2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
* rdr2view Red Dead Redemption 2 Profile Viewer
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
* Copyright ( C ) 2016 - 2020 Syping
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "config.h"
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
# include "AppEnv.h"
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
# include "PictureExport.h"
# include "PictureDialog.h"
# include "StandardPaths.h"
# include "SidebarGenerator.h"
# include <QStringBuilder>
# include <QDesktopWidget>
# include <QApplication>
# include <QMessageBox>
# include <QFileDialog>
# include <QSettings>
# include <QRegExp>
# include <QDebug>
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
# include <QSaveFile>
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
# include <QScreen>
# else
# include <QDesktopWidget>
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
# endif
PictureExport : : PictureExport ( )
void PictureExport : : exportAsPicture ( QWidget * parent , SnapmaticPicture * picture )
// Picture Settings
// Quality Settings
settings . beginGroup ( " Pictures " ) ;
int defaultQuality = 100 ;
QSize defExportSize = QSize ( 960 , 536 ) ;
int customQuality = settings . value ( " CustomQuality " , defaultQuality ) . toInt ( ) ;
if ( customQuality < 1 | | customQuality > 100 )
customQuality = 100 ;
bool useCustomQuality = settings . value ( " CustomQualityEnabled " , false ) . toBool ( ) ;
// Size Settings
QSize cusExportSize = settings . value ( " CustomSize " , defExportSize ) . toSize ( ) ;
if ( cusExportSize . width ( ) > 3840 )
cusExportSize . setWidth ( 3840 ) ;
else if ( cusExportSize . height ( ) > 2160 )
cusExportSize . setHeight ( 2160 ) ;
if ( cusExportSize . width ( ) < 1 )
cusExportSize . setWidth ( 1 ) ;
else if ( cusExportSize . height ( ) < 1 )
cusExportSize . setHeight ( 1 ) ;
QString sizeMode = settings . value ( " ExportSizeMode " , " Default " ) . toString ( ) ;
Qt : : AspectRatioMode aspectRatio = ( Qt : : AspectRatioMode ) settings . value ( " AspectRatio " , Qt : : KeepAspectRatio ) . toInt ( ) ;
QString defaultExportFormat = settings . value ( " DefaultExportFormat " , " .jpg " ) . toString ( ) ;
settings . endGroup ( ) ;
// End Picture Settings
settings . beginGroup ( " FileDialogs " ) ;
bool dontUseNativeDialog = settings . value ( " DontUseNativeDialog " , false ) . toBool ( ) ;
settings . beginGroup ( " ExportAsPicture " ) ;
fileDialogPreSave : //Work?
QFileDialog fileDialog ( parent ) ;
fileDialog . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : AnyFile ) ;
fileDialog . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : Detail ) ;
fileDialog . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
fileDialog . setOption ( QFileDialog : : DontUseNativeDialog , dontUseNativeDialog ) ;
fileDialog . setOption ( QFileDialog : : DontConfirmOverwrite , true ) ;
fileDialog . setDefaultSuffix ( " suffix " ) ;
fileDialog . setWindowFlags ( fileDialog . windowFlags ( ) ^ Qt : : WindowContextHelpButtonHint ) ;
fileDialog . setWindowTitle ( PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Picture... " ) ) ;
fileDialog . setLabelText ( QFileDialog : : Accept , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export " ) ) ;
QStringList filters ;
filters < < PictureDialog : : tr ( " JPEG Graphics (*.jpg *.jpeg) " ) ;
filters < < PictureDialog : : tr ( " Portable Network Graphics (*.png) " ) ;
fileDialog . setNameFilters ( filters ) ;
QList < QUrl > sidebarUrls = SidebarGenerator : : generateSidebarUrls ( fileDialog . sidebarUrls ( ) ) ;
fileDialog . setSidebarUrls ( sidebarUrls ) ;
fileDialog . setDirectory ( settings . value ( " Directory " , StandardPaths : : picturesLocation ( ) ) . toString ( ) ) ;
fileDialog . restoreGeometry ( settings . value ( parent - > objectName ( ) % " +Geometry " , " " ) . toByteArray ( ) ) ;
QString newPictureFileName = getPictureFileName ( picture ) % defaultExportFormat ;
fileDialog . selectFile ( newPictureFileName ) ;
if ( fileDialog . exec ( ) )
QStringList selectedFiles = fileDialog . selectedFiles ( ) ;
if ( selectedFiles . length ( ) = = 1 )
QString saveFileFormat ;
QString selectedFile = selectedFiles . at ( 0 ) ;
if ( selectedFile . right ( 4 ) = = " .jpg " )
saveFileFormat = " JPEG " ;
else if ( selectedFile . right ( 4 ) = = " .jpeg " )
saveFileFormat = " JPEG " ;
else if ( selectedFile . right ( 4 ) = = " .png " )
saveFileFormat = " PNG " ;
else if ( selectedFile . right ( 7 ) = = " .suffix " )
if ( fileDialog . selectedNameFilter ( ) = = " JPEG picture (*.jpg) " )
selectedFile . replace ( " .suffix " , " .jpg " ) ;
else if ( fileDialog . selectedNameFilter ( ) = = " Portable Network Graphics (*.png) " )
selectedFile . replace ( " .suffix " , " .png " ) ;
selectedFile . replace ( " .suffix " , " .jpg " ) ;
if ( QFile : : exists ( selectedFile ) )
if ( QMessageBox : : No = = QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Picture " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Overwrite %1 with current Snapmatic picture? " ) . arg ( " \" " + selectedFile + " \" " ) , QMessageBox : : Yes | QMessageBox : : No , QMessageBox : : Yes ) )
goto fileDialogPreSave ; //Work?
// Scale Picture
QImage exportPicture = picture - > getImage ( ) ;
if ( sizeMode = = " Desktop " )
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
qreal screenRatioPR = AppEnv : : screenRatioPR ( ) ;
QRect desktopResolution = QApplication : : primaryScreen ( ) - > geometry ( ) ;
int desktopSizeWidth = qRound ( ( double ) desktopResolution . width ( ) * screenRatioPR ) ;
int desktopSizeHeight = qRound ( ( double ) desktopResolution . height ( ) * screenRatioPR ) ;
# else
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
QRect desktopResolution = QApplication : : desktop ( ) - > screenGeometry ( ) ;
2020-05-21 14:50:37 +02:00
int desktopSizeWidth = desktopResolution . width ( ) ;
int desktopSizeHeight = desktopResolution . height ( ) ;
# endif
exportPicture = exportPicture . scaled ( desktopSizeWidth , desktopSizeHeight , aspectRatio , Qt : : SmoothTransformation ) ;
2019-11-10 00:12:44 +01:00
else if ( sizeMode = = " Custom " )
exportPicture = exportPicture . scaled ( cusExportSize , aspectRatio , Qt : : SmoothTransformation ) ;
int errorId = 0 ;
bool isSaved = false ;
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
QSaveFile * picFile = new QSaveFile ( selectedFile ) ;
# else
QFile * picFile = new QFile ( selectedFile ) ;
# endif
if ( picFile - > open ( QIODevice : : WriteOnly ) )
isSaved = exportPicture . save ( picFile , saveFileFormat . toStdString ( ) . c_str ( ) , useCustomQuality ? customQuality : defaultQuality ) ;
# if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
if ( isSaved )
isSaved = picFile - > commit ( ) ;
errorId = 1 ;
# else
picFile - > close ( ) ;
# endif
errorId = 2 ;
delete picFile ;
if ( ! isSaved )
switch ( errorId )
case 0 :
QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Picture " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Failed to export the picture because the system occurred a write failure " ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Picture " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Failed to export the picture because the format detection failures " ) ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Picture " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Failed to export the picture because the file can't be written " ) ) ;
break ;
default :
QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Picture " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Failed to export the picture because of an unknown reason " ) ) ;
goto fileDialogPreSave ; //Work?
QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Picture " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " No valid file is selected " ) ) ;
goto fileDialogPreSave ; //Work?
settings . setValue ( parent - > objectName ( ) % " +Geometry " , fileDialog . saveGeometry ( ) ) ;
settings . setValue ( " Directory " , fileDialog . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
settings . endGroup ( ) ;
settings . endGroup ( ) ;
void PictureExport : : exportAsSnapmatic ( QWidget * parent , SnapmaticPicture * picture )
settings . beginGroup ( " FileDialogs " ) ;
bool dontUseNativeDialog = settings . value ( " DontUseNativeDialog " , false ) . toBool ( ) ;
settings . beginGroup ( " ExportAsSnapmatic " ) ;
QString adjustedPicPath = picture - > getOriginalPictureFileName ( ) ;
fileDialogPreSave : //Work?
QFileInfo sgdFileInfo ( adjustedPicPath ) ;
QFileDialog fileDialog ( parent ) ;
fileDialog . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : AnyFile ) ;
fileDialog . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : Detail ) ;
fileDialog . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
fileDialog . setOption ( QFileDialog : : DontUseNativeDialog , dontUseNativeDialog ) ;
fileDialog . setOption ( QFileDialog : : DontConfirmOverwrite , true ) ;
fileDialog . setDefaultSuffix ( " .rem " ) ;
fileDialog . setWindowFlags ( fileDialog . windowFlags ( ) ^ Qt : : WindowContextHelpButtonHint ) ;
fileDialog . setWindowTitle ( PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Snapmatic... " ) ) ;
fileDialog . setLabelText ( QFileDialog : : Accept , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export " ) ) ;
QStringList filters ;
filters < < PictureDialog : : tr ( " RDR 2 Export (*.r5e) " ) ;
filters < < PictureDialog : : tr ( " RDR 2 Raw Export (*.auto) " ) ;
filters < < PictureDialog : : tr ( " Snapmatic pictures (PRDR*) " ) ;
fileDialog . setNameFilters ( filters ) ;
QList < QUrl > sidebarUrls = SidebarGenerator : : generateSidebarUrls ( fileDialog . sidebarUrls ( ) ) ;
fileDialog . setSidebarUrls ( sidebarUrls ) ;
fileDialog . setDirectory ( settings . value ( " Directory " , StandardPaths : : documentsLocation ( ) ) . toString ( ) ) ;
fileDialog . restoreGeometry ( settings . value ( parent - > objectName ( ) % " +Geometry " , " " ) . toByteArray ( ) ) ;
fileDialog . selectFile ( QString ( picture - > getExportPictureFileName ( ) % " .r5e " ) ) ;
if ( fileDialog . exec ( ) )
QStringList selectedFiles = fileDialog . selectedFiles ( ) ;
if ( selectedFiles . length ( ) = = 1 )
QString selectedFile = selectedFiles . at ( 0 ) ;
bool isAutoExt = false ;
if ( selectedFile . right ( 5 ) = = " .auto " )
isAutoExt = true ;
QString dirPath = QFileInfo ( selectedFile ) . dir ( ) . path ( ) ;
QString stockFileName = sgdFileInfo . fileName ( ) ;
selectedFile = dirPath % " / " % stockFileName ;
else if ( selectedFile . right ( 4 ) = = " .rem " )
selectedFile . remove ( selectedFile . length ( ) - 4 , 4 ) ;
if ( QFile : : exists ( selectedFile ) )
if ( QMessageBox : : No = = QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Snapmatic " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Overwrite %1 with current Snapmatic picture? " ) . arg ( " \" " + selectedFile + " \" " ) , QMessageBox : : Yes | QMessageBox : : No , QMessageBox : : Yes ) )
goto fileDialogPreSave ; //Work?
if ( selectedFile . right ( 4 ) = = " .r5e " )
bool isExported = picture - > exportPicture ( selectedFile , SnapmaticFormat : : G5E_Format ) ;
if ( ! isExported )
QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Snapmatic " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Failed to export current Snapmatic picture " ) ) ;
goto fileDialogPreSave ; //Work?
bool isCopied = picture - > exportPicture ( selectedFile , SnapmaticFormat : : PGTA_Format ) ;
if ( ! isCopied )
QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Snapmatic " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Failed to export current Snapmatic picture " ) ) ;
goto fileDialogPreSave ; //Work?
if ( isAutoExt ) QMessageBox : : information ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Snapmatic " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Exported Snapmatic to \" %1 \" because of using the .auto extension. " ) . arg ( selectedFile ) ) ;
QMessageBox : : warning ( parent , PictureDialog : : tr ( " Export as Snapmatic " ) , PictureDialog : : tr ( " No valid file is selected " ) ) ;
goto fileDialogPreSave ; //Work?
settings . setValue ( parent - > objectName ( ) % " +Geometry " , fileDialog . saveGeometry ( ) ) ;
settings . setValue ( " Directory " , fileDialog . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
settings . endGroup ( ) ;
QString PictureExport : : getPictureFileName ( SnapmaticPicture * picture )
return picture - > getExportPictureFileName ( ) ;