
285 lines
11 KiB

* smsub Server Manager Subprocess
* Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Syping
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* This software is provided as-is, no warranties are given to you, we are not
* responsible for anything with use of the software, you are self responsible.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QUuid>
#include "SMSubServer.h"
#include "smsub.h"
SMSubServer::SMSubServer(SMSubServerSettings *serverSettings, const QString &socket) : serverSettings(serverSettings)
QLocalServer *localServer = new QLocalServer(this);
localServer->setSocketOptions(QLocalServer::UserAccessOption | QLocalServer::GroupAccessOption);
QObject::connect(localServer, &QLocalServer::newConnection, this, &SMSubServer::newConnection);
type = ServerType::Local;
server = localServer;
status = false;
startTime = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toSecsSinceEpoch();
stopTime = startTime;
SMSubServer::SMSubServer(SMSubServerSettings *serverSettings, const QString &serverName, const quint16 &port) : serverSettings(serverSettings)
QWebSocketServer *webSocketServer = new QWebSocketServer(serverName, QWebSocketServer::NonSecureMode, this);
webSocketServer->listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost, port);
QObject::connect(webSocketServer, &QWebSocketServer::newConnection, this, &SMSubServer::newConnection);
type = ServerType::WebSocket;
server = webSocketServer;
status = false;
startTime = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toSecsSinceEpoch();
stopTime = startTime;
bool SMSubServer::isListening()
if (Q_LIKELY(type == ServerType::Local)) {
return static_cast<QLocalServer*>(server)->isListening();
else if (type == ServerType::WebSocket) {
return static_cast<QWebSocketServer*>(server)->isListening();
return false;
void SMSubServer::newConnection()
QObject *socket;
if (Q_LIKELY(type == ServerType::Local)) {
QLocalSocket *localSocket = static_cast<QLocalServer*>(server)->nextPendingConnection();
QObject::connect(localSocket, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, this, &SMSubServer::lsReadyRead);
QObject::connect(localSocket, &QLocalSocket::disconnected, this, &SMSubServer::deleteSocket);
localSocket->write(QString("SMSub Version %1\n").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationVersion()).toUtf8());
socket = localSocket;
QTextStream(stderr) << "LocalSocket connected!" << smsub_endl;
else if (type == ServerType::WebSocket) {
QWebSocket *webSocket = static_cast<QWebSocketServer*>(server)->nextPendingConnection();
QObject::connect(webSocket, &QWebSocket::binaryMessageReceived, this, &SMSubServer::wsMessageReceived);
QObject::connect(webSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &SMSubServer::deleteSocket);
webSocket->sendBinaryMessage(QString("SMSub Version %1\n").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationVersion()).toUtf8());
socket = webSocket;
QTextStream(stderr) << QString("WebSocket %1:%2 connected!").arg(webSocket->peerAddress().toString(), QString::number(webSocket->peerPort())) << smsub_endl;
else {
// Just for being sure
// Set authentication state
if (serverSettings->isLocal) {
socket->setProperty("Authenticated", true);
sockets << socket;
else {
socket->setProperty("Authenticated", false);
bool SMSubServer::messageReceived(QObject *socket, const QByteArray &message)
// Only allow commands being sent if authenticated
const bool isAuthenticated = socket->property("Authenticated").toBool();
if (Q_LIKELY(isAuthenticated)) {
if (message == "+dbg") {
socket->setProperty("ReceiveDbgMsg", true);
sendMessage(socket, "Debug messages enabled!\n");
else if (message == "-dbg") {
socket->setProperty("ReceiveDbgMsg", false);
sendMessage(socket, "Debug messages disabled!\n");
else if (message == "+log") {
socket->setProperty("ReceiveLog", true);
debugOutput(socket, "Log output enabled!");
else if (message == "-log") {
socket->setProperty("ReceiveLog", false);
debugOutput(socket, "Log output disabled!");
else if (message == "+reg") {
if (Q_LIKELY(serverSettings->canRegister)) {
QByteArray authUuid = QUuid::createUuid().toByteArray(QUuid::Id128) +
authUuid = QByteArray::fromHex(authUuid).toBase64(QByteArray::OmitTrailingEquals);
emit tokenRegistered(QString::fromUtf8(authUuid));
sendMessage(socket, "Token: " + authUuid + '\n');
else {
sendMessage(socket, "Permission denied!\n");
else if (message == "status") {
if (status) {
sendMessage(socket, QString("Status: on\nLast Start: %1\nLast Stop: %2\n").arg(QString::number(startTime), QString::number(stopTime)).toUtf8());
else {
sendMessage(socket, QString("Status: off\nLast Start: %1\nLast Stop: %2\n").arg(QString::number(startTime), QString::number(stopTime)).toUtf8());
else if (message == "start") {
emit startRequested();
debugOutput(socket, "Starting server!");
else if (message == "stop") {
emit stopRequested();
debugOutput(socket, "Stopping server!");
else if (message == "kill") {
emit killRequested();
debugOutput(socket, "Killing server!");
else if (message == "quit") {
QTimer::singleShot(0, qApp, &QCoreApplication::quit);
debugOutput(socket, "Qutting smsub!");
else if (message.startsWith("wl ")) {
const QByteArray writeData = message.mid(3);
emit inputWritten(writeData + '\n');
debugOutput(socket, "Write line: " + writeData);
else if (message.startsWith("w ")) {
const QByteArray writeData = message.mid(2);
emit inputWritten(writeData);
debugOutput(socket, "Write: " + writeData);
else {
// Authenticate when token is valid, otherwise disconnect
if (Q_UNLIKELY(tokens.contains(QString::fromUtf8(message)))) {
// Set client as authenticated and add it to vector
socket->setProperty("Authenticated", true);
sendMessage(socket, "Login successful!\n");
sockets << socket;
else {
// Stop receiving data and disconnect socket
if (Q_LIKELY(type == ServerType::Local)) {
QLocalSocket *localSocket = static_cast<QLocalSocket*>(socket);
QObject::disconnect(localSocket, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, this, &SMSubServer::lsReadyRead);
localSocket->write("Incorrect token!\n");
return false;
else if (type == ServerType::WebSocket) {
QWebSocket *webSocket = static_cast<QWebSocket*>(socket);
QObject::disconnect(webSocket, &QWebSocket::binaryMessageReceived, this, &SMSubServer::wsMessageReceived);
webSocket->sendBinaryMessage("Incorrect token!\n");
return false;
return true;
void SMSubServer::wsMessageReceived(const QByteArray &message)
QWebSocket *socket = static_cast<QWebSocket*>(sender());
messageReceived(socket, message.trimmed());
void SMSubServer::lsReadyRead()
QLocalSocket *socket = static_cast<QLocalSocket*>(sender());
QTextStream(stderr) << "LocalSocket I/O RR!" << smsub_endl;
while (socket->canReadLine()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "LocalSocket I/O WL!" << smsub_endl;
const QByteArray message = socket->readLine().trimmed();
if (!messageReceived(socket, message))
void SMSubServer::deleteSocket()
// Delete socket and remove from index
QObject *socket = sender();
void SMSubServer::debugOutput(QObject *socket, const QByteArray &message)
// Only send debug messages when the client opted-in
const QVariant variant = socket->property("ReceiveDbgMsg");
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x060000
if (Q_UNLIKELY(variant.typeId() == QMetaType::Bool)) {
if (Q_UNLIKELY(variant.type() == QVariant::Bool)) {
bool receiveDbgMsg = variant.toBool();
if (Q_LIKELY(receiveDbgMsg)) {
sendMessage(socket, message + '\n');
void SMSubServer::writeOutput(const QByteArray &output)
// Read process output when client opted-in for log
for (auto it = sockets.constBegin(); it != sockets.constEnd(); it++) {
const QVariant variant = (*it)->property("ReceiveLog");
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x060000
if (Q_UNLIKELY(variant.typeId() == QMetaType::Bool)) {
if (Q_UNLIKELY(variant.type() == QVariant::Bool)) {
bool receiveLog = variant.toBool();
if (Q_LIKELY(receiveLog)) {
sendMessage(*it, output);
void SMSubServer::sendMessage(QObject *socket, const QByteArray &message)
if (Q_LIKELY(type == ServerType::Local)) {
QLocalSocket *localSocket = static_cast<QLocalSocket*>(socket);
else if (type == ServerType::WebSocket) {
QWebSocket *webSocket = static_cast<QWebSocket*>(socket);
void SMSubServer::registerToken(const QString &token)
// Register temporary token for a secure remote connection
tokens << token;
QTimer::singleShot(30000, this, [=]() {
void SMSubServer::statusUpdated(const bool status_, const qint64 time)
status = status_;
status ? (startTime = time) : (stopTime = time);