2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
* rdr2view Red Dead Redemption 2 Profile Viewer
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
* Copyright ( C ) 2016 - 2020 Syping
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "config.h"
# include "AppEnv.h"
# include "StringParser.h"
# include "StandardPaths.h"
# include <QtGlobal>
# include <QStringBuilder>
# include <QDesktopWidget>
# include <QApplication>
# include <QSettings>
# include <QScreen>
# include <QDebug>
# include <QRect>
# include <QDir>
# include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
AppEnv : : AppEnv ( )
// Build Stuff
QString AppEnv : : getBuildDateTime ( )
QString AppEnv : : getBuildCode ( )
// Folder Stuff
QString AppEnv : : getGameFolder ( bool * ok )
QDir dir ;
QString GTAV_FOLDER = QString : : fromUtf8 ( qgetenv ( " RDR2_FOLDER " ) ) ;
if ( GTAV_FOLDER ! = " " )
dir . setPath ( GTAV_FOLDER ) ;
if ( dir . exists ( ) )
if ( ok ! = NULL ) * ok = true ;
qputenv ( " RDR2_FOLDER " , dir . absolutePath ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return dir . absolutePath ( ) ;
QString GTAV_defaultFolder = StandardPaths : : documentsLocation ( ) % QDir : : separator ( ) % " Rockstar Games " % QDir : : separator ( ) % " Red Dead Redemption 2 " ;
QString GTAV_returnFolder = GTAV_defaultFolder ;
settings . beginGroup ( " dir " ) ;
bool forceDir = settings . value ( " force " , false ) . toBool ( ) ;
GTAV_returnFolder = settings . value ( " dir " , GTAV_defaultFolder ) . toString ( ) ;
settings . endGroup ( ) ;
if ( forceDir )
dir . setPath ( GTAV_returnFolder ) ;
if ( dir . exists ( ) )
if ( ok ! = 0 ) * ok = true ;
qputenv ( " RDR2_FOLDER " , dir . absolutePath ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return dir . absolutePath ( ) ;
dir . setPath ( GTAV_defaultFolder ) ;
if ( dir . exists ( ) )
if ( ok ! = 0 ) * ok = true ;
qputenv ( " RDR2_FOLDER " , dir . absolutePath ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return dir . absolutePath ( ) ;
if ( ! forceDir )
dir . setPath ( GTAV_returnFolder ) ;
if ( dir . exists ( ) )
if ( ok ! = 0 ) * ok = true ;
qputenv ( " RDR2_FOLDER " , dir . absolutePath ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return dir . absolutePath ( ) ;
if ( ok ! = 0 ) * ok = false ;
return " " ;
bool AppEnv : : setGameFolder ( QString gameFolder )
QDir dir ;
dir . setPath ( gameFolder ) ;
if ( dir . exists ( ) )
qputenv ( " RDR2_FOLDER " , dir . absolutePath ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
QString AppEnv : : getExLangFolder ( )
return StringParser : : convertBuildedString ( GTA5SYNC_LANG ) ;
QString AppEnv : : getInLangFolder ( )
return StringParser : : convertBuildedString ( GTA5SYNC_INLANG ) ;
# else
return StringParser : : convertBuildedString ( GTA5SYNC_SHARE % QLatin1String ( " SEPARATOR:APPNAME:SEPARATOR:translations " ) ) ;
# endif
# else
return StringParser : : convertBuildedString ( GTA5SYNC_INLANG ) ;
# else
return QString ( " :/tr " ) ;
# endif
# endif
QString AppEnv : : getPluginsFolder ( )
return StringParser : : convertBuildedString ( GTA5SYNC_PLUG ) ;
// Web Stuff
QByteArray AppEnv : : getUserAgent ( )
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050400
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
QString kernelVersion = QSysInfo : : kernelVersion ( ) ;
const QStringList & kernelVersionList = kernelVersion . split ( " . " ) ;
if ( kernelVersionList . length ( ) > 2 )
kernelVersion = kernelVersionList . at ( 0 ) % " . " % kernelVersionList . at ( 1 ) ;
QString runArch = QSysInfo : : buildCpuArchitecture ( ) ;
if ( runArch = = " x86_64 " )
runArch = " Win64; x64 " ;
else if ( runArch = = " i686 " )
const QString & curArch = QSysInfo : : currentCpuArchitecture ( ) ;
if ( curArch = = " x86_64 " )
runArch = " WOW64 " ;
else if ( curArch = = " i686 " )
runArch = " Win32; x86 " ;
return QString ( " Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT %1; %2) %3/%4 " ) . arg ( kernelVersion , runArch , GTA5SYNC_APPSTR , GTA5SYNC_APPVER ) . toUtf8 ( ) ;
# else
return QString ( " Mozilla/5.0 (%1; %2) %3/%4 " ) . arg ( QSysInfo : : kernelType ( ) , QSysInfo : : kernelVersion ( ) , GTA5SYNC_APPSTR , GTA5SYNC_APPVER ) . toUtf8 ( ) ;
# endif
# else
return QString ( " Mozilla/5.0 %1/%2 " ) . arg ( GTA5SYNC_APPSTR , GTA5SYNC_APPVER ) . toUtf8 ( ) ;
# endif
// QUrl AppEnv::getCrewFetchingUrl(QString crewID)
// {
// return QUrl(QString("https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/reference/crewfeed/%1").arg(crewID));
// }
QUrl AppEnv : : getCrewFetchingUrl ( QString crewID )
return QUrl ( QString ( " https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/%1/%1 " ) . arg ( crewID ) ) ;
QUrl AppEnv : : getPlayerFetchingUrl ( QString crewID , QString pageNumber )
return QUrl ( QString ( " https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crewsapi/GetMembersList?crewId=%1&pageNumber=%2&pageSize=5000 " ) . arg ( crewID , pageNumber ) ) ;
QUrl AppEnv : : getPlayerFetchingUrl ( QString crewID , int pageNumber )
return getPlayerFetchingUrl ( crewID , QString : : number ( pageNumber ) ) ;
// Game Stuff
GameVersion AppEnv : : getGameVersion ( )
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
QString argumentValue ;
# ifdef _WIN64
argumentValue = " \\ WOW6432Node " ;
# endif
QSettings registrySettingsSc ( QString ( " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE%1 \\ Rockstar Games \\ Red Dead Redemption 2 " ) . arg ( argumentValue ) , QSettings : : NativeFormat ) ;
QString installFolderSc = registrySettingsSc . value ( " InstallFolder " , " " ) . toString ( ) ;
QDir installFolderScDir ( installFolderSc ) ;
bool scVersionInstalled = false ;
if ( ! installFolderSc . isEmpty ( ) & & installFolderScDir . exists ( ) )
qDebug ( ) < < " gameVersionFoundSocialClubVersion " ;
# endif
scVersionInstalled = true ;
QSettings registrySettingsSteam ( QString ( " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE%1 \\ Rockstar Games \\ RDR2 " ) . arg ( argumentValue ) , QSettings : : NativeFormat ) ;
QString installFolderSteam = registrySettingsSteam . value ( " installfoldersteam " , " " ) . toString ( ) ;
if ( installFolderSteam . right ( 5 ) = = " \\ GTAV " )
installFolderSteam = installFolderSteam . remove ( installFolderSteam . length ( ) - 5 , 5 ) ;
QDir installFolderSteamDir ( installFolderSteam ) ;
bool steamVersionInstalled = false ;
if ( ! installFolderSteam . isEmpty ( ) & & installFolderSteamDir . exists ( ) )
qDebug ( ) < < " gameVersionFoundSteamVersion " ;
# endif
steamVersionInstalled = true ;
if ( scVersionInstalled & & steamVersionInstalled )
return GameVersion : : BothVersions ;
else if ( scVersionInstalled )
return GameVersion : : SocialClubVersion ;
else if ( steamVersionInstalled )
return GameVersion : : SteamVersion ;
return GameVersion : : NoVersion ;
# else
return GameVersion : : NoVersion ;
# endif
GameLanguage AppEnv : : getGameLanguage ( GameVersion gameVersion )
if ( gameVersion = = GameVersion : : SocialClubVersion )
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
QString argumentValue ;
# ifdef _WIN64
argumentValue = " \\ WOW6432Node " ;
# endif
QSettings registrySettingsSc ( QString ( " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE%1 \\ Rockstar Games \\ Red Dead Redemption 2 " ) . arg ( argumentValue ) , QSettings : : NativeFormat ) ;
QString languageSc = registrySettingsSc . value ( " Language " , " " ) . toString ( ) ;
return gameLanguageFromString ( languageSc ) ;
# else
return GameLanguage : : Undefined ;
# endif
else if ( gameVersion = = GameVersion : : SteamVersion )
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
QString argumentValue ;
# ifdef _WIN64
argumentValue = " \\ WOW6432Node " ;
# endif
QSettings registrySettingsSteam ( QString ( " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE%1 \\ Rockstar Games \\ Red Dead Redemption 2 Steam " ) . arg ( argumentValue ) , QSettings : : NativeFormat ) ;
QString languageSteam = registrySettingsSteam . value ( " Language " , " " ) . toString ( ) ;
return gameLanguageFromString ( languageSteam ) ;
# else
return GameLanguage : : Undefined ;
# endif
return GameLanguage : : Undefined ;
GameLanguage AppEnv : : gameLanguageFromString ( QString gameLanguage )
if ( gameLanguage = = " en-US " )
return GameLanguage : : English ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " fr-FR " )
return GameLanguage : : French ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " it-IT " )
return GameLanguage : : Italian ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " de-DE " )
return GameLanguage : : German ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " es-ES " )
return GameLanguage : : Spanish ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " es-MX " )
return GameLanguage : : Mexican ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " pt-BR " )
return GameLanguage : : Brasilian ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " ru-RU " )
return GameLanguage : : Russian ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " pl-PL " )
return GameLanguage : : Polish ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " ja-JP " )
return GameLanguage : : Japanese ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " zh-CHS " )
return GameLanguage : : SChinese ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " zh-CHT " )
return GameLanguage : : TChinese ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = " ko-KR " )
return GameLanguage : : Koreana ;
return GameLanguage : : Undefined ;
QString AppEnv : : gameLanguageToString ( GameLanguage gameLanguage )
if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : English )
return " en-US " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : French )
return " fr-FR " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : Italian )
return " it-IT " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : German )
return " de-DE " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : Spanish )
return " es-ES " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : Mexican )
return " es-MX " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : Brasilian )
return " pt-BR " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : Russian )
return " ru-RU " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : Polish )
return " pl-PL " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : Japanese )
return " ja-JP " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : SChinese )
return " zh-CHS " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : TChinese )
return " zh-CHT " ;
else if ( gameLanguage = = GameLanguage : : Koreana )
return " ko-KR " ;
return " Undefinied " ;
bool AppEnv : : setGameLanguage ( GameVersion gameVersion , GameLanguage gameLanguage )
bool socialClubVersion = false ;
bool steamVersion = false ;
if ( gameVersion = = GameVersion : : SocialClubVersion )
socialClubVersion = true ;
else if ( gameVersion = = GameVersion : : SteamVersion )
steamVersion = true ;
else if ( gameVersion = = GameVersion : : BothVersions )
socialClubVersion = true ;
steamVersion = true ;
return false ;
if ( socialClubVersion )
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
QString argumentValue ;
# ifdef _WIN64
argumentValue = " \\ WOW6432Node " ;
# endif
QSettings registrySettingsSc ( QString ( " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE%1 \\ Rockstar Games \\ Red Dead Redemption 2 " ) . arg ( argumentValue ) , QSettings : : NativeFormat ) ;
if ( gameLanguage ! = GameLanguage : : Undefined )
registrySettingsSc . setValue ( " Language " , gameLanguageToString ( gameLanguage ) ) ;
registrySettingsSc . remove ( " Language " ) ;
registrySettingsSc . sync ( ) ;
if ( registrySettingsSc . status ( ) ! = QSettings : : NoError )
return false ;
# else
Q_UNUSED ( gameLanguage )
# endif
if ( steamVersion )
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
QString argumentValue ;
# ifdef _WIN64
argumentValue = " \\ WOW6432Node " ;
# endif
QSettings registrySettingsSteam ( QString ( " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE%1 \\ Rockstar Games \\ Red Dead Redemption 2 Steam " ) . arg ( argumentValue ) , QSettings : : NativeFormat ) ;
if ( gameLanguage ! = GameLanguage : : Undefined )
registrySettingsSteam . setValue ( " Language " , gameLanguageToString ( gameLanguage ) ) ;
registrySettingsSteam . remove ( " Language " ) ;
registrySettingsSteam . sync ( ) ;
if ( registrySettingsSteam . status ( ) ! = QSettings : : NoError )
return false ;
# else
Q_UNUSED ( gameLanguage )
# endif
return true ;
// Screen Stuff
qreal AppEnv : : screenRatio ( )
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
qreal dpi = QApplication : : primaryScreen ( ) - > logicalDotsPerInch ( ) ;
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
# else
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
qreal dpi = QApplication : : desktop ( ) - > logicalDpiX ( ) ;
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
# endif
# ifdef Q_OS_MAC
return ( dpi / 72 ) ;
# else
return ( dpi / 96 ) ;
# endif
qreal AppEnv : : screenRatioPR ( )
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
return QApplication : : primaryScreen ( ) - > devicePixelRatio ( ) ;
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
# else
return 1 ;
# endif