
160 lines
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2020-05-20 23:05:00 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env luaengine
* luaEngine Lua Engine for Qt
* Copyright (C) 2020 Syping
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
local stackSwitch
local mainWindow
local itemStack = {}
function main()
-- Window
mainWindow = createMainWindow("LE Test Engine")
local mainLayout = createLayout(VerticalLayout, mainWindow)
-- Menu
local menuBar = createMenuBar(mainWindow)
local menuFile = createMenu("&File", menuBar)
local menuEntryExit = createMenuEntry("&Exit", menuFile, "Alt+F4")
connect(menuEntryExit, "triggered()", "testEngineClose")
local menuHelp = createMenu("&Help", menuBar)
local menuEntryAbout = createMenuEntry("&About LE Test Engine", menuHelp, "Ctrl+P")
connect(menuEntryAbout, "triggered()", "testEngineAboutBox")
-- Toolbar
local toolBar = createToolBar("Toolbar", mainWindow)
setWidgetImageSize(toolBar, 24, 24)
local leftButton = createMenuEntry("Left", toolBar)
setObjectImage(leftButton, "L.png")
local rightButton = createMenuEntry("Right", toolBar)
setObjectImage(rightButton, "R.png")
-- Tabbar
local tabBar = createTabBar(mainLayout)
-- Main Tab
local groupBox = createGroupBox("Buttons in Layouts", tabBar)
addWidgetAsTab(groupBox, "Main Tab", tabBar)
local groupBoxLayout1 = createLayout(HorizontalLayout, groupBox)
local groupBoxLayout2 = createLayout(VerticalLayout, groupBoxLayout1)
local testButton1 = createPushButton("Test 1", groupBoxLayout2)
setObjectImage(testButton1, "L.png")
local testButton2 = createPushButton("Test 2", groupBoxLayout2)
local testButton3 = createPushButton("Test 3", groupBoxLayout1)
local testButton4 = createPushButton("Test 4", groupBoxLayout1)
local groupBoxLayout3 = createLayout(VerticalLayout, groupBoxLayout1)
local testButton5 = createPushButton("Test 5", groupBoxLayout3)
setObjectImage(testButton5, "R.png")
local testButton6 = createPushButton("Test 6", groupBoxLayout3)
-- Secondary Tab
local secondaryTab = createWidgetTab("Secondary Tab", tabBar)
local secondaryTabLayout = createLayout(VerticalLayout, secondaryTab)
createLabel("<b>The Secondary Tab is here!</b>", secondaryTabLayout)
local imagesLayout = createLayout(HorizontalLayout, secondaryTabLayout)
createSpacerItem(SizePolicyExpanding, SizePolicyMinimum, imagesLayout)
local leftImage = createLabel("!image:L.png", imagesLayout, 2)
createLabel("Left", imagesLayout)
createSpacerItem(SizePolicyExpanding, SizePolicyMinimum, imagesLayout)
local rightImage = createLabel("!image:R.png", imagesLayout, 2)
createLabel("Right", imagesLayout)
createSpacerItem(SizePolicyExpanding, SizePolicyMinimum, imagesLayout)
-- Third Tab
local thirdTab = createWidgetTab("Third Tab", tabBar)
local thirdTabLayout = createLayout(VerticalLayout, thirdTab)
createLabel("<b>The Third Tab is here!</b>", thirdTabLayout)
2020-05-20 23:05:00 +02:00
-- Last Tab
local lastTab = createWidgetTab("Last Tab", tabBar)
local lastTabLayout = createLayout(HorizontalLayout, lastTab)
local listView = createListView(lastTabLayout)
setWidgetImageSize(listView, 24, 24)
setWidgetSizePolicy(listView, SizePolicyPreferred, SizePolicyExpanding)
-- Last Tab: Upper Item
local upperItem = createListItem("Upper", listView)
setObjectImage(upperItem, "U.png")
connect(upperItem, "selected()", "itemSelected")
-- Last Tab: Bottom Item
local bottomItem = createListItem("Bottom", listView)
setObjectImage(bottomItem, "B.png")
connect(bottomItem, "selected()", "itemSelected")
-- Last Tab: Stack Switch
stackSwitch = createStackSwitch(lastTabLayout)
-- Stack Switch: Upper Stack
local upperStack = createWidgetStack(stackSwitch)
local upperLayout = createLayout(VerticalLayout, upperStack)
createSpacerItem(SizePolicyMinimum, SizePolicyExpanding, upperLayout)
local upperLabel = createLabel("<b>Upper Label is here!</b>", upperLayout)
local upperImage = createLabel("!image:U.png", upperLayout, 2)
createSpacerItem(SizePolicyMinimum, SizePolicyExpanding, upperLayout)
itemStack[upperItem] = upperStack
-- Stack Switch: Bottom Stack
local bottomStack = createWidgetStack(stackSwitch)
local bottomLayout = createLayout(VerticalLayout, bottomStack)
createSpacerItem(SizePolicyMinimum, SizePolicyExpanding, bottomLayout)
local bottomLabel = createLabel("<b>Bottom Label is here!</b>", bottomLayout)
local bottomImage = createLabel("!image:B.png", bottomLayout, 2)
createSpacerItem(SizePolicyMinimum, SizePolicyExpanding, bottomLayout)
itemStack[bottomItem] = bottomStack
-- Show Window
setWidgetSize(mainWindow, 650, 450)
showWidget(mainWindow, ShowDefault)
return GuiExecuted
function itemSelected(item)
setCurrentStack(itemStack[item], stackSwitch)
function testEngineAboutBox()
-- Dialog
local dialog = createDialog("About LE Test Engine", mainWindow)
local dialogLayout = createLayout(VerticalLayout, dialog)
-- Dialog Label
local dialogLabel = createLabel("<h4>LE Test Engine</h4>Lua Engine Testing Ground", dialogLayout)
-- Button Layout
local buttonLayout = createLayout(HorizontalLayout, dialogLayout)
createSpacerItem(SizePolicyExpanding, SizePolicyMinimum, buttonLayout)
local dialogButton = createPushButton("&OK", buttonLayout)
setObjectImage(dialogButton, "OK.png")
connect(dialogButton, "clicked()", "closeDialog")
-- Show Dialog
delete(dialog, DeleteInstant) -- preventing memory leaks
function testEngineClose()
function closeDialog(pushButton)
disconnect(pushButton, "clicked()")