
627 lines
25 KiB

* smsub Server Manager Subprocess
* Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Syping
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* This software is provided as-is, no warranties are given to you, we are not
* responsible for anything with use of the software, you are self responsible.
#include <QCommandLineParser>
#include <QCommandLineOption>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QJsonValue>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QFile>
#include "SMSubProcess.h"
#include "SMSubServer.h"
#include "smsub.h"
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
#include <initializer_list>
#include "signal.h"
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
void catchUnixSignals(std::initializer_list<int> quitSignals) {
auto handler = [](int sig) -> void {
QString unixSignal;
switch (sig) {
case SIGINT:
unixSignal = QLatin1String("SIGINT");
case SIGHUP:
unixSignal = QLatin1String("SIGHUP");
unixSignal = QLatin1String("SIGQUIT");
unixSignal = QLatin1String("SIGTERM");
unixSignal = QString::number(sig);
QTextStream(stderr) << "Received Unix signal: " << unixSignal << smsub_endl;
sigset_t blocking_mask;
for (int sig : quitSignals)
sigaddset(&blocking_mask, sig);
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_handler = handler;
sa.sa_mask = blocking_mask;
sa.sa_flags = 0;
for (int sig : quitSignals)
sigaction(sig, &sa, nullptr);
QStringList parseStringArguments(const QString &string)
QString argument;
bool slashMode = false;
bool dQuoteMode = false;
bool sQuoteMode = false;
QStringList argumentList;
for (const QChar &strChar : string) {
if (!slashMode && !dQuoteMode && !sQuoteMode) {
if (strChar == ' ') {
if (!argument.isEmpty()) {
argumentList << argument;
else if (strChar == '\"') {
dQuoteMode = true;
else if (strChar == '\'') {
sQuoteMode = true;
else if (strChar == '\\') {
slashMode = true;
else {
argument += strChar;
else if (slashMode) {
argument += strChar;
slashMode = false;
else if (dQuoteMode) {
if (strChar == '\"') {
dQuoteMode = false;
else {
argument += strChar;
else if (sQuoteMode) {
if (strChar == '\'') {
sQuoteMode = false;
else {
argument += strChar;
if (slashMode || dQuoteMode || sQuoteMode)
return QStringList();
if (!argument.isEmpty())
argumentList << argument;
return argumentList;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
a.setApplicationName("Server Manager Subprocess");
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
bool rportSet = false;
bool autoStart = true;
bool buffReads = false;
bool keepAlive = false;
bool timeoutSet = false;
size_t termTimeout = 60000;
quint16 rport;
QString socket;
QString rsocket;
QString executable;
QString workingDirectory;
QStringList argumentList;
const QByteArray envEnvironmentMode = qgetenv("SMSUB_ENVIRONMENT_MODE");
const QByteArray envAutoStart = qgetenv("SMSUB_AUTOSTART");
const QByteArray envBuffReads = qgetenv("SMSUB_BUFFERED_READS");
const QByteArray envKeepAlive = qgetenv("SMSUB_KEEPALIVE");
const QByteArray envManifest = qgetenv("SMSUB_JSON");
const QByteArray envExecutable = qgetenv("SMSUB_EXEC");
const QByteArray envArguments = qgetenv("SMSUB_ARGS");
const QByteArray envSocket = qgetenv("SMSUB_SOCK");
const QByteArray envRemotePort = qgetenv("SMSUB_RPORT");
const QByteArray envRemoteSocket = qgetenv("SMSUB_RSOCK");
const QByteArray envTimeout = qgetenv("SMSUB_TIMEOUT");
const QByteArray envWorkDir = qgetenv("SMSUB_WORKDIR");
if (envEnvironmentMode == "1" || envEnvironmentMode.toLower() == "true" || envEnvironmentMode.toLower() == "yes") {
if (envExecutable.isEmpty() && envArguments.isEmpty()) {
QStringList arguments = a.arguments();
executable = arguments.takeFirst();
argumentList = arguments;
else {
if (!envExecutable.isEmpty()) {
executable = QString::fromUtf8(envExecutable);
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Executable is not defined in environment, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (!envArguments.isEmpty()) {
argumentList = parseStringArguments(QString::fromUtf8(envArguments));
if (argumentList.empty()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Arguments can't be parsed properly!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Arguments are not defined in environment, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (!envTimeout.isEmpty()) {
bool ok;
const int _termTimeout = envTimeout.toInt(&ok);
if (ok) {
termTimeout = _termTimeout;
timeoutSet = true;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Termination timeout is not a number in environment, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (!envAutoStart.isEmpty()) {
if (envAutoStart == "0" || envAutoStart.toLower() == "false" || envAutoStart.toLower() == "no") {
autoStart = false;
if (!envBuffReads.isEmpty()) {
if (envBuffReads == "1" || envBuffReads.toLower() == "true" || envBuffReads.toLower() == "yes") {
buffReads = true;
if (!envKeepAlive.isEmpty()) {
if (envKeepAlive == "1" || envKeepAlive.toLower() == "true" || envKeepAlive.toLower() == "yes") {
keepAlive = true;
if (!envWorkDir.isEmpty()) {
workingDirectory = QString::fromUtf8(envWorkDir);
else {
workingDirectory = QFileInfo(executable).absolutePath();
if (!envSocket.isEmpty()) {
socket = QString::fromUtf8(envSocket);
else {
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QTextStream(stderr) << "You must define at least a local IPC socket!" << smsub_endl;
QTextStream(stderr) << "You must define at least a local Unix socket!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (!envRemoteSocket.isEmpty()) {
rsocket = QString::fromUtf8(envRemoteSocket);
if (!envRemotePort.isEmpty()) {
bool ok;
const quint16 _rport = envRemotePort.toUShort(&ok);
if (ok) {
rport = _rport;
rportSet = true;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "WebSockets port is not valid in environment!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
else {
QCommandLineParser commandLineParser;
QCommandLineOption processManifest("json", "JSON process manifest.", "json");
QCommandLineOption processExecutable(QStringList() << "exec" << "executable", "Process executable to run.", "exec");
QCommandLineOption processArguments(QStringList() << "args" << "arguments", "Arguments given to process.", "args");
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QCommandLineOption subprocessSocket(QStringList() << "sock" << "socket", "IPC socket used for local communication.", "sock");
QCommandLineOption subprocessSocket(QStringList() << "sock" << "socket", "Unix socket used for local communication.", "sock");
QCommandLineOption subprocessRemotePort("rport", "WebSockets port used for remote communication.", "rport");
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QCommandLineOption subprocessRemoteSocket(QStringList() << "rsock" << "rsocket", "IPC socket used for remote communication.", "rsock");
QCommandLineOption subprocessRemoteSocket(QStringList() << "rsock" << "rsocket", "Unix socket used for remote communication.", "rsock");
QCommandLineOption processAutoStart("autostart", "SMSub autostart mode setting.", "autostart");
QCommandLineOption processKeepAlive("keepalive", "SMSub keepalive mode setting.", "keepalive");
QCommandLineOption processTimeout("timeout", "SMSub termination timeout.", "timeout");
if (commandLineParser.isSet(processManifest) && commandLineParser.isSet(processExecutable) ||
!envManifest.isEmpty() && !envExecutable.isEmpty() ||
commandLineParser.isSet(processManifest) && !envExecutable.isEmpty() ||
!envManifest.isEmpty() && commandLineParser.isSet(processExecutable)) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "You can't define a Process executable and a JSON process manifest at the same time!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (commandLineParser.isSet(processManifest) && commandLineParser.isSet(processArguments) ||
!envManifest.isEmpty() && !envArguments.isEmpty() ||
commandLineParser.isSet(processManifest) && !envArguments.isEmpty() ||
!envManifest.isEmpty() && commandLineParser.isSet(processArguments)) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "You can't define Process arguments and a JSON process manifest at the same time!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (commandLineParser.isSet(subprocessRemotePort) && commandLineParser.isSet(subprocessRemoteSocket) ||
!envRemotePort.isEmpty() && !envRemoteSocket.isEmpty() ||
commandLineParser.isSet(subprocessRemotePort) && !envRemoteSocket.isEmpty() ||
!envRemotePort.isEmpty() && commandLineParser.isSet(subprocessRemoteSocket)) {
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QTextStream(stderr) << "You can't define a WebSockets port and a IPC socket at same time!" << smsub_endl;
QTextStream(stderr) << "You can't define a WebSockets port and a Unix socket at same time!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (commandLineParser.isSet(processTimeout)) {
bool ok;
const int _termTimeout = commandLineParser.value(processTimeout).toInt(&ok, 10);
if (ok) {
termTimeout = _termTimeout;
timeoutSet = true;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Termination timeout is not a number in argument, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
else if (!envTimeout.isEmpty()) {
bool ok;
const int _termTimeout = envTimeout.toInt(&ok, 10);
if (ok) {
termTimeout = _termTimeout;
timeoutSet = true;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Termination timeout is not a number in environment, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (commandLineParser.isSet(processExecutable)) {
executable = commandLineParser.value(processExecutable);
else if (!envExecutable.isEmpty()) {
executable = QString::fromUtf8(envExecutable);
if (commandLineParser.isSet(processAutoStart)) {
const QString claAutoStart = commandLineParser.value(processAutoStart);
if (claAutoStart == "0" || claAutoStart.toLower() == "false" || claAutoStart.toLower() == "no") {
autoStart = false;
else if (!envAutoStart.isEmpty()) {
if (envAutoStart == "0" || envAutoStart.toLower() == "false" || envAutoStart.toLower() == "no") {
autoStart = false;
if (!envBuffReads.isEmpty()) {
if (envBuffReads == "1" || envBuffReads.toLower() == "true" || envBuffReads.toLower() == "yes") {
buffReads = true;
if (commandLineParser.isSet(processKeepAlive)) {
const QString claKeepAlive = commandLineParser.value(processKeepAlive);
if (claKeepAlive != "0" || claKeepAlive.toLower() != "false" || claKeepAlive.toLower() != "no") {
keepAlive = true;
else if (!envKeepAlive.isEmpty()) {
if (envKeepAlive == "1" || envKeepAlive.toLower() == "true" || envKeepAlive.toLower() == "yes") {
keepAlive = true;
if (!envWorkDir.isEmpty()) {
workingDirectory = QString::fromUtf8(envWorkDir);
else {
workingDirectory = QFileInfo(executable).absolutePath();
QString manifestPath;
if (commandLineParser.isSet(processManifest)) {
manifestPath = commandLineParser.value(processManifest);
else if (!envManifest.isEmpty()) {
manifestPath = QString::fromUtf8(envManifest);
if (!manifestPath.isEmpty()) {
QFile manifestFile(manifestPath);
if ( {
const QByteArray jsonData = manifestFile.readAll();
QJsonDocument jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonData);
QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonDocument.object();
if (jsonObject.contains("Executable")) {
const QJsonValue jsonExecutable = jsonObject.value("Executable");
if (!jsonExecutable.isString()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Executable is not a string in manifest, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
executable = jsonExecutable.toString();
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Executable is not defined in manifest, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (jsonObject.contains("AutoStart")) {
const QJsonValue jsonAutoStart = jsonObject.value("AutoStart");
if (!jsonAutoStart.isBool()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "AutoStart is not a bool in manifest, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
autoStart = jsonAutoStart.toBool();
if (jsonObject.contains("KeepAlive")) {
const QJsonValue jsonKeepAlive = jsonObject.value("KeepAlive");
if (!jsonKeepAlive.isBool()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "KeepAlive is not a bool in manifest, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
keepAlive = jsonKeepAlive.toBool();
if (jsonObject.contains("WorkingDirectory")) {
const QJsonValue jsonWorkingDirectory = jsonObject.value("WorkingDirectory");
if (!jsonWorkingDirectory.isString()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Working Directory is not a string in manifest, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
workingDirectory = jsonWorkingDirectory.toString();
if (jsonObject.contains("Arguments")) {
const QJsonValue jsonArguments = jsonObject.value("Arguments");
if (jsonArguments.isArray()) {
const QJsonArray jsonArray = jsonArguments.toArray();
for (auto it = jsonArray.constBegin(); it != jsonArray.constEnd(); it++) {
argumentList << it->toString();
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Arguments is not a array in manifest, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (!timeoutSet && jsonObject.contains("TerminationTimeout")) {
const QJsonValue jsonTimeout = jsonObject.value("TerminationTimeout");
if (!jsonTimeout.isDouble()) {
termTimeout = qRound(jsonTimeout.toDouble());
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Termination timeout is not a number in manifest, aborting!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
else if (commandLineParser.isSet(processArguments)) {
argumentList = parseStringArguments(commandLineParser.value(processArguments));
if (argumentList.empty()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Arguments can't be parsed properly!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
else if (!envArguments.isEmpty()) {
argumentList = parseStringArguments(QString::fromUtf8(envArguments));
if (argumentList.empty()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Arguments can't be parsed properly!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (commandLineParser.isSet(subprocessSocket)) {
socket = commandLineParser.value(subprocessSocket);
else if (!envSocket.isEmpty()) {
socket = QString::fromUtf8(envSocket);
else {
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QTextStream(stderr) << "You must define at least a local IPC socket!" << smsub_endl;
QTextStream(stderr) << "You must define at least a local Unix socket!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
if (commandLineParser.isSet(subprocessRemoteSocket)) {
rsocket = commandLineParser.value(subprocessRemoteSocket);
else if (!envRemoteSocket.isEmpty()) {
rsocket = QString::fromUtf8(envRemoteSocket);
if (commandLineParser.isSet(subprocessRemotePort)) {
bool ok;
const quint16 _rport = commandLineParser.value(subprocessRemotePort).toUShort(&ok);
if (ok) {
rport = _rport;
rportSet = true;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "WebSockets port is not valid in arguments!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
else if (!envRemotePort.isEmpty()) {
bool ok;
const quint16 _rport = envRemotePort.toUShort(&ok);
if (ok) {
rport = _rport;
rportSet = true;
else {
QTextStream(stderr) << "WebSockets port is not valid in arguments!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
SMSubServerSettings localSettings;
localSettings.isLocal = true;
SMSubServer subLocal(&localSettings, socket);
if (!subLocal.isListening()) {
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QTextStream(stderr) << "Failed to start local IPC socket!" << smsub_endl;
QTextStream(stderr) << "Failed to start local Unix socket!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
SMSubProcess subProcess(executable, argumentList, workingDirectory, termTimeout, buffReads, keepAlive);
SMSubServerSettings remoteSettings;
remoteSettings.canRegister = false;
remoteSettings.isLocal = false;
if (!rsocket.isEmpty()) {
SMSubServer *subRemote = new SMSubServer(&remoteSettings, rsocket);
if (!subRemote->isListening()) {
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QTextStream(stderr) << "Failed to start remote IPC socket!" << smsub_endl;
QTextStream(stderr) << "Failed to start remote Unix socket!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
localSettings.canRegister = true;
QObject::connect(&subLocal, &SMSubServer::tokenRegistered, subRemote, &SMSubServer::registerToken);
QObject::connect(&subProcess, &SMSubProcess::outputWritten, subRemote, &SMSubServer::writeOutput);
QObject::connect(&subProcess, &SMSubProcess::statusUpdated, subRemote, &SMSubServer::statusUpdated);
QObject::connect(subRemote, &SMSubServer::inputWritten, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::writeInput);
QObject::connect(subRemote, &SMSubServer::startRequested, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::startProcess);
QObject::connect(subRemote, &SMSubServer::stopRequested, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::stopProcess);
QObject::connect(subRemote, &SMSubServer::killRequested, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::killProcess);
else if (rportSet) {
SMSubServer *subRemote = new SMSubServer(&remoteSettings, QString(), rport);
if (!subRemote->isListening()) {
QTextStream(stderr) << "Failed to start remote WebSockets server!" << smsub_endl;
return 1;
localSettings.canRegister = true;
QObject::connect(&subLocal, &SMSubServer::tokenRegistered, subRemote, &SMSubServer::registerToken);
QObject::connect(&subProcess, &SMSubProcess::outputWritten, subRemote, &SMSubServer::writeOutput);
QObject::connect(&subProcess, &SMSubProcess::statusUpdated, subRemote, &SMSubServer::statusUpdated);
QObject::connect(subRemote, &SMSubServer::inputWritten, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::writeInput);
QObject::connect(subRemote, &SMSubServer::startRequested, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::startProcess);
QObject::connect(subRemote, &SMSubServer::stopRequested, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::stopProcess);
QObject::connect(subRemote, &SMSubServer::killRequested, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::killProcess);
else {
localSettings.canRegister = false;
QObject::connect(&subProcess, &SMSubProcess::outputWritten, &subLocal, &SMSubServer::writeOutput);
QObject::connect(&subProcess, &SMSubProcess::statusUpdated, &subLocal, &SMSubServer::statusUpdated);
QObject::connect(&subLocal, &SMSubServer::inputWritten, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::writeInput);
QObject::connect(&subLocal, &SMSubServer::startRequested, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::startProcess);
QObject::connect(&subLocal, &SMSubServer::stopRequested, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::stopProcess);
QObject::connect(&subLocal, &SMSubServer::killRequested, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::killProcess);
QObject::connect(&a, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, &subProcess, &SMSubProcess::aboutToQuit);
if (autoStart)
QTextStream(stderr) << QString("SMSub Version %1 initialized!").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationVersion()) << smsub_endl;
return a.exec();