostAddresses = QHostInfo::fromName(host).addresses(); if (hostAddresses.length() >= 1) { QString ipStr = hostAddresses.at(0).toString(); if (ping_host_add(pingObj, ipStr.toStdString().c_str()) < 0) { ping_destroy(pingObj); return -1; } #ifdef E_DEBUG QTextStream(stderr) << "Hostname " << host << " found and resolved " << ipStr << endl; #endif } else { #ifdef E_DEBUG QTextStream(stderr) << "Hostname " << host << " not found" << endl; #endif ping_destroy(pingObj); return -1; } } bool hostUp = false; int curTry = 0; while (!hostUp && curTry != tries) { if (ping_send(pingObj) < 0) { QTextStream(stderr) << "Pinging host " << host << " has failed" << endl; ping_destroy(pingObj); return -1; } bool pingSuccess = false; for (pingIter = ping_iterator_get(pingObj); pingIter != NULL; pingIter = ping_iterator_next(pingIter)) { size_t len; len = sizeof(double); ping_iterator_get_info(pingIter, PING_INFO_LATENCY, &latency, &len); pingSuccess = !(latency < 0); #ifdef E_DEBUG char hostname[100]; len = 100; ping_iterator_get_info(pingIter, PING_INFO_HOSTNAME, hostname, &len); QString latencyString; if (latency != -1) { latencyString = QString::number(latency) + "ms"; } else { latencyString = QString::number(latency); } QTextStream(stderr) << "Host: " << hostname << " Ping: " << latencyString << " Status: " << (pingSuccess ? "true" : "false") << endl; #endif } if (pingSuccess) { hostUp = true; } curTry++; } ping_destroy(pingObj); if (hostUp) return latency; return -1; } #endif const QList mayu::resolve(const QString &host, bool emptyWhenError) { QList resultList; QList hostAddresses = QHostInfo::fromName(host).addresses(); if (hostAddresses.length() >= 1) { for (const QHostAddress &hostAddress : hostAddresses) { #ifdef E_DEBUG QTextStream(stderr) << "Hostname " << host << " found and resolved " << hostAddress.toString() << endl; #endif mayuResult m_result; m_result.host = host; m_result.result = hostAddress.toString(); resultList += m_result; } } else { #ifdef E_DEBUG QTextStream(stderr) << "Hostname " << host << " not found" << endl; #endif if (!emptyWhenError) { mayuResult m_result; m_result.host = host; m_result.result = "-1"; resultList += m_result; } } return resultList; } void mayu::parse_hosts() { p_hostsList.clear(); if (p_hostsFile != "-") { #ifdef PRIVILEGE_DROP_REQUIRED if (!p_dropPrivileges()) { p_return = 2; return; } #endif QFile hostsFile(p_hostsFile); if (hostsFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { const QList hostsArray = hostsFile.readAll().split('\n'); hostsFile.close(); p_workHosts(hostsArray); p_hostsParsed = true; } else { QTextStream(stderr) << "Failed read hosts from " << p_hostsFile << endl; } #ifdef PRIVILEGE_DROP_REQUIRED if (!p_regainPrivileges()) { p_return = 3; return; } #endif } else { QByteArray b_hostsArray = QTextStream(stdin).readAll().replace("\\n", "\n").toUtf8(); const QList hostsArray = b_hostsArray.split('\n'); p_workHosts(hostsArray); p_hostsParsed = true; } } void mayu::p_saveWork(const QJsonObject &jsonObject) { QJsonDocument jsonDocument; jsonDocument.setObject(jsonObject); QByteArray jsonArray = jsonDocument.toJson(); if (p_jsonFile != "-") { #ifdef PRIVILEGE_DROP_REQUIRED if (!p_dropPrivileges()) { p_return = 2; return; } #endif QSaveFile jsonFile(p_jsonFile); if (jsonFile.open(QSaveFile::WriteOnly)) { jsonFile.write(jsonArray); if (!jsonFile.commit()) { QTextStream(stderr) << "Failed save result to " << p_jsonFile << " because file can't be saved!" << endl; p_return = 1; } } else { QTextStream(stderr) << "Failed save result to " << p_jsonFile << " because file can't be opened!" << endl; p_return = 1; } #ifdef PRIVILEGE_DROP_REQUIRED if (!p_regainPrivileges()) { p_return = 3; return; } #endif } else { QTextStream(stdout) << jsonArray; } p_return = 0; } void mayu::work() { switch(p_mayuMode) { case mayuMode::Ping: #ifdef MAYU_UNIX p_workPing(); #else QTextStream(stderr) << "Mayu doesn't support pinging on your Operating System!" << endl; #endif break; case mayuMode::Resolve: p_workResolve(); break; } } void mayu::p_workHosts(const QList &hostsArray) { for (const QByteArray &lineArray : hostsArray) { QString lineStr = QString::fromUtf8(lineArray).trimmed(); if (!lineStr.isEmpty()) { QStringList lineStrList = lineStr.split(','); QString hostStr; QString alternativeStr; if (lineStrList.length() >= 1) { hostStr = lineStrList.at(0); lineStrList.removeAt(0); if (lineStrList.length() >= 1) { alternativeStr = lineStrList.join(','); // Alternative Name in Future Version } p_hostsList += hostStr; } } } } #ifdef MAYU_UNIX void mayu::p_workPing() { if (!p_hostsParsed) parse_hosts(); QJsonObject jsonObject; const QStringList hostsList = getHosts(); for (const QString &host : hostsList) { double result = ping(host, p_tries, p_timeout); if (!(result == -1 && p_clean)) { jsonObject[host] = result; } } p_saveWork(jsonObject); } #endif void mayu::p_workResolve() { if (!p_hostsParsed) parse_hosts(); QJsonObject jsonObject; const QStringList hostsList = getHosts(); for (const QString &host : hostsList) { const QList resultList = resolve(host, p_clean); QJsonArray arrayList; for (const mayuResult &result : resultList) { arrayList += result.result; } if (!arrayList.isEmpty()) jsonObject[host] = arrayList; } p_saveWork(jsonObject); } #ifdef PRIVILEGE_DROP_REQUIRED bool mayu::p_dropPrivileges() { #if _POSIX_SAVED_IDS p_uid = geteuid(); int status = seteuid(getuid()); if (status != 0) { QTextStream(stderr) << "Dropping of privileges has failed!" << endl; return false; } return true; #else return false; #endif } bool mayu::p_regainPrivileges() { #if _POSIX_SAVED_IDS int status = seteuid(p_uid); if (status != 0) { QTextStream(stderr) << "Regaining of privileges has failed!" << endl; return false; } return true; #else return false; #endif } #endif