2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
* rdr2view Red Dead Redemption 2 Profile Viewer
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
* Copyright ( C ) 2016 - 2020 Syping
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "PictureDialog.h"
# include "PictureWidget.h"
# include "ProfileDatabase.h"
# include "ui_PictureDialog.h"
# include "SidebarGenerator.h"
# include "MapLocationDialog.h"
# include "JsonEditorDialog.h"
# include "SnapmaticEditor.h"
# include "StandardPaths.h"
# include "PictureExport.h"
# include "ImportDialog.h"
# include "StringParser.h"
# include "GlobalString.h"
# include "UiModLabel.h"
# include "AppEnv.h"
# include "config.h"
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
# include <QtWinExtras/QtWin>
# include <QtWinExtras/QWinEvent>
# endif
# endif
# include <QStringBuilder>
# include <QDesktopWidget>
# include <QJsonDocument>
# include <QApplication>
# include <QFontMetrics>
# include <QJsonObject>
# include <QSizePolicy>
# include <QStaticText>
# include <QFileDialog>
# include <QMessageBox>
# include <QJsonObject>
# include <QVariantMap>
# include <QJsonArray>
# include <QKeyEvent>
# include <QMimeData>
# include <QToolBar>
# include <QPainter>
# include <QPicture>
# include <QBitmap>
# include <QBuffer>
# include <QImage>
# include <QDebug>
# include <QList>
# include <QDrag>
# include <QIcon>
# include <QUrl>
# include <QDir>
# include "TelemetryClass.h"
# endif
// Macros for better Overview + RAM
# define locX QString::number(picture->getSnapmaticProperties().location.x)
# define locY QString::number(picture->getSnapmaticProperties().location.y)
# define locZ QString::number(picture->getSnapmaticProperties().location.z)
# define crewID QString::number(picture->getSnapmaticProperties().crewID)
# define picPath picture->getPictureFilePath()
# define picTitl StringParser::escapeString(picture->getPictureTitle())
# define plyrsList picture->getSnapmaticProperties().playersList
# define created picture->getSnapmaticProperties().createdDateTime.toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate)
PictureDialog : : PictureDialog ( ProfileDatabase * profileDB , CrewDatabase * crewDB , QWidget * parent ) :
QDialog ( parent ) , profileDB ( profileDB ) , crewDB ( crewDB ) ,
ui ( new Ui : : PictureDialog )
primaryWindow = false ;
setupPictureDialog ( ) ;
PictureDialog : : PictureDialog ( ProfileDatabase * profileDB , CrewDatabase * crewDB , QString profileName , QWidget * parent ) :
QDialog ( parent ) , profileDB ( profileDB ) , crewDB ( crewDB ) , profileName ( profileName ) ,
ui ( new Ui : : PictureDialog )
primaryWindow = false ;
setupPictureDialog ( ) ;
PictureDialog : : PictureDialog ( bool primaryWindow , ProfileDatabase * profileDB , CrewDatabase * crewDB , QWidget * parent ) :
QDialog ( parent ) , primaryWindow ( primaryWindow ) , profileDB ( profileDB ) , crewDB ( crewDB ) ,
ui ( new Ui : : PictureDialog )
setupPictureDialog ( ) ;
PictureDialog : : PictureDialog ( bool primaryWindow , ProfileDatabase * profileDB , CrewDatabase * crewDB , QString profileName , QWidget * parent ) :
QDialog ( parent ) , primaryWindow ( primaryWindow ) , profileDB ( profileDB ) , crewDB ( crewDB ) , profileName ( profileName ) ,
ui ( new Ui : : PictureDialog )
setupPictureDialog ( ) ;
void PictureDialog : : setupPictureDialog ( )
// Set Window Flags
setWindowFlags ( windowFlags ( ) ^ Qt : : WindowContextHelpButtonHint ^ Qt : : CustomizeWindowHint ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
// for stupid Window Manager (GNOME 3 should feel triggered)
setWindowFlags ( windowFlags ( ) ^ Qt : : Dialog ^ Qt : : Window ) ;
# endif
// Setup User Interface
ui - > setupUi ( this ) ;
windowTitleStr = this - > windowTitle ( ) ;
jsonDrawString = ui - > labJSON - > text ( ) ;
jsonDrawString . replace ( " %7 (%1, %2, %3) " , " %1, %2, %3%7 " ) ; // Patch JSON draw string for RDR 2
ui - > cmdManage - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
fullscreenWidget = nullptr ;
rqFullscreen = false ;
previewMode = false ;
naviEnabled = false ;
indexed = false ;
smpic = nullptr ;
crewStr = " " ;
// Avatar area
qreal screenRatio = AppEnv : : screenRatio ( ) ;
qreal screenRatioPR = AppEnv : : screenRatioPR ( ) ;
if ( screenRatio ! = 1 | | screenRatioPR ! = 1 )
avatarAreaPicture = QImage ( " :/img/avatararea.png " ) . scaledToHeight ( 536 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , Qt : : FastTransformation ) ;
avatarAreaPicture = QImage ( " :/img/avatararea.png " ) ;
avatarLocX = 145 ;
avatarLocY = 66 ;
avatarSize = 470 ;
// DPI calculation (picture)
ui - > labPicture - > setFixedSize ( 960 * screenRatio , 536 * screenRatio ) ;
ui - > labPicture - > setFocusPolicy ( Qt : : StrongFocus ) ;
ui - > labPicture - > setScaledContents ( true ) ;
// Overlay area
renderOverlayPicture ( ) ;
overlayEnabled = true ;
// Manage menu
manageMenu = new QMenu ( this ) ;
manageMenu - > addAction ( tr ( " Export as &Picture... " ) , this , SLOT ( exportSnapmaticPicture ( ) ) ) ;
manageMenu - > addAction ( tr ( " Export as &Snapmatic... " ) , this , SLOT ( copySnapmaticPicture ( ) ) ) ;
manageMenu - > addSeparator ( ) ;
manageMenu - > addAction ( tr ( " &Edit Properties... " ) , this , SLOT ( editSnapmaticProperties ( ) ) ) ;
manageMenu - > addAction ( tr ( " &Overwrite Image... " ) , this , SLOT ( editSnapmaticImage ( ) ) ) ;
manageMenu - > addSeparator ( ) ;
QAction * openViewerAction = manageMenu - > addAction ( tr ( " Open &Map Viewer... " ) , this , SLOT ( openPreviewMap ( ) ) ) ;
openViewerAction - > setShortcut ( Qt : : Key_M ) ;
openViewerAction - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
manageMenu - > addAction ( tr ( " Open &JSON Editor... " ) , this , SLOT ( editSnapmaticRawJson ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmdManage - > setMenu ( manageMenu ) ;
// Global map
globalMap = GlobalString : : getGlobalMap ( ) ;
// Event connects
connect ( ui - > labJSON , SIGNAL ( resized ( QSize ) ) , this , SLOT ( adaptNewDialogSize ( QSize ) ) ) ;
// Set Icon for Close Button
if ( QIcon : : hasThemeIcon ( " dialog-close " ) )
ui - > cmdClose - > setIcon ( QIcon : : fromTheme ( " dialog-close " ) ) ;
else if ( QIcon : : hasThemeIcon ( " gtk-close " ) )
ui - > cmdClose - > setIcon ( QIcon : : fromTheme ( " gtk-close " ) ) ;
installEventFilter ( this ) ;
installEventFilter ( ui - > labPicture ) ;
// DPI calculation
ui - > hlButtons - > setSpacing ( 6 * screenRatio ) ;
ui - > vlButtons - > setSpacing ( 6 * screenRatio ) ;
ui - > vlButtons - > setContentsMargins ( 0 , 0 , 5 * screenRatio , 5 * screenRatio ) ;
ui - > jsonLayout - > setContentsMargins ( 4 * screenRatio , 10 * screenRatio , 4 * screenRatio , 4 * screenRatio ) ;
// Pre-adapt window for DPI
setFixedWidth ( 960 * screenRatio ) ;
setFixedHeight ( 536 * screenRatio ) ;
PictureDialog : : ~ PictureDialog ( )
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
if ( naviEnabled )
for ( QObject * obj : layout ( ) - > menuBar ( ) - > children ( ) )
delete obj ;
delete layout ( ) - > menuBar ( ) ;
# endif
# endif
for ( QObject * obj : manageMenu - > children ( ) )
delete obj ;
delete manageMenu ;
delete ui ;
void PictureDialog : : closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * ev )
Q_UNUSED ( ev )
if ( primaryWindow )
emit endDatabaseThread ( ) ;
void PictureDialog : : addPreviousNextButtons ( )
// Windows Vista additions
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
QToolBar * uiToolbar = new QToolBar ( " Picture Toolbar " , this ) ;
uiToolbar - > setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy : : Minimum , QSizePolicy : : Minimum ) ;
uiToolbar - > setObjectName ( " uiToolbar " ) ;
uiToolbar - > addAction ( QIcon ( " :/img/back.svgz " ) , " " , this , SLOT ( previousPictureRequestedSlot ( ) ) ) ;
uiToolbar - > addAction ( QIcon ( " :/img/next.svgz " ) , " " , this , SLOT ( nextPictureRequestedSlot ( ) ) ) ;
layout ( ) - > setMenuBar ( uiToolbar ) ;
naviEnabled = true ;
# endif
# endif
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_APV
bool PictureDialog : : nativeEvent ( const QByteArray & eventType , void * message , long * result )
* result = 0 ;
MSG * msg = static_cast < MSG * > ( message ) ;
LRESULT lRet = 0 ;
if ( naviEnabled & & QtWin : : isCompositionEnabled ( ) )
if ( msg - > message = = WM_NCCALCSIZE & & msg - > wParam = = TRUE )
NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS * pncsp = reinterpret_cast < NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS * > ( msg - > lParam ) ;
int sideBorderSize = ( ( frameSize ( ) . width ( ) - size ( ) . width ( ) ) / 2 ) ;
int buttomBorderSize = sideBorderSize ;
# else
int buttomBorderSize = ( frameSize ( ) . height ( ) - size ( ) . height ( ) ) ;
# endif
pncsp - > rgrc [ 0 ] . left + = sideBorderSize ;
pncsp - > rgrc [ 0 ] . right - = sideBorderSize ;
pncsp - > rgrc [ 0 ] . bottom - = buttomBorderSize ;
else if ( msg - > message = = WM_NCHITTEST )
int CLOSE_BUTTON_ID = 20 ;
lRet = HitTestNCA ( msg - > hwnd , msg - > lParam ) ;
DwmDefWindowProc ( msg - > hwnd , msg - > message , msg - > wParam , msg - > lParam , & lRet ) ;
* result = lRet ;
if ( lRet ! = CLOSE_BUTTON_ID ) { return QWidget : : nativeEvent ( eventType , message , result ) ; }
return QWidget : : nativeEvent ( eventType , message , result ) ;
return QWidget : : nativeEvent ( eventType , message , result ) ;
return true ;
LRESULT PictureDialog : : HitTestNCA ( HWND hWnd , LPARAM lParam )
int TOPEXTENDWIDTH = layout ( ) - > menuBar ( ) - > height ( ) ;
POINT ptMouse = { ( int ) ( short ) LOWORD ( lParam ) , ( int ) ( short ) HIWORD ( lParam ) } ;
RECT rcWindow ;
GetWindowRect ( hWnd , & rcWindow ) ;
RECT rcFrame = { } ;
AdjustWindowRectEx ( & rcFrame , WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW & ~ WS_CAPTION , FALSE , NULL ) ;
USHORT uRow = 1 ;
USHORT uCol = 1 ;
bool fOnResizeBorder = false ;
if ( ptMouse . y > = rcWindow . top & & ptMouse . y < rcWindow . top + TOPEXTENDWIDTH )
fOnResizeBorder = ( ptMouse . y < ( rcWindow . top - rcFrame . top ) ) ;
uRow = 0 ;
else if ( ptMouse . y < rcWindow . bottom & & ptMouse . y > = rcWindow . bottom - BOTTOMEXTENDWIDTH )
uRow = 2 ;
if ( ptMouse . x > = rcWindow . left & & ptMouse . x < rcWindow . left + LEFTEXTENDWIDTH )
uCol = 0 ;
else if ( ptMouse . x < rcWindow . right & & ptMouse . x > = rcWindow . right - RIGHTEXTENDWIDTH )
uCol = 2 ;
LRESULT hitTests [ 3 ] [ 3 ] =
} ;
return hitTests [ uRow ] [ uCol ] ;
void PictureDialog : : resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event )
Q_UNUSED ( event )
// int newDialogHeight = (ui->labPicture->pixmap()->height() / AppEnv::screenRatioPR());
// newDialogHeight = newDialogHeight + ui->jsonFrame->height();
// if (naviEnabled) newDialogHeight = newDialogHeight + layout()->menuBar()->height();
// int buttomBorderSize = (frameSize().height() - size().height());
// int sideBorderSize = ((frameSize().width() - size().width()) / 2);
// int brokenDialogHeight = newDialogHeight + (buttomBorderSize - sideBorderSize);
// if (event->size().height() == brokenDialogHeight)
// {
// qDebug() << "BROKEN 1";
// setGeometry(geometry().x(), geometry().y(), width(), newDialogHeight);
// qDebug() << "BROKEN 2";
// event->ignore();
// }
# endif
# endif
# endif
void PictureDialog : : adaptNewDialogSize ( QSize newLabelSize )
Q_UNUSED ( newLabelSize )
int newDialogHeight = ( ui - > labPicture - > pixmap ( ) - > height ( ) / AppEnv : : screenRatioPR ( ) ) ;
newDialogHeight = newDialogHeight + ui - > jsonFrame - > height ( ) ;
if ( naviEnabled ) newDialogHeight = newDialogHeight + layout ( ) - > menuBar ( ) - > height ( ) ;
setMaximumSize ( width ( ) , newDialogHeight ) ;
setMinimumSize ( width ( ) , newDialogHeight ) ;
setFixedHeight ( newDialogHeight ) ;
ui - > labPicture - > updateGeometry ( ) ;
ui - > jsonFrame - > updateGeometry ( ) ;
updateGeometry ( ) ;
void PictureDialog : : styliseDialog ( )
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
if ( QtWin : : isCompositionEnabled ( ) )
QPalette palette ;
QtWin : : extendFrameIntoClientArea ( this , 0 , qRound ( layout ( ) - > menuBar ( ) - > height ( ) * AppEnv : : screenRatioPR ( ) ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
ui - > jsonFrame - > setStyleSheet ( QString ( " QFrame { background: %1; } " ) . arg ( palette . window ( ) . color ( ) . name ( ) ) ) ;
setStyleSheet ( " PictureDialog { background: transparent; } " ) ;
QPalette palette ;
QtWin : : resetExtendedFrame ( this ) ;
ui - > jsonFrame - > setStyleSheet ( QString ( " QFrame { background: %1; } " ) . arg ( palette . window ( ) . color ( ) . name ( ) ) ) ;
setStyleSheet ( QString ( " PictureDialog { background: %1; } " ) . arg ( QtWin : : realColorizationColor ( ) . name ( ) ) ) ;
# endif
# endif
bool PictureDialog : : event ( QEvent * event )
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
if ( naviEnabled )
if ( event - > type ( ) = = QWinEvent : : CompositionChange | | event - > type ( ) = = QWinEvent : : ColorizationChange )
styliseDialog ( ) ;
# endif
# endif
return QDialog : : event ( event ) ;
void PictureDialog : : nextPictureRequestedSlot ( )
emit nextPictureRequested ( ) ;
void PictureDialog : : previousPictureRequestedSlot ( )
emit previousPictureRequested ( ) ;
bool PictureDialog : : eventFilter ( QObject * obj , QEvent * ev )
bool returnValue = false ;
if ( obj = = this | | obj = = ui - > labPicture )
if ( ev - > type ( ) = = QEvent : : KeyPress )
QKeyEvent * keyEvent = dynamic_cast < QKeyEvent * > ( ev ) ;
switch ( keyEvent - > key ( ) ) {
case Qt : : Key_Left :
emit previousPictureRequested ( ) ;
returnValue = true ;
break ;
case Qt : : Key_Right :
emit nextPictureRequested ( ) ;
returnValue = true ;
break ;
case Qt : : Key_1 :
if ( previewMode )
previewMode = false ;
renderPicture ( ) ;
previewMode = true ;
renderPicture ( ) ;
break ;
case Qt : : Key_2 :
if ( overlayEnabled )
overlayEnabled = false ;
if ( ! previewMode ) renderPicture ( ) ;
overlayEnabled = true ;
if ( ! previewMode ) renderPicture ( ) ;
break ;
case Qt : : Key_M :
//openPreviewMap(); GTA V only
returnValue = true ;
break ;
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050300
case Qt : : Key_Exit :
ui - > cmdClose - > click ( ) ;
returnValue = true ;
break ;
# endif
case Qt : : Key_Enter : case Qt : : Key_Return :
on_labPicture_mouseDoubleClicked ( Qt : : LeftButton ) ;
returnValue = true ;
break ;
case Qt : : Key_Escape :
ui - > cmdClose - > click ( ) ;
returnValue = true ;
break ;
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
if ( obj ! = ui - > labPicture & & naviEnabled )
if ( ev - > type ( ) = = QEvent : : MouseButtonPress )
QMouseEvent * mouseEvent = dynamic_cast < QMouseEvent * > ( ev ) ;
if ( mouseEvent - > pos ( ) . y ( ) < = layout ( ) - > menuBar ( ) - > height ( ) )
if ( mouseEvent - > button ( ) = = Qt : : LeftButton )
dragPosition = mouseEvent - > pos ( ) ;
dragStart = true ;
if ( ev - > type ( ) = = QEvent : : MouseButtonRelease )
QMouseEvent * mouseEvent = dynamic_cast < QMouseEvent * > ( ev ) ;
if ( mouseEvent - > pos ( ) . y ( ) < = layout ( ) - > menuBar ( ) - > height ( ) )
if ( mouseEvent - > button ( ) = = Qt : : LeftButton )
dragStart = false ;
if ( ev - > type ( ) = = QEvent : : MouseMove & & dragStart )
QMouseEvent * mouseEvent = dynamic_cast < QMouseEvent * > ( ev ) ;
if ( mouseEvent - > pos ( ) . y ( ) < = layout ( ) - > menuBar ( ) - > height ( ) )
if ( mouseEvent - > buttons ( ) & Qt : : LeftButton )
QPoint diff = mouseEvent - > pos ( ) - dragPosition ;
move ( QPoint ( pos ( ) + diff ) ) ;
updateGeometry ( ) ;
# endif
# endif
return returnValue ;
void PictureDialog : : triggerFullscreenDoubeClick ( )
on_labPicture_mouseDoubleClicked ( Qt : : LeftButton ) ;
void PictureDialog : : exportCustomContextMenuRequestedPrivate ( const QPoint & pos , bool fullscreen )
rqFullscreen = fullscreen ;
manageMenu - > popup ( pos ) ;
void PictureDialog : : exportCustomContextMenuRequested ( const QPoint & pos )
exportCustomContextMenuRequestedPrivate ( pos , true ) ;
void PictureDialog : : mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * ev )
QDialog : : mousePressEvent ( ev ) ;
void PictureDialog : : dialogNextPictureRequested ( )
emit nextPictureRequested ( ) ;
void PictureDialog : : dialogPreviousPictureRequested ( )
emit previousPictureRequested ( ) ;
void PictureDialog : : renderOverlayPicture ( )
// Generating Overlay Preview
qreal screenRatio = AppEnv : : screenRatio ( ) ;
qreal screenRatioPR = AppEnv : : screenRatioPR ( ) ;
QRect preferedRect = QRect ( 0 , 0 , 200 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 160 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
QString overlayText = tr ( " Key 1 - Avatar Preview Mode \n Key 2 - Toggle Overlay \n Arrow Keys - Navigate " ) ;
QFont overlayPainterFont ;
overlayPainterFont . setPixelSize ( 12 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
QFontMetrics fontMetrics ( overlayPainterFont ) ;
QRect overlaySpace = fontMetrics . boundingRect ( preferedRect , Qt : : AlignLeft | Qt : : AlignTop | Qt : : TextDontClip | Qt : : TextWordWrap , overlayText ) ;
int hOverlay = Qt : : AlignTop ;
if ( overlaySpace . height ( ) < 74 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR )
hOverlay = Qt : : AlignVCenter ;
preferedRect . setHeight ( 71 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
overlaySpace . setHeight ( 80 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
overlaySpace . setHeight ( overlaySpace . height ( ) + 6 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
QImage overlayImage ( overlaySpace . size ( ) , QImage : : Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied ) ;
overlayImage . fill ( Qt : : transparent ) ;
QPainter overlayPainter ( & overlayImage ) ;
overlayPainter . setPen ( QColor : : fromRgb ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) ;
overlayPainter . setFont ( overlayPainterFont ) ;
overlayPainter . drawText ( preferedRect , Qt : : AlignLeft | hOverlay | Qt : : TextDontClip | Qt : : TextWordWrap , overlayText ) ;
overlayPainter . end ( ) ;
if ( overlaySpace . width ( ) < 194 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR )
overlaySpace . setWidth ( 200 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
overlaySpace . setWidth ( overlaySpace . width ( ) + 6 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
QImage overlayBorderImage ( overlaySpace . width ( ) , overlaySpace . height ( ) , QImage : : Format_ARGB6666_Premultiplied ) ;
overlayBorderImage . fill ( QColor ( 15 , 15 , 15 , 162 ) ) ;
overlayTempImage = QImage ( overlaySpace . width ( ) , overlaySpace . height ( ) , QImage : : Format_ARGB6666_Premultiplied ) ;
overlayTempImage . fill ( Qt : : transparent ) ;
QPainter overlayTempPainter ( & overlayTempImage ) ;
overlayTempPainter . drawImage ( 0 , 0 , overlayBorderImage ) ;
overlayTempPainter . drawImage ( 3 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 3 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , overlayImage ) ;
overlayTempPainter . end ( ) ;
void PictureDialog : : setSnapmaticPicture ( SnapmaticPicture * picture , bool readOk , bool _indexed , int _index )
if ( smpic ! = nullptr )
QObject : : disconnect ( smpic , SIGNAL ( updated ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( updated ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : disconnect ( smpic , SIGNAL ( customSignal ( QString ) ) , this , SLOT ( customSignal ( QString ) ) ) ;
snapmaticPicture = QImage ( ) ;
indexed = _indexed ;
index = _index ;
smpic = picture ;
if ( ! readOk )
QMessageBox : : warning ( this , tr ( " Snapmatic Picture Viewer " ) , tr ( " Failed at %1 " ) . arg ( picture - > getLastStep ( ) ) ) ;
return ;
if ( picture - > isPicOk ( ) )
snapmaticPicture = picture - > getImage ( ) ;
renderPicture ( ) ;
ui - > cmdManage - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
if ( picture - > isJsonOk ( ) )
crewStr = crewDB - > getCrewName ( crewID ) ;
setWindowTitle ( windowTitleStr . arg ( picTitl ) ) ;
ui - > labJSON - > setText ( jsonDrawString . arg ( locX , locY , locZ , generatePlayersString ( ) , generateCrewString ( ) , picTitl , picAreaStr , created ) ) ;
ui - > labJSON - > setText ( jsonDrawString . arg ( " 0 " , " 0 " , " 0 " , tr ( " No Players " ) , tr ( " No Crew " ) , tr ( " Unknown Location " ) ) ) ;
QMessageBox : : warning ( this , tr ( " Snapmatic Picture Viewer " ) , tr ( " Failed at %1 " ) . arg ( picture - > getLastStep ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( smpic , SIGNAL ( updated ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( updated ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( smpic , SIGNAL ( customSignal ( QString ) ) , this , SLOT ( customSignal ( QString ) ) ) ;
emit newPictureCommited ( snapmaticPicture ) ;
void PictureDialog : : setSnapmaticPicture ( SnapmaticPicture * picture , bool readOk , int index )
setSnapmaticPicture ( picture , readOk , true , index ) ;
void PictureDialog : : setSnapmaticPicture ( SnapmaticPicture * picture , bool readOk )
setSnapmaticPicture ( picture , readOk , false , 0 ) ;
void PictureDialog : : setSnapmaticPicture ( SnapmaticPicture * picture , int index )
setSnapmaticPicture ( picture , true , index ) ;
void PictureDialog : : setSnapmaticPicture ( SnapmaticPicture * picture )
setSnapmaticPicture ( picture , true ) ;
void PictureDialog : : renderPicture ( )
qreal screenRatio = AppEnv : : screenRatio ( ) ;
qreal screenRatioPR = AppEnv : : screenRatioPR ( ) ;
if ( ! previewMode )
if ( overlayEnabled )
QPixmap shownImagePixmap ( 960 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 536 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
shownImagePixmap . fill ( Qt : : transparent ) ;
QPainter shownImagePainter ( & shownImagePixmap ) ;
shownImagePainter . drawImage ( 0 , 0 , snapmaticPicture . scaled ( 960 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 536 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , Qt : : IgnoreAspectRatio , Qt : : SmoothTransformation ) ) ;
shownImagePainter . drawImage ( 3 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 3 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , overlayTempImage ) ;
shownImagePainter . end ( ) ;
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600
shownImagePixmap . setDevicePixelRatio ( screenRatioPR ) ;
# endif
ui - > labPicture - > setPixmap ( shownImagePixmap ) ;
QPixmap shownImagePixmap ( 960 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 536 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
shownImagePixmap . fill ( Qt : : transparent ) ;
QPainter shownImagePainter ( & shownImagePixmap ) ;
shownImagePainter . drawImage ( 0 , 0 , snapmaticPicture . scaled ( 960 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 536 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , Qt : : IgnoreAspectRatio , Qt : : SmoothTransformation ) ) ;
shownImagePainter . end ( ) ;
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600
shownImagePixmap . setDevicePixelRatio ( screenRatioPR ) ;
# endif
ui - > labPicture - > setPixmap ( shownImagePixmap ) ;
// Generating Avatar Preview
QPixmap avatarPixmap ( 960 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 536 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
QPainter snapPainter ( & avatarPixmap ) ;
QFont snapPainterFont ;
snapPainterFont . setPixelSize ( 12 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) ;
snapPainter . drawImage ( 0 , 0 , snapmaticPicture . scaled ( 960 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 536 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , Qt : : IgnoreAspectRatio , Qt : : SmoothTransformation ) ) ;
snapPainter . drawImage ( 0 , 0 , avatarAreaPicture ) ;
snapPainter . setPen ( QColor : : fromRgb ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) ;
snapPainter . setFont ( snapPainterFont ) ;
snapPainter . drawText ( QRect ( 3 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 3 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 140 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR , 536 * screenRatio * screenRatioPR ) , Qt : : AlignLeft | Qt : : TextWordWrap , tr ( " Avatar Preview Mode \n Press 1 for Default View " ) ) ;
snapPainter . end ( ) ;
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600
avatarPixmap . setDevicePixelRatio ( screenRatioPR ) ;
# endif
ui - > labPicture - > setPixmap ( avatarPixmap ) ;
void PictureDialog : : crewNameUpdated ( )
SnapmaticPicture * picture = smpic ; // used by macro
QString crewIDStr = crewID ;
if ( crewIDStr = = crewStr )
crewStr = crewDB - > getCrewName ( crewIDStr ) ;
ui - > labJSON - > setText ( jsonDrawString . arg ( locX , locY , locZ , generatePlayersString ( ) , generateCrewString ( ) , picTitl , picAreaStr , created ) ) ;
void PictureDialog : : playerNameUpdated ( )
SnapmaticPicture * picture = smpic ; // used by macro
if ( plyrsList . count ( ) > = 1 )
ui - > labJSON - > setText ( jsonDrawString . arg ( locX , locY , locZ , generatePlayersString ( ) , generateCrewString ( ) , picTitl , picAreaStr , created ) ) ;
QString PictureDialog : : generateCrewString ( )
SnapmaticPicture * picture = smpic ; // used by macro
const QString crewIDStr = crewID ; // save operation time
if ( crewIDStr ! = " 0 " & & ! crewIDStr . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( crewIDStr ! = crewStr ) {
return QString ( " <a href= \" https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/ " % QString ( crewStr ) . replace ( " " , " _ " ) % " / " % crewIDStr % " \" > " % crewStr % " </a> " ) ;
else {
return QString ( crewIDStr ) ;
return tr ( " No Crew " ) ;
QString PictureDialog : : generatePlayersString ( )
SnapmaticPicture * picture = smpic ; // used by macro
const QStringList playersList = plyrsList ; // save operation time
QString plyrsStr ;
if ( playersList . length ( ) > = 1 )
for ( const QString player : playersList )
const QString playerName = profileDB - > getPlayerName ( player ) ;
if ( player ! = playerName ) {
plyrsStr + = " , <a href= \" https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/ " % playerName % " / " % player % " \" > " % playerName % " </a> " ;
else {
plyrsStr + = " , " % player ;
plyrsStr . remove ( 0 , 2 ) ;
plyrsStr = tr ( " No Players " ) ;
return plyrsStr ;
void PictureDialog : : exportSnapmaticPicture ( )
if ( rqFullscreen & & fullscreenWidget ! = nullptr )
PictureExport : : exportAsPicture ( fullscreenWidget , smpic ) ;
PictureExport : : exportAsPicture ( this , smpic ) ;
void PictureDialog : : copySnapmaticPicture ( )
if ( rqFullscreen & & fullscreenWidget ! = nullptr )
PictureExport : : exportAsSnapmatic ( fullscreenWidget , smpic ) ;
PictureExport : : exportAsSnapmatic ( this , smpic ) ;
void PictureDialog : : on_labPicture_mouseDoubleClicked ( Qt : : MouseButton button )
if ( button = = Qt : : LeftButton )
QRect desktopRect = QApplication : : desktop ( ) - > screenGeometry ( this ) ;
PictureWidget * pictureWidget = new PictureWidget ( this ) ; // Work!
pictureWidget - > setObjectName ( " PictureWidget " ) ;
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600
pictureWidget - > setWindowFlags ( pictureWidget - > windowFlags ( ) ^ Qt : : FramelessWindowHint ^ Qt : : WindowStaysOnTopHint ^ Qt : : MaximizeUsingFullscreenGeometryHint ) ;
# else
pictureWidget - > setWindowFlags ( pictureWidget - > windowFlags ( ) ^ Qt : : FramelessWindowHint ^ Qt : : WindowStaysOnTopHint ) ;
# endif
pictureWidget - > setWindowTitle ( windowTitle ( ) ) ;
pictureWidget - > setStyleSheet ( " QLabel#pictureLabel{background-color: black;} " ) ;
pictureWidget - > setImage ( snapmaticPicture , desktopRect ) ;
pictureWidget - > setModal ( true ) ;
fullscreenWidget = pictureWidget ;
QObject : : connect ( this , SIGNAL ( newPictureCommited ( QImage ) ) , pictureWidget , SLOT ( setImage ( QImage ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( pictureWidget , SIGNAL ( nextPictureRequested ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( dialogNextPictureRequested ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( pictureWidget , SIGNAL ( previousPictureRequested ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( dialogPreviousPictureRequested ( ) ) ) ;
pictureWidget - > move ( desktopRect . x ( ) , desktopRect . y ( ) ) ;
pictureWidget - > resize ( desktopRect . width ( ) , desktopRect . height ( ) ) ;
# ifdef GTA5SYNC_WIN
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
QtWin : : markFullscreenWindow ( pictureWidget , true ) ;
# endif
# endif
pictureWidget - > showFullScreen ( ) ;
pictureWidget - > setFocus ( ) ;
pictureWidget - > raise ( ) ;
pictureWidget - > exec ( ) ;
fullscreenWidget = nullptr ; // Work!
delete pictureWidget ; // Work!
void PictureDialog : : on_labPicture_customContextMenuRequested ( const QPoint & pos )
exportCustomContextMenuRequestedPrivate ( ui - > labPicture - > mapToGlobal ( pos ) , false ) ;
bool PictureDialog : : isIndexed ( )
return indexed ;
int PictureDialog : : getIndex ( )
return index ;
void PictureDialog : : openPreviewMap ( )
SnapmaticPicture * picture = smpic ;
MapLocationDialog * mapLocDialog ;
if ( rqFullscreen & & fullscreenWidget ! = nullptr )
mapLocDialog = new MapLocationDialog ( picture - > getSnapmaticProperties ( ) . location . x , picture - > getSnapmaticProperties ( ) . location . y , fullscreenWidget ) ;
mapLocDialog = new MapLocationDialog ( picture - > getSnapmaticProperties ( ) . location . x , picture - > getSnapmaticProperties ( ) . location . y , this ) ;
mapLocDialog - > setWindowIcon ( windowIcon ( ) ) ;
mapLocDialog - > setModal ( true ) ;
# ifndef Q_OS_ANDROID
mapLocDialog - > show ( ) ;
# else
mapLocDialog - > showMaximized ( ) ;
# endif
mapLocDialog - > exec ( ) ;
if ( mapLocDialog - > propUpdated ( ) )
// Update Snapmatic Properties
SnapmaticProperties localSpJson = picture - > getSnapmaticProperties ( ) ;
localSpJson . location . x = mapLocDialog - > getXpos ( ) ;
localSpJson . location . y = mapLocDialog - > getYpos ( ) ;
localSpJson . location . z = 0 ;
// Update Snapmatic Picture
QString currentFilePath = picture - > getPictureFilePath ( ) ;
QString originalFilePath = picture - > getOriginalPictureFilePath ( ) ;
QString backupFileName = originalFilePath % " .bak " ;
if ( ! QFile : : exists ( backupFileName ) )
QFile : : copy ( currentFilePath , backupFileName ) ;
SnapmaticProperties fallbackProperties = picture - > getSnapmaticProperties ( ) ;
picture - > setSnapmaticProperties ( localSpJson ) ;
if ( ! picture - > exportPicture ( currentFilePath ) )
QMessageBox : : warning ( this , SnapmaticEditor : : tr ( " Snapmatic Properties " ) , SnapmaticEditor : : tr ( " Patching of Snapmatic Properties failed because of I/O Error " ) ) ;
picture - > setSnapmaticProperties ( fallbackProperties ) ;
updated ( ) ;
QSettings telemetrySettings ( GTA5SYNC_APPVENDOR , GTA5SYNC_APPSTR ) ;
telemetrySettings . beginGroup ( " Telemetry " ) ;
bool pushUsageData = telemetrySettings . value ( " PushUsageData " , false ) . toBool ( ) ;
telemetrySettings . endGroup ( ) ;
if ( pushUsageData & & Telemetry - > canPush ( ) )
QJsonDocument jsonDocument ;
QJsonObject jsonObject ;
jsonObject [ " Type " ] = " LocationEdited " ;
jsonObject [ " ExtraFlags " ] = " Viewer " ;
jsonObject [ " EditedSize " ] = QString : : number ( picture - > getContentMaxLength ( ) ) ;
jsonObject [ " EditedTime " ] = QString : : number ( QDateTime : : currentDateTimeUtc ( ) . toTime_t ( ) ) ;
jsonDocument . setObject ( jsonObject ) ;
Telemetry - > push ( TelemetryCategory : : PersonalData , jsonDocument ) ;
# endif
delete mapLocDialog ;
void PictureDialog : : editSnapmaticProperties ( )
SnapmaticPicture * picture = smpic ;
SnapmaticEditor * snapmaticEditor ;
if ( rqFullscreen & & fullscreenWidget ! = nullptr )
snapmaticEditor = new SnapmaticEditor ( crewDB , profileDB , fullscreenWidget ) ;
snapmaticEditor = new SnapmaticEditor ( crewDB , profileDB , this ) ;
snapmaticEditor - > setWindowIcon ( windowIcon ( ) ) ;
snapmaticEditor - > setSnapmaticPicture ( picture ) ;
snapmaticEditor - > setModal ( true ) ;
# ifndef Q_OS_ANDROID
snapmaticEditor - > show ( ) ;
# else
snapmaticEditor - > showMaximized ( ) ;
# endif
snapmaticEditor - > exec ( ) ;
delete snapmaticEditor ;
void PictureDialog : : editSnapmaticImage ( )
QImage * currentImage = new QImage ( smpic - > getImage ( ) ) ;
ImportDialog * importDialog ;
if ( rqFullscreen & & fullscreenWidget ! = nullptr )
importDialog = new ImportDialog ( profileName , fullscreenWidget ) ;
importDialog = new ImportDialog ( profileName , this ) ;
importDialog - > setWindowIcon ( windowIcon ( ) ) ;
importDialog - > setImage ( currentImage ) ;
importDialog - > enableOverwriteMode ( ) ;
importDialog - > setModal ( true ) ;
importDialog - > exec ( ) ;
if ( importDialog - > isImportAgreed ( ) )
const QByteArray previousPicture = smpic - > getPictureStream ( ) ;
bool success = smpic - > setImage ( importDialog - > image ( ) ) ;
if ( success )
QString currentFilePath = smpic - > getPictureFilePath ( ) ;
QString originalFilePath = smpic - > getOriginalPictureFilePath ( ) ;
QString backupFileName = originalFilePath % " .bak " ;
if ( ! QFile : : exists ( backupFileName ) )
QFile : : copy ( currentFilePath , backupFileName ) ;
if ( ! smpic - > exportPicture ( currentFilePath ) )
smpic - > setPictureStream ( previousPicture ) ;
QMessageBox : : warning ( this , QApplication : : translate ( " ImageEditorDialog " , " Snapmatic Image Editor " ) , QApplication : : translate ( " ImageEditorDialog " , " Patching of Snapmatic Image failed because of I/O Error " ) ) ;
return ;
smpic - > emitCustomSignal ( " PictureUpdated " ) ;
QSettings telemetrySettings ( GTA5SYNC_APPVENDOR , GTA5SYNC_APPSTR ) ;
telemetrySettings . beginGroup ( " Telemetry " ) ;
bool pushUsageData = telemetrySettings . value ( " PushUsageData " , false ) . toBool ( ) ;
telemetrySettings . endGroup ( ) ;
if ( pushUsageData & & Telemetry - > canPush ( ) )
QJsonDocument jsonDocument ;
QJsonObject jsonObject ;
jsonObject [ " Type " ] = " ImageEdited " ;
jsonObject [ " ExtraFlags " ] = " Viewer " ;
jsonObject [ " EditedSize " ] = QString : : number ( smpic - > getContentMaxLength ( ) ) ;
jsonObject [ " EditedTime " ] = QString : : number ( QDateTime : : currentDateTimeUtc ( ) . toTime_t ( ) ) ;
jsonDocument . setObject ( jsonObject ) ;
Telemetry - > push ( TelemetryCategory : : PersonalData , jsonDocument ) ;
# endif
QMessageBox : : warning ( this , QApplication : : translate ( " ImageEditorDialog " , " Snapmatic Image Editor " ) , QApplication : : translate ( " ImageEditorDialog " , " Patching of Snapmatic Image failed because of Image Error " ) ) ;
return ;
delete importDialog ;
void PictureDialog : : editSnapmaticRawJson ( )
SnapmaticPicture * picture = smpic ;
JsonEditorDialog * jsonEditor ;
if ( rqFullscreen & & fullscreenWidget ! = nullptr )
jsonEditor = new JsonEditorDialog ( picture , fullscreenWidget ) ;
jsonEditor = new JsonEditorDialog ( picture , this ) ;
jsonEditor - > setWindowIcon ( windowIcon ( ) ) ;
jsonEditor - > setModal ( true ) ;
# ifndef Q_OS_ANDROID
jsonEditor - > show ( ) ;
# else
jsonEditor - > showMaximized ( ) ;
# endif
jsonEditor - > exec ( ) ;
delete jsonEditor ;
void PictureDialog : : updated ( )
SnapmaticPicture * picture = smpic ; // used by macro
crewStr = crewDB - > getCrewName ( crewID ) ;
setWindowTitle ( windowTitleStr . arg ( picTitl ) ) ;
ui - > labJSON - > setText ( jsonDrawString . arg ( locX , locY , locZ , generatePlayersString ( ) , generateCrewString ( ) , picTitl , picAreaStr , created ) ) ;
void PictureDialog : : customSignal ( QString signal )
SnapmaticPicture * picture = smpic ; // used by macro
if ( signal = = " PictureUpdated " )
snapmaticPicture = picture - > getImage ( ) ;
renderPicture ( ) ;