
188 lines
7.9 KiB

* xmppbot Simple unix socket based XMPP bot
* Copyright (C) 2021 Syping
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* This software is provided as-is, no warranties are given to you, we are not
* responsible for anything with use of the software, you are self responsible.
#include <QCommandLineParser>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QLocalServer>
#include <QLocalSocket>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QFile>
#include "unixsocket.h"
#include "QXmppClient.h"
#include "QXmppMessage.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
QCommandLineParser commandLineParser;
commandLineParser.addPositionalArgument("config", QCoreApplication::translate("xmppbot", "Configuration file."));
QString settingsPath = QLatin1String("settings.ini");
const QStringList args = commandLineParser.positionalArguments();
if (args.length() == 1) {
const QString a_settingsPath = args.at(0);
if (QFile::exists(a_settingsPath)) {
settingsPath = a_settingsPath;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: " << a_settingsPath << " not found!" << Qt::endl;
return 1;
QXmppClient client;
bool loginSet = false;
QString jid, jpw;
QHash<QString, QString> h_msg;
QHash<QString, QString> h_run;
if (QFile::exists(settingsPath)) {
QSettings settings(settingsPath, QSettings::IniFormat);
for (const QString &group : settings.childGroups()) {
for (const QString &key : settings.childKeys()) {
if (key == "Password") {
if (!loginSet) {
jid = group;
const QString instance = settings.value("Instance", QString()).toString();
if (!instance.isEmpty()) {
jid += QLatin1String("/") + instance;
jpw = settings.value(key, QString()).toString();
loginSet = true;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Login password can only be set once!" << Qt::endl;
return 1;
if (key == "UnixSocket") {
UnixSocket *unixSocket = new UnixSocket(&client, jid, group);
const QString permission = settings.value("SocketPermission", QString()).toString();
if (permission == "UG" || permission == "UserGroup") {
unixSocket->setSocketOptions(QLocalServer::UserAccessOption | QLocalServer::GroupAccessOption);
if (permission == "UO" || permission == "UserOther") {
unixSocket->setSocketOptions(QLocalServer::UserAccessOption | QLocalServer::OtherAccessOption);
if (permission == "U" || permission == "User") {
if (permission == "GO" || permission == "GroupOther") {
unixSocket->setSocketOptions(QLocalServer::GroupAccessOption | QLocalServer::OtherAccessOption);
if (permission == "G" || permission == "Group") {
if (permission == "O" || permission == "Other") {
if (permission == "A" || permission == "All" || permission == "UGO" || permission == "UserGroupOther") {
const QString socketPath = settings.value(key, QString()).toString();
bool listen = unixSocket->listen(socketPath);
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
if (!listen) {
listen = unixSocket->listen(socketPath);
if (listen) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Account socket " << group << " initialised" << Qt::endl;
const QString incoming = settings.value("Incoming", QString()).toString();
if (incoming.startsWith("message:")) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Account message incoming " << group << " initialised" << Qt::endl;
h_msg.insert(group, incoming.mid(8));
if (incoming.startsWith("run:")) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Account run incoming " << group << " initialised" << Qt::endl;
h_run.insert(group, incoming.mid(4));
else {
delete unixSocket;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Can't initialise without settings.ini!" << Qt::endl;
return 1;
if (jid.isEmpty() || jpw.isEmpty()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Can't initialise without XMPP account!" << Qt::endl;
return 1;
QObject::connect(&client, &QXmppClient::connected, [&]() {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Account " << jid << " connected" << Qt::endl;
QXmppPresence xmppPresence(QXmppPresence::Available);
QObject::connect(&client, &QXmppClient::disconnected, [&]() {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Account " << jid << " disconnected" << Qt::endl;
client.connectToServer(jid, jpw);
QObject::connect(&client, &QXmppClient::messageReceived, [&](const QXmppMessage &xmppMessage) {
const QString body = xmppMessage.body();
if (body.isEmpty())
const QString from = xmppMessage.from();
QString from_jid;
for (const QChar &val : from) {
if (val == '/')
from_jid += val;
const QString msg = h_msg.value(from_jid, QString());
if (!msg.isEmpty()) {
QXmppMessage xmppMessage(jid, from, msg);
const QString run = h_run.value(from_jid, QString());
if (!run.isEmpty()) {
qint64 pid;
bool isStarted = QProcess::startDetached(run, QStringList() << from << xmppMessage.to() << xmppMessage.body(), QString(), &pid);
if (isStarted) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Account " << from_jid << " executed pid " << pid << Qt::endl;
client.connectToServer(jid, jpw);
QTextStream(stderr) << "xmppbot: Account login " << jid << " initialised" << Qt::endl;
return app.exec();