
120 lines
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* smsub Server Manager Subprocess
* Copyright (C) 2020 Syping
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* This software is provided as-is, no warranties are given to you, we are not
* responsible for anything with use of the software, you are self responsible.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "SMSubServer.h"
#include "smsub.h"
SMSubServer::SMSubServer(const QString &socket)
setSocketOptions(QLocalServer::UserAccessOption | QLocalServer::GroupAccessOption);
void SMSubServer::incomingConnection(quintptr socketDescriptor)
QLocalSocket *socket = new QLocalSocket();
QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));
QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(deleteSocket()));
sockets << socket;
// Initial open writing
socket->write(QString("SMSub Version %1\n").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationVersion()).toUtf8());
void SMSubServer::readyRead()
// Manage client input
QLocalSocket *socket = (QLocalSocket*)sender();
while (socket->canReadLine()) {
const QByteArray readData = socket->readLine().trimmed();
if (readData.startsWith("+dbg")) {
socket->setProperty("ReceiveDbgMsg", true);
socket->write("Debug messages enabled!\n");
else if (readData.startsWith("-dbg")) {
socket->setProperty("ReceiveDbgMsg", false);
socket->write("Debug messages disabled!\n");
else if (readData.startsWith("+log")) {
socket->setProperty("ReceiveLog", true);
debugOutput(socket, "Log output enabled!");
else if (readData.startsWith("-log")) {
socket->setProperty("ReceiveLog", false);
debugOutput(socket, "Log output disabled!");
else if (readData.startsWith("kill")) {
emit killRequested();
debugOutput(socket, "Killing server!");
else if (readData.startsWith("stop")) {
emit stopRequested();
debugOutput(socket, "Stopping server!");
else if (readData.startsWith("wl")) {
const QByteArray writeData = readData.mid(3);
emit inputWritten(writeData + '\n');
debugOutput(socket, "Write line \"" + writeData + "\"!");
else if (readData.startsWith("w")) {
const QByteArray writeData = readData.mid(2);
emit inputWritten(writeData);
debugOutput(socket, "Write \"" + writeData + "\"!");
void SMSubServer::deleteSocket()
// Delete socket and remove from index
QLocalSocket *socket = (QLocalSocket*)sender();
void SMSubServer::debugOutput(QLocalSocket *socket, const QByteArray &message)
// Only send debug messages when the client opted-in
const QVariant variant = socket->property("ReceiveDbgMsg");
if (unlikely(variant.type() == QVariant::Bool)) {
bool receiveDbgMsg = variant.toBool();
if (likely(receiveDbgMsg)) {
socket->write(message + '\n');
void SMSubServer::writeOutput(const QByteArray &output)
// Read process output when client opted-in for log
QVector<QLocalSocket*>::const_iterator it = sockets.constBegin();
QVector<QLocalSocket*>::const_iterator end = sockets.constEnd();
while (it != end) {
const QVariant variant = (*it)->property("ReceiveLog");
if (unlikely(variant.type() == QVariant::Bool)) {
bool receiveLog = variant.toBool();
if (likely(receiveLog)) {